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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. I’ll stick to my microchip free parm that comes in a plastic cup thank you very much.
  2. I don’t mean the art style, that looks fine. I mean it looks really stiff and jerky.
  3. I’ve probably been spoiled by watching some really gorgeous animation lately but uh…. That kind of looks like shit.
  4. Company of heroes. Something about it’s brand of RTS gameplay just did not appeal to me in the slightest.
  5. I have less than zero hope that he goes to jail and stays in jail but if he does?
  6. Look, I get them I’m fully stupid but every picture of these things shows them in waist deep water at best. How does this stop anyone at all? Maybe the most unprepared people with nothing available, but it seems like a decently thick blanket and you’re getting over that thing no problem.
  7. How cold is this boot and how well does it conduct electricity…?
  8. This is sad and unfortunate, and I agree with fuck cancer BUT… RIP Wee was right there.
  9. There was a while during the beginning of Covid where I would just binge movie series that I had only seen one of if all of them were streaming. I watched all the Robocop, Jaws, Alien, and Predator movies. Boy there is some trash in there. I tried to watch all the Godzilla movies, but having to read the subtitles meant I had to dedicate too much attention to them.
  10. My point is you said the probes could be traveling for millions or billions of years. We’re not bright enough to make something like this, and even we know that we’re not going to be around as a species in a few billion years. Sending something out into the cosmos to map things and return after your civilization is dust is meaningless. Hell, even in the extremely unlikely case that an alien race managed to live that long, it would be pointless. Think about how much language has changed in 600 years between The Canterbury Tales and now and how it’s barely parseable in its original form. Now multiply that different by a million. If a probe sent millions of years ago comes back, it’s either coming back to nothing or something that can’t even begin to understand it. They’d probably assume someone else sent it and not themselves.
  11. Shitposters shitpost for the sake of getting a reaction. No one shitposts to the void.
  12. I get to a certain extent trying to deduce the intentions of anything non-human is a fools errand but… to what end? Why would you build an intelligent probe with AI sophisticated enough to enter unknown atmospheres AND actively avoid observation that could literally never once be useful to you or your species? What’s it doing? Collecting data for ghosts that it can never return? If anything, sending a probe out into the cosmos forever with full knowledge you will NEVER benefit from it seems like the kind of thing you would want to be noticed because the only other possible reason to do it is to leave something behind as a marker of yourself and your species.
  13. I’m not being dismissive of other people’s opinions over minor semantics, I just think that UFO beliefs require the same scattershot mentality as most other conspiracy beliefs. If you amass a bunch of data points, and assume all of them are of merit, then you believe you have a mountain of evidence, but once you consider the information as a whole, the entire thing falls apart. That’s why, generally speaking, the number of UFO sightings is more or less meaningless, and conversely makes them even less likely to aliens. You want to tell me an unbelievably improbable thing has happened once, and I’ll go along with it, but dozens to hundreds of times? No. If you meet a person for the very first time and they tell you than they got struck by lightning and survived, you’ll probably just assume it’s true. A small number of people get hit by lightning and some percent of those people live, so why not. The same person says that they’ve been struck by lightning twice, and maybe you start to have doubts. The same person says they’ve been struck by lightning once a month since junior high, and you’re going to assume it’s nonsense until you get some damn good proof otherwise. The odds of any life or technology from another planet getting to earth are unbelievably bad. Worse odds that you can conceive of. Numbers don’t exist that an average person can even conceive of. It would be like pickpocketing 52 total strangers and getting a single playing card from each of them that gets you an entire deck of cards in perfect new deck order, and they’re all from the exact same deck somehow, but somehow less probable than that. I could maybe entertain briefly the idea that at one point in the billions of years of history of the earth that something sent intentionally from another distant planet came close or even touched the surface, but the idea that it’s happening dozens of times since I was born? Not a chance in hell.
  14. Anyone who believes there are real honest to god UFOs and the government has them should have seriously reconsidered that opinion after Trump took office and left with the least impressive shitty documents known to man. If there was alien shit in government hands, it would be next to a toilet in Florida. Don’t get your hopes up.
  15. This shit is stupid as hell. The Titanic wasn’t even fully insured, it was insured for LESS than the Olympic, and sinking the thing at sea opens you to liability from anyone who dies as a result. If you wanted to commit insurance fraud, just set a suspicious fire while docked.
  16. I love self contradictory conspiracy theories. Yes, COVID was engineered in a lab by the Chinese to… spare the Jews?
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