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XxEvil AshxX

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Everything posted by XxEvil AshxX

  1. So I've played RE4 through many, many times..... But this is the first time in forever I've had to play with vanilla weapons. It requires effort! I want my fuggin' chicago typewriter already.
  2. Just put in about an hour or so... omg it's so good. I have to say... as someone who is a pretty big fan of ARPG dungeon hack n slash games, I don't think I've ever given a shit about the story in any of them. But damn I have to admit, this time it's got its hooks in. These cutscenes are damn good.
  3. Sigh.. okay so what I played was really cool. I waited in the queue for about 20 minutes (even though estimated was 55), watched the fucking cool intro scene, played for about five minutes then had to turn it off because something else came up. I'll try again tonight when the entire rest of the country is in the queue. Even though i'm 1000% sure I'll get this day one anyway.
  4. I've been offered $300 for the lot, but I declined. People pay a lot of money for useless shit they really want, all the time. Just look at how much money some dudes pay for used panties.
  5. Does this mean we get to stop hearing all of the inane BS coming from both sides? I mean, I hope not, cuz it's highly entertaining, but does it?
  6. It's on Kindle Unlimited, if anyone has that. Although I tried reading it on my kindle and holy is it tough. I need to just pick up a paperback of it already. And to those who were commenting about the toys. I've been a huge TMNT fan since I was a kid, and I...... still have all my TMNT toys. As in the originals. And the Turtle Van. And the Sewer playset. My brother keeps telling me I could a pretty good chunk of change for them on the internet, but man, I dunno. They are a big part of me, they went with me everywhere. In Toy Story 3 when Andy gave away Buzz and Woody I was bawling like a little bitch because I couldn't imagine doing that with my turtles. I don't even have kids to leave them to, so they'll have to be sold eventually, but I just don't know if I could get myself to do it.
  7. Finally get to dive into this game and experience it for myself. Goddamn it's been difficult avoiding shit on the internet. Especially since it leaked like, a week early and there were full playthroughs on Youtube three days before the game officially launched. While it was easy to avoid those, the youtubers I watch were not only launching into game footage sporadically, but they were doing late game footage on top of that. Really annoying. And before anyone says "it's a remake you already know what's going to happen," I played the first chapter last night and it's already pretty different from the original. The settings and general events are the same, but even in that first chapter they already expanded the village and threw in a new enemy in a spot that didn't have one, and that surprised me. I don't know about anyone else, but I would've been bummed if I saw that in a video somewhere.
  8. Our is getting pretty barren all around (but the one down the street next to the richies is pretty damn stuffed). It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Fewer customers so they start stocking less. Less stock is less reason to go there, so fewer customers. I'm honestly surprised they haven't closed it down yet.
  9. That's a great add for anyone that hasn't played it yet. It's weird because I'd usually jump on a game at that price point, but after beating the game the first time, I just have zero desire to ever play it again. I dunno why. I found the exploration kind of tedious. I think I would've enjoyed it more if it was a bit more linear, to be honest. I've played the Force Unleashed through multiple times because I didn't have to think.
  10. R.I.P. Nightdive. That's about as sure a thing as a three-legged mule in a horse race. Also, how the fuck can Atari afford to buy anyone? How can they afford to pay their rent?
  11. Also because it wasn't very good. It was alright, and I think it introduced Gold Rush Mode, which turned into Rush. But it was basically an experiment to see what they could do on consoles (even though they did Battlefield 2 Modern Combat, which was terrible). When they came out with Bad Company 2 everybody pretty much forgot the first one existed, because it improved on the first in pretty much every way.
  12. If I had to guess I would say it's probably the influx of PS5s in stock and it will be a short-lived bubble.
  13. I haven't shopped there in years but I miss the ritual. I miss browsing shelves not really knowing what you might find. Even the Best Buy in my area is getting anemic. I do wish they could find a niche. Maybe re-brand that shit. The GameStop name is so tarnished for so many people
  14. They don't want us to remember what a good Battlefield looks like.
  15. I mean, that's great and all, but I'd rather they start raising more awareness that Type 2 diabetes is reversible through diet alone and then people won't need insulin at all. Unfortunately, Type 1 is still a slave to the Big Pharma.
  16. For $100 I can buy my own songs and make my own damn mixtapes, and probably have about $50 left over. WTF is this lady peddling? I really hope that whole thing is just a bad joke. And she's already making $1200 a month. FML.
  17. I don't know what a Rotten Ronnie is but it sounds like something you get in a gas station bathroom at 3 am for $5 and a pack of smokes.
  18. I had a really hard time with him, but I do think it was because my Metal spec was really low. Once I leveled up a few times and put a few points into the Metal aspect, along with a weapon that didn't have frickin' Wood as its main element, it became a bit more manageable. But I fought the damn thing about 20 times while trying to figure it all out. If he's nothing compared to later bosses, I might be out. I've already decided to put the game down for a while; there are quite a few other games I would like to get through before this gaming avalanche really gets going. I spent a lot of time trying to get past that guy, and all I could think was those hours could've been spent on Hogwarts, or HiFi Rush, or Plague Tale, or any of the other 15 games that have come out in the past few months that I've been putting off. The game has an addicting gameplay loop, that's for sure, but I think I might be done with it for a while.
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