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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. Yeah. PS++ might not be a great deal for users who have been in the ecosystem since the beginning, but it just saved me a shit ton of money.
  2. Finally got a PS5, so I downloaded FFVII Intergrade, Returnal, Demons Souls, and GoW Ragnarok. Gonna be a fun weekend.
  3. Splinter Cell has been announced though. So there's still hope. Not much hope... but... some. Skull & Bones needs to release already so it can die and they can write it off. Way too much time and money being spent on that project already.
  4. Trying to figure out what kind of financial gymnastics I can do to be able to afford a PS5 now that they're "available." The multiple times I was actually in the market to purchase one, I could never find it. So of course now that I'm short on cash, they're popping up left and right. I just hope it's a sign of them being more readily available from here on out so that I can take the time to save up the money.
  5. If L.A. Noire is the worst game you've ever played, you've had a pretty good gaming life. But you're asking me to dig through almost 40 years of gaming history, and I'm pretty sure there were some experiences I've mentally blocked from my memory.
  6. Because I have friends in Orlando and we visit them every year to go to Universal's Halloween Horror Nights.
  7. I hit up the parks in Orlando annually, so of course it would be in Hollywood. I will believe the 2025 FL date when I see it. I've been around those parks enough to know those dates are tentative at best.
  8. Maybe if Microsoft would fuckin' tell us something about.. I dunno... anything... rumors like this might not get started (assuming it is untrue.) Their complete and utter silence on everything they have going isn't going to do anything other than usher in rumor after rumor until they actually release something.
  9. The one thing that bugs me is the hypocrisy on Sony's part. It's one thing to do this stuff, but to do it while constantly complaining about it is just annoying. At some point Sony just needs to nut up and admit they play just as dirty. They all play dirty. That's the game.
  10. Is it a dungeon crawler? Hack n slash looter? I know nothing about this game.
  11. Can we get classic, suave, sexy Lara back? Functional, emo Lara is boring. Keep the daddy issues though. That's hot.
  12. On my TV, each HDMI input has its own set of settings. If I were to take my XSX off of HDMI3 and pop it into hdmi2 it might look like garbage because I haven't calibrated that input. Just as your XSX might be getting gimped by settings, your PS5 might have the saturation and contrast jacked thru the roof.
  13. The only... ONLY... reason I'd be down for it is because out of all of my consoles, the one thing that has always fucked up on me is the disc drive. My original Xbox and 360 drives never want to open, my Dreamcast drive crapped out, and my Xbox One X's drive crapped out. At least with this detachable garbage, if it fucks up it can be replaced. And it WILL fuck up (so it can be replaced.)
  14. I only played through the 10-hr trial. My problem wasn't with racing, that was quality (though Ghost games infatuated with rubber band mechanics). My experience on the X softened me a bit, though. I'm surprised with all the raves this game was getting, no one has mentioned the pop-in. There were areas where the road was literally popping in in front of me. You can see it in my video. Was there maybe a day one patch that fixed it, that I didn't get to experience? EA's perception of car culture still annoys me. There's no patch for that.
  15. Sony won't let me use the word "junkie" in my gamertag, so as not to offend all the crackheads.
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