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Everything posted by Kamusha

  1. I’m glad you do but nothing in your post indicated that you did. Plenty of people don’t seem to realize that so it wasn’t out of bounds to assume you didn’t considering you were focusing on the affects of testosterone without once mentioning the affects of HRT.
  2. I would never bet against Disney when it comes to legal matters. They are notoriously litigious and have some of the best lawyers around. There is a reason why this was announced on the same day that DeSantis’s board reversed a decision made by the board of Disney. This lawsuit was locked and loaded in the chamber for months and months - they were just biding their time and waiting for the DeSantis appointed board to make a decision that would negatively affect their business. You can’t sue for damages until damages have occurred. And because Disney has patiently been waiting for this day to come, they only have more material than ever before to build their case. Ronda Santis hasn’t been able to shut up about Disney, even declaring that he will use his control over Disney’s land to control the content that they produce. Yet had nothing negative to say about them prior to them speaking out against Don’t Say Gay. If Disney is announcing the lawsuit now it’s because they know they have a case they can win.
  3. HRT does weaken strength in trans women considerably after 36 months of use, but still may be above levels of the average cis woman. But based on how even many well-meaning people discuss this issue you would think that trans women have the same strength advantages as cis men and that is simply not true. But to repeat what others said this is simply a distraction meant to persuade more moderates to side with the transphobes pushing for discrimination against the community as a whole, and not just trans athletes.
  4. Okay shit like this is why I took a break from this board in the first place. It looks like it’s time to take another lengthy break to focus on my mental health again. Have a good life D1P. I may or may not return. Gonna find a community that doesn’t call me a bully for calling out transphobia. Life it too short to deal with communities where it’s acceptable to openly be a TERF and call a marginalized person a bully for expressing dissatisfaction about said user.
  5. Walk a mile in our high heels and you may have a bit more understanding and empathy for how we handle a hostile world where many want to see us dead. Some things to reflect on: We are four more times more likely to be murdered than cis people. The two leading causes of death for trans women are suicide and homicide. Being born into a body that never feels like your own is traumatizing. Growing up in a community that refuses to take your experiences at your own and even judges you for them is also traumatizing. Every trans person is dealing with their own form of PTSD which can be triggered sometimes in ways that don’t make sense or feel rational to cis people who don’t share that same trauma. While I agree with the rest of your post I do take issue with you taking time to put some of the blame on a demographic that is constantly being demonized and dehumanized. We have conservatives literally calling for our “eradication”. It’s hard to always act rational when the world is constantly triggering you into flight-or-fight.
  6. Yeah Twilight is still fondly regarded by certain groups from a certain generation. It’s just hasn’t seemed to pull in newer generations in the way Harry Potter had. Again, I’ve been in education for over six year and I’m always hearing about Pokémon. It’s actually surprising how much stuff from my childhood is popular with middle schoolers now. 90’s nostalgia is very much in. My kids love Rugrats and Dragonball.
  7. I had fun with Godzilla vs Kong, so I'm sure I'll see this one in theaters just like I have with the other recent Godzilla and Kong movies. A major difference between this new "monsterverse" compared to the MCU is that once you've introduced the big team-up movie you can't really go back. Now that fans are used to having these two iconic characters together anything lesser will seem less exciting to them. This was a concern some movie critics had after the bonafide success of the the first Avengers film but solo films have still done well since then. Legendary seems to have the same concerns and don't seem to want to take their chances in going back to solo films, at least not for now.
  8. That is how fascism works. It starts with smaller bills and keeps increasing them in severity to appease their base. So with trans laws it began with bathroom bans, and today we are debating child separation and bans on public displays of LGBT flags. It generally start with bills aimed at protecting children, because that is an easier pill for the public to swallow because most people want to protect children, but once they can convince the public that a group of people are a threat to children then it's easier to convince them that they are a threat to the public at large so the bills only increase. It's very much a boiling pot scenario. If republicans were 8 years ago were talking about removing trans kids from parents it would cause a much larger outcry than it is today. Because now this is becoming the new normal. And given historical context, they will not stop with trans people. Trans people are an easy target because because they make up a smaller part of the population and it's still a newer concept for older generations to wrap their minds around. But eventually they will expand their list of scapegoats to include other vulnerable groups because fascism has always be expanding. It's already happening. 8 years ago it was mainly trans people and now bills are limiting the rights of gays and bisexuals. This expansion of scapegoating is expressed well in the "First they came for the Jews" poem and we're watching the very same thing happen before our very eyes in this country.
  9. This series has had diminishing returns after Paul Walker's death. In retrospect he really was the glue holding together this weird "family" unit and in his absence it has never felt the same. I enjoyed 8 well enough but I kinda hated 9, and on paper I should have nothing but loved it because they went to fucking space. I listen to Devin Faraci's podcast (remember him?), and he revealed a scoop that The Rock will be in the post-credits stinger for X and is slated to return for 11. According to his scoop he asked to return because his past few movies haven't done that well, especially Black Adam, and he's looking for another big movie. Regardless of your thoughts on Devin Faraci as a person, he still is in touch with several reliable sources his scoops generally pan out. He was the first to break the rumor that Superman was in the post-credit stinger for Black Adam, as a recent example.
  10. I love blowing conservatives minds when I tell them that only 0.5% percent of the population are trans. I think I read a poll where conservatives believe it's something like 20% because of how much it's being discussed in the media. Right wing media and politicians are freaking out over such a small part of of the population - I doubt many of these conservatives even know a trans person.
  11. I've had to leave a few restaurants I enjoyed working at because I was moving, if that counts. My previous job was for a private tutoring company and I enjoyed it a lot for the first couple of years, even though I got the sense I was never going to advance which was upsetting. But still I stayed because I loved the kids. But things really soured between my employer and me in the last few months and they began severely cutting my hours. So while I was not happy with the job by the time I had left, it was a job that provided me with many pleasant memories and leaving was a bittersweet experience. But ultimately I knew it was my time to move on. Currently I'm a teacher and love what I do. I plan to switch careers for several reasons including the pay, but I know it will be a sad day for me once I choose to quit.
  12. I've been wisely staying off Twitter and taken a step back from the news so when I first heard mention of this ad last week hadn't realized how much of a firestorm it has caused on the right for the past few weeks. So ridiculous and sad really.
  13. I don't think anyone here is against the idea of remakes, it's more about remakes happening so soon after to movies that are still in the public consciousness. It's important to note that the De Palma's Scarface came out 51 years after the original. That is much different than a franchise being rebooted 11 years after the last film was released. With that said, even though Twilight is still remembered and loved by many Millennials and older Gen-Zers, it seems like younger Gen-Z kids and Gen-Alpha isn't very aware of it at all. I teach middle school and mention Twilight the other day and hardly any of them seemed to really know what it is. I'm sure this reboot will be aimed towards this demographic so there is potential to pull more fans into this franchise. Remaking Harry Potter on the other hand is a much different situation because most of these same kids have seen the movies and love them. While I have many issues with the Potter films I acknowledge they are beloved and still enjoyed by younger generations in a way that Twilight movies haven't.
  14. I understand. I actually love SBL which is why his bigotry hurts. If I truly didn't like him I would just let it slide off me and block him already because honestly I deal with this type of shit all of the time. And I appreciate your support. My plan was to switch careers and move at the end of the next school year but at the rate things are going if I have an opportunity to move sooner I will take it.
  15. It clearly shows that they went to bed without have sex. Even shows him going back to this room after tucking her as to lot leave room for interpretation. It's important to note that she never explicitly asked if they had sex, but it was implied that's what she mean when she asked "did we?". If she directly asked if they had sex and he said "yes we did", the scene would read much differently. How his line is that what happened between them was everything he had wanted from that night and was much more important than sex alone.
  16. I have conflicting views on him. I agree with a lot of his posts, and unlike him have engaged with his posts since returning by reacting to them. But it does bother me that there is an openly transphobic user who is part of a community that I love. I recently had to cut my parents out of my life because of their transphobia and I have little tolerance for it at this point. I only surround myself with accepting communities at this point. It's why I took a break from this board for a year to focus on my mental health. You're allowed to tell me how you feel. But be aware you are in a thread about the increase of of transphobic bills in my state and are telling an openly trans user how they should react to a bigoted user. I'm sure you don't mean harm, but it's bad optics. I have respectfully taken in your advice, and am choosing to follow how I believe is best to act for me. I don't want this to be a debate that derails a thread about much larger issues than a close-minded user.
  17. I appreciate the support. Being queer and growing up in a conservative state has only made me stronger. I may have the heart of a lover but circumstances has molded me into a fighter out of neccesity. I'm worried, but I have to have faith that I will survive. What worries me much more than my own personal is the safety of those I love. I have several trans students and I'm sad that they have to be growing up in a such an-openly hostile state.
  18. If he gets to call out what he considers to be racism then it's only fair that I get to call out transphobia. Doesn't matter really, I never tagged him and I doubt he's reading these types of threads anyways.
  19. He doesn't want to engage me because he's a TERF, has openly stated in the past that he agrees with JK Rowling's stance on gender. That's why he's been silent on all of these threads regarding the erasure of trans rights. And why previously has tried to downplay the impact these laws would have. He's shown his true colors.
  20. Hi, I'm an openly trans teacher and comedian in Florida. Please feel bad for me. Everyone send me love, hugs, and money. I need to get out of here ASAP. As an openly trans comedian, I could be affected by these anti-drag bills considering how loosely they are written. The bills don't even use the words drag, and from what I understand police have the discretion to chose what constitutes are drag or "adult". As a teacher, well, it's obvious why I am worried. With the expansion of "Don't Say Gay" (a name coined by the public that I sorta dislike because it also affects trans people) to include all grade levels, you can't even teach high schools students about LGBT people in the Holocaust. As I've said in a recent thread, Title IX is the only thing keeping my day job at this point. Once Title IX is ruled against by the supreme court, because it's only a matter of time at this point, expect to see a wave of bills in red states banning openly LBGT educators altogether.
  21. He's been noticeably silent on all of these recent threads regarding these anti-trans bills. Hasn't engaged with any of my posts since I've returned, either. Don't think I haven't noticed.
  22. It’s funny how many self-described libertarians support the death penally. It‘s almost like it’s an incoherent ideology or something.
  23. I imagine in more rural areas they are quite popular. I still see kiosks here in the suburbs but I can’t think of the last time I walked past one that was being used. A decade ago I would always see someone using them and sometimes even forming a mini line.
  24. It’s important to note that in our capitalist society business and art are one of the same. Unless you are pirating something anytime you enjoy art you are also making a business transaction. So while JK Rowling is not involved in the artistic side of Hogwarts Legacy, she is involved in the business side of the game because she does make money off of it, and she uses that money to further fund her causes. Whether that matters enough to stop someone from purchasing something is really up to the individual consumer. I can’t control the lives of others and how they chose to spend their free time but I know what my personal stances and ethics are.
  25. Kanye is a noteworthy exception to bring up because he has long made himself an integral part to the art he makes. He constantly talks about himself and references his personal life in his lyrics. You simply cannot separate the art from the artist from him because he intentionally made the lines between the two blurry.
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