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Everything posted by Kamusha

  1. I would assume based on the titles that they are pulling shows that didn't perform particularly well so they are trying their best to make an extra buck out of them at least.
  2. Watched today's episode and wow do I love this show. It's a show that doesn't reveal all it's cards for the longest time but the more that's revealed the more the show's thematics become apparent. The present days scenes are important because this isn't just a survival show, but about the lingering aftermath that such an intense situation would cause for the survivors. This is why the present day stuff is interesting to me. I love gradually learning just how fucked up these characters have become. It's quite obvious by now that there is at least some sort of supernatural element involved, but I love that's it's up to the viewer to what extent. It's clearly Twin Peaks inspired and I hope it has learned one that show's strongest lessons by keeping the supernatural stuff as mysterious as they can. Over explaining this would tip the show.
  3. Something feels missing ever since Paul Walker died. He truly was the glue that held together the family. There is virtually no comradery and familial vibe anymore, except maybe between Luda and Tyreese. Even though I enjoyed Fate more than most they really should have wrapped it up with 7. Maybe I'm feeling the loss of Chris Morgan because I did not like F9 at all.
  4. I don't believe for a second that Wheatley is going to phone this is but I have the suspicion that he'll be approaching this more as a job rather than a pure vision of artistic expression. Which is totally fine. For a director like him you make these type of blockbusters because it'll make it easier for him to fund his smaller passion films. I'm sure he'll still do his best to make the best possible version of a big dumb blockbuster.
  5. I have to say that this trailer plays in front of movie I see now and it holds up well on multiple viewings, especially on the big screen. Reluctantly I am hyped.
  6. Did really nobody see this? This movie fucking slaps so hard. It's more in line with the funhouse tone of Evil Dead 2 than anything else, though with a little less Looney Tunes energy. It's equal parts campy, creepy, and fun. I had a blast seeing this with an audience that was laughing and screaming along with me. Don't sleep on this!!
  7. She, Buck White, and Blair White are the Candace Owens of trans people. If you're part of a minority group that is actively being opressed by Republicans it is so easy to make a buck telling right wingers what they want to hear. It's sad really. They can suck up to conservatives all they want but they'll still get sent to the camps with everyone else if Republicans had their way.
  8. What's crazy about the mayor race here is that Republicans had a +3.2 or something in turnout but it the Democrat still won by a few points. The election was decided by independents, who didn't seem to truly turn on DeSantis until this year. The 6 week abortion bill really woke a lot of people up, and the Disney news only escalating makes him look so bad. The mayoral election was also a reaction to the last Republican mayor who was involved in a huge scandal as he tried to sell our local power company. But the DeSantis backlash is certainly a huge factor.
  9. Should someone create a Gofundme or would it be better to just post my Venmo? I've never done this before so I don't know what's the option.
  10. I’m so touched by this suggestion that I don’t know what to say. Things have been so tough here and I’m used to only relying on myself these days - so this community’s love and support has meant a lot to me. I’ve always had trouble asking for help, even when I really need it, but at this point any bit of support will be appreciated and a life saver. It’s moving to know that y’all care, truly.
  11. People absolutely should be exposed to different viewpoints and arguments, but there are so much better ways to do this than giving an exclusive town hall event to a proven charlatan and sociopathic liar.
  12. Roy totally likes his ass eaten and waxes because he's a considerate lover.
  13. The argument was that this is normal and that Doug Williams likely took it in stride. But a quick google search will show that he did not in fact take it in stride, and still seems hurt about it 20 years later. Seems to invalidate the argument that this is normal and happens all the time in the comedy world, whether black or white.
  14. The way you talk to me makes me sad. I'm worried about losing my job as a trans teacher and constantly feel like nobody respects me or values anything I have to offer. If you feel good about yourself then continue to do so but I currently I feel so unappreciated in every area of life and it really gets to me sometimes.
  15. It's not about being sensitive. I'm not even saying Foxx's jokes themself crossed the line, simply that he was breaking roast etiquette. I won't defend Doug Williams' jokes. His joke about Monique was very cringey. But the time to fire back at Williams was after his set was over. It's hard to talk about comedy with non-comedians because they assume if I have a problem with an "offensive" joke it's because I'm too sensitive. I'm a middle school teacher at a school with only 20 white people in it including me. I won't pretend to have the same perspective as a person of color but I'm not exactly a stranger to the type of roasting that happen in communities. I receive that type of roasting from my kids on the daily so if I was truly sensitive to it I would have quit months ago.
  16. Dude you already claimed the guy took it in stride and I posted an interview showing he clearly didn't. You simply don't know how to take an L. You talk down to me so much I doubt you even realize when you're doing it.
  17. It's not about white vs black culture. It's not even about whether he was too brutal. I'm actually a big fan of 90's Def Jam It's about not understanding important distinctions such as: - There's a huge difference between roasting someone after their set is over and interrupting someone while they are bombing. The later is considered heckling, and is a huge no-no in comedy. - There's a major difference between punching up and punching down. Roasting Kevin Hart for bombing is so much different than Jamie Foxx heckling a low level comedian who's bombing. It's really hard to have conversations about comedy with people who don't understand these two distinctions.
  18. You can't even properly respond when called out for mansplaining comedy, something I'm used to receiving a lot as a female comedian.
  19. I don't need my comedian friends I am a comedian. But somehow I don't know what I'm talking about because fans of comedy tend to overestimate how much they know.
  20. I'm sorry but I'm the only comedian in this thread and if you want to continue making wrong assumption and mansplaining comedy then go right ahead. But you simply lack the context and understanding to continue talking down to me. I don't know why you get off on this. So you are close to one touring comedian so that makes you an expert? I am friends with plenty of touring comics. Does her opinion mean more than other comics who disagree. I don't pretend to know more about editing than you so don't know why you get feel like as a comedy fan you somehow know more than me.
  21. A couple of important differences there. I would assume that host waited until Kevin Hart's set was done before he roasted him for bombing. Second, Kevin Hart is a high profile comedian so everyone was roasting him because a comedian bombing as accomplished as him is funny. And it's punching up. Jamie Foxx tearing apart a relatively unknown comic is punching down which tends to not be as funny for a lot of people.
  22. Yes we know how roasts work, but you have to wait your turn to get your roasts in. Hosts normally have their mics turned off during someone else's set but for some reason Jamie specifically requested to have his kept on. And ball busting is common in the comedy world but doing it in front of a televised audience is another thing. You claim that this is nothing but the fact that comedians still talk about this to this day shows that none of this was usual. And no, he absolutely did not take it in stride. He was pretty much an unknown and this really hurt his career for a while. He says he's cool his Jamie now but whenever he talks about the incident you can tell he's still not over it. Again, this was not a normal incident like you are treating it as. I have talked about this comedian and non comedian friends about this and non-comedians are less likely to understand why Jamie Foxx crossed a line. Fans of comedy tend to just assume anything goes in comedy but this is simply not true. There are spoken and unspoken guidelines to work within.
  23. Whether it should happen or not is its own debate but deplatforming absolutely does work. When's the last time you heard about Milo Yiannopoulos?
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