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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. We’re arguing around some pretty basic concepts in the stupidest way possible. Elon may be the worlds biggest chode, but he knows that the average dipshit isn’t going to understand the nuance of “state funded” versus “state controlled” and that’s the entire point. This isn’t a splitting of semantic hairs or even a good faith argument.
  2. “Immersive mode, for instance, disables portals and the map”
  3. Just watched it. The first half hour or so was really unsettling and unnerving, managing to get me right in the zone for being creeped out. As the movie goes on though it just loses it over time. You can’t keep someone on that razor’s edge of tension for 100 minutes if you’re going to sustain the same note that entire time. As time went on and more things happen it just becomes more monotonous until culminating in an ending that’s just… fine? It needed something else to add into the mix personally.
  4. There's only one I'm iffy on because I'm not sure which one specifically it was. I also didn't bother with full, specific titles because I'm sure I would mess them up.
  5. It seems like they routinely make between 250-300 million in revenue a year, so it doesn’t seem like the world’s worst investment. Keep the Angry Birds train rolling a bit and use their mobile knowhow to crank out a few Sega themed mobile games and you’re comfortably in the black.
  6. Great Deku Tree Heard Asking Child to Walk Into His Mouth HARD-DRIVE.NET The Great Deku Tree, the political and religious leader of the Kokiri, was recently caught on a microphone asking a young boy to walk into his open mouth.
  7. 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On! Bayonetta 3 Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (GBC) Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart Link’s Awakening (Switch) No More Heroes 3 ————————— Nier Replicant some decimal or another This is a kind of sort of finished it impression. I mostly remembered PS3 Nier as a weird cult game that some people loved and not much else. Nier Automata was such a favorite of mine that once it was rereleased and seemed more playable, I put it on my lift of things I would get to if I ever had a system to play it on. To start with the good parts, the main characters in Replicant are excellent and the voice acting for them is equally good. Incidental characters are hit or miss, but the main crew does a great job of providing weight and emotion, which is a good thing because a lot of the time they’re just standing there not animating to deliver their lines and the performances are doing all the work. The main story itself is interesting and keeps you invested throughout even if you know where the ending is going in advance, which I did. The soundtrack is more Keiicho Okabe so while it isn’t as bombastic or otherworldly as Automata by design for its story, it still adds tremendous depth to the experience. For the average stuff, like Automata the combat here is… fine. You’re given a wealth of weapons and spells, almost none of which are necessary to beat the enemies or bosses. Pick one you like the looks of and keep the two first spells you get equipped and you’ll breeze through the game without much effort. This is also, very clearly, a PS3 game with a new coat of paint, and one that clearly didn’t have a large budget to begin with. Outside of specific cutscenes, characters do not emote or even move their lips. They stand there gently doing their idle animation while dialog spits out. The game has maybe a dozen or so areas that you will have to visit repeatedly in order to beat it, and most of them are largely empty. The game doesn’t have fast travel for 3/4 of its run time, and after you get it the game disables it randomly for some vague story reason or another repeatedly. The worst part, and the part that’s causing me to potentially abandon it, is the multiple endings. Like Drakengard and Nier Automata, Replicant has multiple endings to see the entire story. Unlike Automata however, you’re replaying the back half of the game almost unchanged. There’s a few scenes of added context and a “novelization” of back story for your colleagues, so you’re basically just reading text for ten minutes or so. This added context is fine, but if you put aside the reading part you’re getting maybe 20 minutes of new information over five to six hours of game. That would be bad enough on its own, but you have to do that THREE TIMES in order to get the “true” ending, but wait, it gets worse! The new content of Replicant only begins with a new additional ending so after replaying the back half of the game four times you start replaying the game again from the very start! The combat encounters do not change for any of these so you will be going through the same dungeons cutting through everything like a hot knife through butter. One dungeon you have to go through twice in the back half alone to beat the story, so you will have gone through this place ten times before you even hit the “new” content. All of this replaying would be easier to swallow if you were getting a decent amount of new context each time, but you aren’t, or if it streamlined some of the cruft, which it doesn’t. Some of the mandatory storyline quests involve nothing but running all over the world to talk to one person once only to run back, and then do a dungeon with no combat but slow exploration that you cannot in any way speed up despite this being your third or fourth time through. It is tedium on top of tedium and who knows, maybe somehow it all ties together in a truly satisfying way but right now it’s just grinding on me. I’ve gotten two out of five endings and I might throw in the towel and watch the rest on YouTube or just put it away until it’s no so painfully familiar to me anymore.
  8. So what you’re saying is that my tickets at your theater are pre-paid by other patrons? BRB booking a flight to Texas.
  9. Aren’t you supposed to call a doctor if it lasts for more than four hours?
  10. Have you recently had a cold or something similar? I ended up with excess fluid in my inner ear once after a cold and I was prescribed some anti-histamines to dry me out and it did the trick.
  11. I swear to god, what is with white people’s obsession with one of its least impressive morons? I genuinely blame years of bullshit pulp series’s propping the third reich and Hitler up as this neigh unstoppable force for where we are today.
  12. Sure, but I think there’s a difference between someone who is arguably a genuine New York resident who travels a lot and someone who is the president and occasionally returns to their “home” state. It’s going to be a weird thing to define no matter how you cut it. All I’m saying is that anyone firmly planting their feet in one camp isn’t appreciating the complexity. I have no doubt Bragg and co. have their arguments lined up and are decently confident, but that’s not the same thing as having pure math on your side.
  13. I haven’t read up on the case law obviously, and I also don’t have a calendar of Trump’s whereabouts from 2017 until now, but I feel like there’s a fair argument to be made in either direction depending on what the schedule looks like. “Continuous” is a loaded legal term, but like most residency requirements it doesn’t operate as strictly as you left for one day and the clock stops for that twenty four hours, and it’s also not so loose that merely claiming residency and setting one foot in the state for one day each year counts either. Where Trump’s time out of state falls between these two extremes, reasonable minds may differ, and no case law is going to provide you with a mathematically perfect formula to figure it out. Case law in this case is going to be especially squishy because you have to throw in two huge wrinkles which there’s going to be very little to guide anyone on. First you have the problem of whether or not it’s even possible to indict a current president and what impact if any that has on statutes of limitations, and there’s also the issue of several orders tolling the statute of limitations for basically everything in New York State due to COVID lockdowns. The first of these is a legal curiosity, the second of these has the potential to be a massive legal headache for the entire state. My limited reading shows that for some instances at least, the New York appellate court has upheld the tolling of statutes of limitations to be valid, so if they suddenly decide they aren’t any more, that sets them up for a whole slew of cases being tossed and redone. They could try to make a very specific order that, for some reason or another, this specific case isn’t effected by those tolls, but that would likely be a cop out.
  14. At least Disney can have a brown cast and people won’t be upset right? Right?
  15. Uzumaki feels impossible to do outside of a manga. Too much of it is already riding the razor’s edge of being goofy as shit, and without Ito’s precise style to pull it off, I just don’t see it happening.
  16. I don’t doubt Desantis is smarter than Trump, and I don’t doubt that he isn’t a complete dipshit. The problem with running on a Republican platform that needs national support is that winning requires you to cater to the lunatics and you can’t just outright say that. Do I think this Disney loss comes as a surprise or even a genuine defeat for him? Not really. I imagine he always knew it was a fight he would lose and didn’t really care about the outcome either way. His name got in headlines more for taking it to Disney than it ever will for this weird, legal loophole defeat and that’s what he cares about. I could be totally wrong, but I feel like fully half of the conservative power structure does not give a flying fuck about most of the culture war crap, and only goes along with it because they have to in order to win.
  17. Monev and Minre being dead is a big one, Meryl and Wolfwood not remembering Vash is big too. Then you have other minor quibbles like the Nebraska family, the steamer assault already happening, and Home being a totally different place. Vash would basically need a newer, shittier mechanical arm to be built by some of the same people but who will act totally differently. The Beast just being a person with a whistle on his ear doesn’t track anymore. A huge difference would be that Vash and Knives walked the planet together until young adulthood instead of separating immediately and how July got destroyed is totally different. How Vash got his silver gun would be impossible in Stampede. Also it would be really weird for Vash to fake amnesia AGAIN and pretend to be Erika’s after it already happened once, and that’s assuming his amnesia at the end of Stampede is legit and not self imposed.
  18. Well we know to some extent because we see Livio is still a child while Wolfwood is an adult.
  19. Yeah the choice to make Wolfwood an artificially aged child is… weird.
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