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Everything posted by number305

  1. One last comment. China's numbers (75,000) are probably low. Either from lying or not having all the information on how many truly are infected. But this isn't bad news really. Deaths are much easier to track and harder to lie about. So if the number of infected is drastically higher that means we are greatly overestimating the fatality % of the disease. It probably is not as deadly as it looks right now and those percentages will probably fall as we get more accurate data from other countries.
  2. Healthy concern and keeping an eye on things are fine. Probably a good idea to have some extra water and food at your house just in case. But getting worked up to a panic and pushing bs numbers around does not help anyone.
  3. "let's say 50% of the US is infected" Wow. You should be a clickbait headline writer. Why stop there? What if 110% got infected? What would the death toll be then? China has 75,000 infected. They have a population of 1,386,000,000. Let me know when they hit 1%.
  4. Yes... the part of this story that does not get reported (because scare mongering sells) is that this virus is killing mostly elderly with existing conditions. .2% fatality rate up to 39. .4% up to age 50. 80+ year olds are 14.8%. So your best bet when this hits is to not be old.
  5. I can understand why 90% of that trailer was live action. Those look like last gen rock band characters.
  6. At what point were 'Jedi Knights' not like the Knights of the Round Table? They were always patterned after Arthurian knights. I guess this wasn't SHOWN so much outside of the prequel trilogy since they had mostly been wiped out.
  7. Kind of a fun 'small world' story: I took my family to Disney 3 years ago and my wife (who had lived for 5 years in Japan and plays Taiko drums) recognized one of the Taiko drummers at Epcot and talked to him after the show. They knew each other in japan and had played together.
  8. You should give us more of your thoughts about the show. Could you review S4 for us now?
  9. This is awesome. It means no re buying games. If someone does not upgrade right away they can buy the new Halo this fall to play on an existing Xbox... but if they do upgrade some day they will be able to play the Series X version of Halo with the same license. That is kind of an obvious feature - but it is new and game changing at the same time. Certainly did not happen last gen.
  10. So you are trolling me now? No one would care about looks in a Sinefield reunion, or an office reunion or most other shows. Friends was an unfunny show with little premise. All it had was - here is a collection of hot people - lets watch them date. So yea seeing them as old folks changes the game.
  11. I assume you have never seen the show? The characters getting older and getting married is what killed the show. It was about young attractive people and their dating adventures. Adventures of your 50's are a lot different.
  12. The women mostly look great still. The dudes from this show have aged horribly. The people who want a reunion probably aren't going to enjoy the reality of what they get.
  13. Apparently the screenplay is by Craign Mazin who wrote Chernobyl for HBO. So maybe. But the dialog from Chernobyl is a long way from what they will be going for in this. I have little hope for a video game movie directed by Eli Roth.
  14. https://variety.com/2020/film/news/borderlands-movie-eli-roth-lionsgate-1203509333/ I'm sure this will have a strong deadpool vibe.
  15. Very selective use cases = the menu's will be in 8k.
  16. I'm sure the footage we will see in 3 or 4 months will be amazing. E3 footage always is. As I have said before this is the smallest step up percentage wise in power that we have ever had in console generations. All the games at release will be playable on the previous gen. I would hold your expectations in check. Of course I am a day one buyer. Most of us on here probably are. But you have to be realistic in what you are getting. This isn't going to be life changing.
  17. I don't think it is a great idea to have people from all over the world congregating in one place, then having everyone travel back to their own country right now.
  18. This is laugh out loud funny. 50 years ago was 1970. People were writing computer programs by physically punching holes in cards. No one knows what computers will be like in 10 years. 50 years is not worth guessing about.
  19. That is one way to look at it... Another true way to look at it is: this is the smallest step forward ever for a new console release. You will see less of a difference from a PS4 game to a PS5 game than ever before in any console iteration. This coupled with the fact the the first year or two will be releases of the same games for both systems there seems to be very little reason to be an early adopter.
  20. It will be interesting to see if they can even get manufacturing geared up to release these two consoles before Christmas. Apple has already said they are having manufacturing issues related to Corona virus and I would expect things to get worse before they get better.
  21. The two things easiest and most likely to change are hard drives and memory. With the size of next gen games and the importance of fast load times I don't see how either side could go with 500 GB. It will be hard for someone to just plug in a USB HD to the system and get the same incredible load times - and the cost to add more space at that speed would be large (at least at the start of the gen)
  22. We should have a D1P list of the greatest movies of all time. Pinned to the top. Added to as needed. Would be handy when looking for something to watch.
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