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Everything posted by Kamusha

  1. As a middle school teacher I have received tourniquet training already but due to our state's new "Parental Rights" law I'm unable to give students even a simple Band-Aid unless their parents have been notified ahead of time. Go figure.
  2. I enjoyed this one well enough. As far as trilogy cappers go this one is more in the vein of Return of the Jedi. It does make some weird choices in the middle that I appreciate but overall the conclusion felt intentionally safe.
  3. As far as post-Toy Story 4 Pixar goes Lightyear was easily the worse of that bunch. Luca and Onward were pretty decent and had their moments, but of those two I think I prefer Luca for it's visuals and Miyazaki influence. Both are enjoyable enough that I wouldn't write them off if you're a Pixar fan. But Turning Red was straight-up excellent. Felt like a breath of fresh air for a studio that has fallen into something of a stylistic rut.
  4. I know directors generally have no say in the marketing for a movie of this size but centering the advertising around a countdown clock is so utterly tacky that I'm actively hoping it fails.
  5. I got really into this for a couple of months but fell off. It is very streamlined and addicting.
  6. Politics are really depressing right now for any sane Floridian. If you think it's bad having to read about it imagine actually living here. This dancing incident is infuriating that fed-up Floridians and every one of them should lose their jobs. This is dire and reacting to it by dancing is a message that they aren't taking any of this seriously.
  7. Not exactly but I'm in a better place than I was a year or two ago and hopefully will continue to gradually improve.
  8. The worst jazz I've heard live was still halfway decent. I've yet to experience some mind-blowing live jazz but I am down.
  9. The Beavis and Butthead revival has been mostly pretty good and I think there's more potentially interesting things to do with bringing King of the Hill back so consider me intrigued.
  10. My "home theater" could not even close to doing this movie justice but if I ever run across someone with a nice wall projector I may just settle on that.
  11. I tried listening to Weird Al's "Jerry Springer" song in tribute but wow has that song not aged well.
  12. I was reasonably skeptical of this movie from the get go because it's Illumination but have been pleasantly surprised by how bring and colorful the animation is. Nintendo's creative involvement is certainly felt. This movie looks exactly how a Mario movie should look. I wanna see it in theaters but will wait till the kiddie audience wans. As for the movie itself, "perfectly fine" and "just okay" are on the high end of what I expect from an Illumination joint. If it's just an okay movie with gorgeous visuals and plenty of fun easter eggs then I consider it a best case scenario for Illumination's Mario movie.
  13. Nate was never my favorite character but was fine with him "going bad" if it meant him finding confidence in himself and finally evolving as a person. Sure it's cheesy as hell but so is this whole damn show so might as well have some fun with it. Hell, even give him an eyepatch. I was all on board for evil Nate. But the producers are more interested in keeping him the same stupid character as before but in different situations. Are you telling me that he's the coach of a major soccer team and he still bumbles himself through every single interaction? I normally don't get secondhand embarrassment because I'm too cool to let that shit affect me but Nate introduces a new, untold level of cringe. During his scene I can't even barely look at the screen it is so hard to watch. The best episode by default was the Amsterdam ep because he was in it for like half a second.
  14. This will likely be the last MCU movie that I see in theaters. Quantumania really soured me on Marvel as a whole but I wanna see the Guardians through for what is sure to be the last movie for many of these characters. Maybe the low projection is a sign that the enthusiasm and good faith for every new Marvel thing is starting to wan. I thought this being a James Gunn Guardians movie would bring more interest but it seems like the brand has really been tarnished by Phase IV and Quantumania.
  15. Everyone is writing about the new abilities and areas to explore, but what about the new outfits?! Nobody is going in-depth on the most important aspect!
  16. Not regularly, but sometimes. I played the fuck out of the first game back in the day - there was truly nothing else like it. These days I feel like I get most of my "life sim" fix from games like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley.
  17. It's one of the few classics I've never got around to watching because it has the reputation of being a movie you have to see on the big screen. I'm sure it still works at home but the scale wouldn't have the same impact.
  18. You can tell a lot about a person based on how flippant they react to someone's rights being taken away.
  19. Not to mention I work at a low income school on what is know as the most dangerous road in Jacksonville. I can’t even get pizza delivered for my students yet I commute there every damn day.
  20. Yeah as a queer leftist in the south I have no faith in the government to protect me at this point. I’m not even a gun person, they make me uncomfortable, but circumstances have forced me to accept them as a necessary evil.
  21. The genocide is already happening. Genocide is a multi step process with the goal of erasing a group of people or a culture. It is not an event. The steps don’t have to happen in order, but typically it’s all builds upon each other until it leads to extermination in the worse of cases. Holocaust Memorial Day Trust | The ten stages of genocide WWW.HMD.ORG.UK Genocide never just happens. There is always a set of circumstances which occur or which are created to build the climate in which genocide can... If you can see the parallels we are already multiple steps in. But don’t just take my word for it. Even international organizations that dedicated themselves to studying and preventing genocide have warned about what is happening to trans people in America. Statement on the Genocidal Nature of the Gender Critical Movement’s Ideology and Practice WWW.LEMKININSTITUTE.COM November 29, 2022 The Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention voices its concern over the growing number of laws introduced in the United States that target...
  22. DeSantis' tough words may come back to haunt him in Disney lawsuit, experts say WWW.REUTERS.COM Now that the year-long war of words between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the Walt Disney Co has landed in the courts, the Republican leader might find his... Here’s an article basically saying what I already posted, but giving examples of DeSantis attacking Disney and citing legal experts. I’m certainly not qualified to speak but the more I read about this the more clear cut it seems, and it seemed pretty goddamned clear cut before. DeSantis really didn’t think this through.
  23. I was away from this board for nearly a year. I apologize for assuming what you meant, I’m just unfortunately used to arguing with those who don’t understand it. Water under the bridge tho. Like others have said this is just a distraction, and legislation that has passed will just be more intrusive to the cis women in sports they claim to protect by subjecting them to weird inspections of their body and genetics.
  24. I can’t argue for everyone who Is against the death penalty, but I know for me it’s more about the imperfections of our justice system and whether the state should have the right to take a right. That’s why support for this way is a good way to discern between actual libertarians and conservatives dressing in libertarian drag. As for whether which form of punishment is more humane, do you think supporters of capital punishment do so because they believe it to be more humane to kill someone than to sentence them to death? C’mon, man. And as an aside we should consider how popular the death is amongst “pro-life” evangelicals. They truly believe that killing someone they believe is guilty will send them to hell quicker for all of eternity, a fate they consider to be much worse than a life sentence. They believe they are fated for he’ll eventually - they just want to use the state to speed up the process. But keep in mind these evangelicals supposedly follow the teachings of a man who preached a message of salvation and redemption.
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