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Everything posted by number305

  1. I think both systems will have games that look really good at launch. I don't follow ps as close, but hellblade and Halo I expect will look jaw dropping.
  2. It probably would have made more in a theater - but this is probably a smart move for Disney. A lot of their content for Disney+ is stuck in production. They may not have a lot of new stuff getting added this year, so having a big hitter like this on there will help keep their subscriber base up.
  3. He may just turn in his best acting performance since Paul Blart. We will just have to wait and see.
  4. That looks interesting, but it is going to be real hard to take James seriously. He has always played the exact same character in everything. To believe him as a Nazi tough guy is going to be hard.
  5. With the elevators cut out... ME1 is going to be a much shorter game!
  6. As an xbox homer - I have to agree with everyone else. That was just a really bad show. I'm pretty sure the problem was the game selection. The only games from that list that I will probably ever play will be Madden and AC. And as has already been said - nothing they were showing didn't look like what an xbox could already do. Gears 5 on a One X right now looks better than any game shown today (maybe with the exception of AC - but going off the footage shown my statement stands).
  7. I prefer the MS method. For one I think MS will show games that will be out in the first 6 months or so of the systems release. Sony tends to show games several years out to build hype.
  8. I get the social aspect of movie theaters. I also know that for a long time they were needed. With today's technology I just don't see much use for them. I have a feeling that kids in 50 years will be laughing at the fact we had to leave home to watch a movie. There will probably always be special gatherings to show some cinema, but I think the way we have been doing things is going to evolve pretty soon.
  9. I'm honestly not rooting against you. But you are talking about what the movie studios need to give up to the theater. It seems to me that theaters have less leverage now than ever. If anything I think the discussion will be dropping the 50/50 split to something more in favor of the studios.
  10. I kind of felt like world tour had no more story than what was in the trailer. The whole thing was just pop songs wall to wall with very little dialog in between. Great to entertain some adhd kids. Like eating a bowl of sugar for an adult.
  11. What the hell does 'female-centric' mean. I like Leslye Headland and having a female lead is cool. Expected actually. I just don't know beyond that what the label implies. Was the Mandalorian 'male centric'?
  12. I just finished the game about 5 minutes ago. Great game. I loved the combat compared to the first. There are a ton of buttons to remember to navigate - both bumpers and xyb change depending on what you have equipped. It can be slightly confusing at times. Some of the sequences were intense and took several tries to get through - but nothing ever seemed impossible. Also with the maps I never really was stuck for more than a few minutes on what I was supposed to do next. Very well done game. The way it ended not sure what they would do for a sequel. Maybe those two games are enough, but definitely want to see what the studio does next.
  13. I think this is all going to depend on sales. If there is a large percentage of sales of Lockhart systems no one will ignore it. But honestly until we have some sort of an idea of specs most of our discussion here is speculation. TF does not mean a lot. I still think that MS knows enough to position these machines so that it will be pretty easy for developers to scale games to work on either, with probably just changes to resolution.
  14. I think there have been enough rumors at this point that there is probably some truth to them. I just don't really believe that having a low cost option is going to effect games that much into the future. I think they will run at lower resolutions and probably have longer load times on that box - but I don't think they will be holding back development from pushing the envelope. I think the only way that happens is if the lower cost box ends up being the primary seller.
  15. Disappointing how? It is an inexpensive box for people that can't afford the expensive one. If you have the means then get the badass sex box. I don't buy the 'it's going to hold back games' argument anymore. PC's have supported wildly different specs for their entire existence and it is still generally accepted that you can play the best versions of games on PC. To be honest if you want the absolute best - go spend $2000 on a pc and play Halo Infinite on that this fall. The Lockhart won't be holding that back.
  16. Yeah, I think losing the office will hurt Netflix more than it will help peacock. I think most people watch the office out of boredom, but they aren't going to go pay for it on another service.
  17. For sure. We can get one if we plan ahead and have the means. That doesn't change the fact that it's expensive and rare. It will be interesting to see what shape the world is in this fall, and what people will be willing to pay.
  18. One more comment on this - I wish more games were announced like this. Hey here is a new game you knew nothing about, you can buy it in two weeks. Bam. Any more it is really hard to get excited about most new announcements. Games get trailers two years before release. It's ridiculous.
  19. Yeah. I'm expecting it to be short but I don't really see it being bad. There are a ton of new ideas in there. Seems this might be almost a test to see what works and what does not for an eventual xcom3.
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