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Everything posted by heydude93

  1. Is it true that Cole isn't based on any character from the games? Does it at least feel like a justified creative choice, or does the movie center around him because of "we wanted to make a new character to function as a guide into the world of MK for viewers" reasons, as though a character in the lore couldn't have the same purpose?
  2. do you ever have regrets about choosing to internalize a bigoted perspective?
  3. I don't see a reason to compare DE with Naughty Dog's storytelling in TLOU since they have different approaches and different creative goals in mind. I just think they provide examples of solid execution of those goals in a way that's rarely seen in the medium. Agree with everything else (so far, at least. Still have plenty left to experience in my initial DE playthrough).
  4. Mortal Kombat (1995) First time seeing it since forever, maybe the 90's. Definitely wasn't expecting it to hold up so well. Humor is surprisingly low on cringe, high on fun. Long torso goro steals all his scenes, the liu kang vs reptile fight is still iconic, and all of the goofy and over the top bombastic stuff leads you to an ending that still feels surprisingly & genuinely emotional. What a disarmingly earnest and faithful adaptation of a 16-bit arcade fighting game that ends up being Enter the Dragon meets Star Wars. My only critique is with how basic the fight choreography is, and yet it's still fun to watch. ^_^
  5. Indeed, the increased sharpness/fidelity of the remasters (plus the added post-processing and various effects and tweaks) definitely make the visuals shine more than a straight port would. Even though the graphics in Turok 2 are simpler, the blood effects alone are hypnotically good. If only Team Ninja took inspiration from Nightdive. -_-
  6. Touchdown. This is the dialogue tree system we've been waiting for. Imagine wanting to go back to Cyberpunk, The Witcher and Mass Effect after this and feeling as immersed by the narrative and dialogue in those games So far, DE is up there with TLOU2 in proving how much of a disservice game writing has done the audience compared to the stuff we COULD be getting.
  7. When playing the Turok remasters I was taken aback by how easy on the eyes N64 graphics with higher fidelity look compared to the hyperdetailed, dictating-to-imagination visuals we're so accustomed to now. Remakes can often be a definite improvement (Gears Ultimate Edition, RE2make, Black Mesa) but not always, so I hope we get more remasters and ports like this.
  8. Mortal Kombat Reveals Real-Life Take on Scorpion's Chain Attack COMICBOOK.COM When the Mortal Kombat live-action reboot releases later this month, Scorpion will play an [...]
  9. hopefully it gets at LEAST thirty upvotes, so I'm not tempted to delete that work of brilliance to spitefully deny the world my genius!
  10. Delicious! Guess this confirms that characters and/or gear will indeed have unique traversal mechanics. ^_^
  11. ok so as someone who told a raunchy joke during a presentation at a liberal arts college ethics class and somehow landed it, I guess I feel qualified enough to lecture a bit here (assuming I'm not much dumber and bad at remembering things than I'm capable of realizing) First, it sounds almost like you're going through a phase similar to what I went through many years ago. You're becoming aware that dark humor is powerful, and those who are good at it might make you feel like your sense of humor isn't mature enough, maybe you feel pressured to be good at it for that reason or you just enjoy the guffaw it gives you when you hear it used by professional comics, etc. In any case, before telling any joke that could be dark/edge/etc, keep in mind that behind everything you do and say, every thought and action, is an emotion that's both expressed and received, and if you're unaware of precisely what it is (which is pretty normal - everybody struggles with having an objective understanding of themselves), moment to moment, and exactly how it will be received by those who you want to make laugh, and what political reality/atmosphere it will curate, it's might be best to refrain so that an older an wiser you will have more to be thankful of. A good edgy joke isn't just sarcastic faux insensitivity where the punchline is "just kidding, I'm not really that edgy lololo". It should be a math equation you're making someone to solve in real time that forces them to deduce how much of a jerk they are. It should be a cathartic defense mechanism for you and the sensitive and a weapon on the haters. It's rarely ever performative unless it's intentionally a performance (playing a terrible person), which means it's acting, which means you should probably know for a fact you're the most wholesome person in the room before trying the bit out. It should require emotional labor. Or if you're smart enough one day, maybe you can Stuart Lee-engineer some bonkers complicated mindpuzzle out of it. Point being, it's usually a style of humor that's earned through suffering and/or being uncommonly smart and sensitive and aware, and if you're unsure if you can meet these standards consistently, just realize (depending on who you're around) there might be consequences you don't like. Because it's not just about being sarcastic or clever, but having an insightful and constructive reason for doing so. All you're really doing is using lovelanguage and words to stir a positive emotion out of someone you feel is sensitive to it, or more awareness in someone who isn't. If you're at all unsure if you can bring it to a place that ISN'T dark, or awkward, but safe and welcoming every time for the audience harmed by the edginess, the risk involved is something to be aware of. Because ultimately that's the social utility here. Of course, this depends on who your roomates are. Were they quiet because you said something hurtful? Or heck, for all anyone knows, your roomates or anyone else you have/will share these jokes with might be jerks. Maybe they love hacky dark humor too. Maybe a lot more than you. If true, and if you're making them laugh, what does it say about what you're expressing? Lastly, knowing that dark humor isn't about being edgy but about helping curating a non-edgy environment for anyone harmed by edginess , do you have a style of humor that already does this? At the end of the day, edge humor is only one style of evoking feels/laughs, and make no mistake, there's already more than enough chucklefucks edgelords to go around. If you're already capable enough of using humor to curate an environment that isnt edgy, but compassionate and fun, do you even need an edgier style of humor to begin with?
  12. There are rumors of an upcoming Getaway title in the works, so there's that!
  13. Indeed, not to mention Primal, War of the Monsters, Mark of Kri, SOCOM and more. How none of these classic IPs have been/are being remade or rebooted yet seems pretty baffling at this point.
  14. Sony's in dire need of some multiplayer IPs, that much is for sure. Why they're remaking the worst Uncharted and a game that still looks perfectly fine and playable seems like an odd priority when IPs like Twisted Metal are collecting dust.
  15. Yeah, makes sense. I deleted that post out of worry that it might spark some console war heat over here too, but everyone here knows each other well enough and will probably be better than that (saying this as someone who's bitter about Kojipro possibly heading to xbox! ugh) but yea. Regardless of anyone's preferences, It's starting to look like Sony's repeatedly dumb business practices over the years might be coming full circle. It's going to be interesting to watch play out. Anyone without a next gen console might want to breathe a sigh of relief. With Ms buying out so many studios and Sony potentially alienating their own it seems less definite that current gen will be as lopsided towards Sony as it was last time.
  16. Hate to see it, but it seemed pretty clear from onset that Days Gone's days were always in question, especially with other Sony zombie apocalypse IPs like The Last of Us being so good at what it does. I genuinely can't remember ANY instance of remake requests for that series though, or Uncharted, so that's weird.
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