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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. I got a killing spree last night. Would normally be happy about it but my team sucked and we absolutely got stomped. You know our team is in bad shape when I'm near the top of the scoreboard.
  2. Outriders gets new missions and transmog system in major free update | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM New Horizons aims to bring back lapsed players.
  3. You can buy them on the Xbox store at $20 each, which is what I thought you were referring to.
  4. Spike's look and hair are based on Japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda 7 Things You Still Don’t Know About ‘Cowboy Bebop’ WWW.FANDOM.COM After 20 years, you may think you are the 'Cowboy Bebop' trivia master, but there are still many things that you may not know about the anime.
  5. What was the name of the person who made your taco?
  6. Your mom brought so much food, you ate at a restaurant. Best post checks out here.
  7. I think they both tie into the halo network or whatever it's called so if they do link it's through that so I'm assuming that if you have game pass campaign and you've got MP somewhere else it will still progress the same.
  8. Whoa whoa fuck! @Spork3245 DO YOU SEE IT ON THERE?! IT HAPPENED!!!
  9. I went to a Lutheran school in first grade. Were we part of the same cult? My brother?
  10. I think this guy goes into a lot of what made the originals look good (beyond the rain) and why they are absent here. Clearly the original games had artists and an artistic vision while the people (the mobile game people) who did this just made a game that looks similar to the originals in a new engine without having an sense of cohesive style.
  11. For the 100th time. Halo Infinite (the campaign) comes out on the 8th The rumor is the multiplayer is supposed to drop today, but if it doesn't it will release alongside the campaign. Forge Mode and co-op campaign were delayed.
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