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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Y’all motherfuckers keep bringing up the Logitech controller as if it wasn’t the most tested part of this death trap, and I’m here to cancel anyone that keeps doing it
  2. Honestly I feel like it’s aaaalmost a stretch to say it’s been announced, its “trailer” felt more like, “nobody was asking us for Starfield but that’s what we’re here to talk about; please don’t ask about ES6 we’ll get to it eventually.”
  3. A reminder that shit-ass infrastructure improvements, maintenance, and repairs are often policy decisions.
  4. I get why they didn't release 2 episodes if there are only going to be 6, but I feel like you have to be really into Sam Jackson and/or the Skrulls specifically from Captain Marvel for this episode to hit. Some odd choices for the premier, and not interesting in the way that something like the WandaVision premier was.
  5. I'm for this fight if it's to the death, and then the winner is also killed.
  6. Who knows what this thing was supposed to do, but it's certainly written as though it couldn't possibly detect fast failure, which is going to happen at depth. I've seen the Cameron clip now, and even though I'm not any kind of engineer, my train of thought was somewhat similar to his... there's a ton of insight into how to make deep see diving craft safe, they just can't accommodate tourists because they're built for research. It'd be like someone deciding to make a supersonic aircraft by putting someone in a Radio Flyer shot out of a railgun, just ignoring all common sense and lessons in the name of HURR INNOVATE REGULATIONS BAD
  7. I know it’s obvious and everything, but I just cannot get over the hubris it takes to think that your jank ass sub won’t sink on a tourist jaunt to gaze at an “unsinkable” ship on the ocean floor.
  8. The intro was indeed ugly. The episode itself was fine. I don’t know that the Skrulls have enough juice in the MCU to make this interesting more broadly. Though I will say that if you have Captain Marvel looking for a new home for you, it should probably take less than 30 years.
  9. There’s a really interesting thread on the banned site from @LadyDoctorSays about just how fucked this sub was to begin with. Apparently no part of the propulsion system had any redundancy built in? So if one of the two vertical thrusters got cooked, you’d just never be able to ascend, you’d just rotate. Why the fuck would anyone get into this thing???
  10. Between most AAA content coming to PC for a while now and the fact that you can bring the thing anywhere, I'd say it's probably the best console since the SNES.
  11. Also we know cis isn’t a slur because no comedian has a Netflix special about how they can’t say it.
  12. Whatever, you know I'm right. Also, always hilarious whenever chuds are mad about what's going on with Hunter.
  13. As a general rule I don’t like to comment on people’s physical traits… but I find it so weird that anyone could look at Tate and see a bastion of masculinity instead of a miraculously functional homunculus.
  14. I have no idea what I’d want from a Chrono Trigger Remake. I guess in a perfect world it would be a completely modern overhaul visually and from a gameplay POV, but with the original version as an option from the main menu or something.
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