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Everything posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. You're only supposed to use enough that it's noticeable if someone is very close to you. If the whole theater smells it you're using it wrong.
  2. I worked with a guy who'd get some cologne and spray a bunch over his hands then rub it all over his neck and body. Certainly not the subtle way you're supposed to use it.
  3. Do they still have the grilled stuffed burrito? Get that but don't get the white tomatoes on it.
  4. It will stack. Also, I'd say no because the PC aspect would be wasted on you.
  5. I could see one day but wasn't this like a 3 day trip? Must have been smelling ripe in that cabin.
  6. Chrissy Teigen Hosted A Lavish "Squid Game"–Themed Party, And The Internet Is NOT Pleased WWW.BUZZFEED.COM Way to miss the entire point of the show.
  7. Prepare to laugh your ass off at the trailer below https://www.beyondthegroovy.com/
  8. Brad has an informative interview with Jason Ronald from Microsoft about the backwards compatibility thing further explaining the "legal and technical constraints" comment that was issued. https://www.patreon.com/posts/nextlander-024-58835943
  9. You can still have the cologne and not wear it!
  10. Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion Legacy of the Sith comes out Dec 14 | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM The new combat styles will roll out then too.
  11. Best has probably never posted there in his life. He predates Neogaf.
  12. @best3444 $40 not $30, at least for the digital version for a black Friday deal https://www.xbox.com/en-us/games/store/far-cry-6/9pbngcvbgml0
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