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Everything posted by SimpleG

  1. You seriously think Reeves performance didn’t hold up ? His physicality alone sold it . Not only did he do Superman well but he was able to do double duty as Clark Kent. Transformation from goofy Clark to Superman is fantastic
  2. In no particular order Battlefield 1 Tales From The Borderlands The Witcher 3 Skyrim The Wolf Among Us Prey Dishonored Series Dying Light GTAV Mark Of The Ninja FireWatch Life Is Strange Hotline Miami The Walking Dead S1 S2 My number 1 game Battlefield Bad Company 2 Somewhere around 2500 hours in MP
  3. https://bloody-disgusting.com/video-games/3597197/free-league-publishing-releases-new-alien-tabletop-rpg-game/
  4. If your on PC https://www.cdkeys.com/pc/games/resident-evil-2-biohazard-re2-pc-cd-key
  5. Immortal Bird- Thrives On Neglect Gatecreeper- Deserted Venom Prison- Samsara Full Of Hell- Weeping Choir
  6. I am hoping we arena combat a'la the Batman series . I want Jesus up against 30-40 Romans . Maybe the occasional loaves of bread as a power up and if you fail you get a static image of With a YOU LOSE Or a Streetfighter 2 style Continue?
  7. Predator 4k Best homoerotic man vs alien action slasher flick ever filmed Visual: The 4k is a huge upgrade from previous 1080p sources.Everything from clothes to jungle to rippling man parts just looks better Audio: Standard 5.1 DTS-HD nothing special its fine.
  8. The Irishman 3/5 Well acted and well shot but I found the rest rather boring. The de aging tech worked ok for them most part until you see them start moving around .
  9. Someone like @Spork3245 or @Reputator can answer this way better than I can but it doesn’t work that way. Dropping resolution does allow lower end cards to run games , often times you have drop effects like shadow quality , water quality and others.
  10. Tired of hearing about comedians bitch about PC culture as if it’s something new. What they are really upset with is how fast and far away they are ousted for saying dumb shit.Sorry Tim but it’s never been ok for you to use the n word.
  11. Gonna go against the grain and say it’s at the bottom for me. My order RE2 RECV RE3 RE1 RE4
  12. Anyone else receive an email regarding all the music they listened to this year? My most listened to album this year was actually a surprise to me. Venom Prison at 40 hours Big thanks to @2user1cup for turning me on to them.
  13. Because it was treated as more then just world building. No one watching that episode went Quirky! when Angela walked into that room . It was a collective “ da fuq ? “ moment for the audience and it’s obviously meant to be one. This bit is my only complaint about the show and as @Anathema- pointed out it could very well be addressed .
  14. My issues with this is that he purposely led the audience down this road to a twist for shock value and nothing else. In fact the entire setup is shockingly bad, Angela clearly believes its Will shes hooked up to when speaking to Lady Trieu ,Trieu could have given any reasonable explanation and we the audience would have been fine but she doesnt deny thats it Will or confirm it.The smartest MOFO on the planet in what is likely the most high tech facility in the world and shes stringing shit on the floor and down hall like its trailer park. The best part is no one is gonna talk about it afterwards Angela and Trieu just go on like its nothing . Everyone just gonna ignore the elephant in the room
  15. Lubemans real identity needs to stay a mystery. I want another Watchmen series in 20-30 years that focus's on Lubeman like this one did with Hooded Justice.
  16. It is but not because of what you listed Its a tiny part sure but console players will put up with some down right shit tastic running games Agreed They are on equal footing when it comes to this, lockpicking and stealth are both trashcan tier and artistic choice for the 2 is very different comparing the 2 seems like your grasping to make your point Both games quest lines and side quest are as passionless as it gets but FO4 has more interesting things to see, the world does a better job of feeling real and telling its own story. Disagree , they both are mediocre at best. If you find the combat interesting or inventory management interesting more power to ya This is why I find it a better game, its very easy to lose yourself in the world. I can play for days and not give a shit about the story or even move it forward and still have fun Or because its a return to form like FONV and similar games where stats actually move you in different path and not just a stat that allows to equip an item.
  17. @MeatAndPotatoes R2000DB Better neutral sound also if the 350's sub dies it just becomes a paper weight as there is no way to replace just it. The 2000 have enough bass anyway. Both are good and at a good price.
  18. This his story and he has said it concludes in 9 episodes and he will be done with it. https://heroichollywood.com/damon-lindelof-watchmen-hesitant/
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