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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. Packers for $20K Vikings FG Packers Hill Two Houston, Vegas, Tampa
  2. Prager U content should be a bannable offense. First of all, as it pertains to Maher... let's not forget this is a guy who needed to be told he shouldn't call himself a, "house n-word." So from jump, the dude is a fucking goober. Secondly and aside from that though, his example of how progressivism has changes is... emoji? A pregnant man emoji? That's the shrapnel he's worried about catching in his imagined cultural war? Eat my ass. Trans men exist. Yes, ha ha ha, pregnant men, very funny and / or impossible depending on what grievance you'd like to hang out to dry, but it doesn't make it any less true. This isn't the WORST kind of boomerism when it comes from people of Maher's ilk, but it's one of the most common. Why? Because it's easy, it's fucking lazy. He gets to get out there and say that back in HIS day the struggle was REAL. The stuff people complained about ACTUALLY mattered. Again, eat my ass. There's always going to be something. ALWAYS. You can ALWAYS point to a marginalized group, a recent cultural victory of theirs, stamp your feet, pout, and say, WHEN'S IT GOING TO BE ENOUGH, and there will ALWAYS be SOMEONE who agrees with you. Roll back the clock and it's, "women got the right to vote, now they want the same job opportunities as men?" Roll it back more and it's, "god these negroes got their freedom now they want to exist in the same social spaces as white people?" Yes, you boob, you haven't changed. THAT'S THE FUCKING PROBLEM. They give away this game every fucking time, with their false concern that gay marriage was going to lead to people marrying their blender, or their performative hand wringing that acknowledging the existence of trans people is going to cause the collapse of society for reasons they cannot articulate. As it pertains to the Prager U content, it fucking blows. It's a confession masquerading as a concern. As it ever was and ever shall be. "Progressives have ranked orders of acceptable minorities." No dog, that's you. "You wouldn't want the government to compel behavior, would you." Bro that's the only reason the government fucking exists to begin with, what the actual fuck are you talking about. "You wouldn't force someone to go against their cherished beliefs to provide service to people." Actually yes I fucking would? The gay wedding cake is always used as an example because reasonable minds may disagree about queer marriage pastry but that falls apart in an instant when you apply that to someone objecting to interracial marriage, or providing healthcare to someone of a different religion, or serving food to someone of a different ethnic background, etc. No doubt someone's deeply held, cherished belief would compel them to not rent to, serve food to, provide medical care to, etc., people from certain cultures. Again, my ass, nom nom nom nom nom. So sorry, hiding your xenophobia behind a bulwark of faith shouldn't count for shit. The whole premise is fucking stupid. Nothing here is encapsulated perfectly aside from people in possession of privilege electing to wield it as a shield or cudgel as it suits them, divorced from context and reason, given the veneer of respectability. It's always a giant fucking red flag when ostensibly serious and concerned white people either quote or channel MLK's "content of their character" perspective, because for them it inevitably means, "we're all going to agree to ignore the advantages of generational wealth, the cost of generational trauma, ongoing structural / institutional inequality, etc., which costs my white ass nothing, keeps you in your place, and allows me to point to exceptions and lament that those are not the rule." It's garbage and it always has been. And yeah, if we could snap our fingers today and have trans people accepted and accommodated... it WOULD be some other group coming up asking when it's going to be their turn. There's no endgame when it comes to this, there's only the notion that some people accept that there's always going to be another nut worth cracking, and some people who draw a line in the sand and say, "I was down with rights for women, black people, and gay people, but an emoji of a pregnant man? OH THEY'VE GONE TOO FAR THIS TIME." And those people should be called out for their fucking nonsense.
  3. Cyborg is objectively better in the Snyder Cut; that and other improvements don’t justify the thing being twice as fucking long.
  4. I really enjoy DR1, but I feel like it was perhaps too "long" to be the kinda game where you try, fail, and repeat once you're more leveled up. I like it a lot but it really feels its age; it came out before there was a broad understanding of what games from that generation "should" be. Which in hindsight means that there's nothing else like it, even the later DR games. Also it's fucking weird that the game rewards you for upskirt and titty pics, that has not aged well.
  5. I’ve seen Shigeru Miyamoto’s penis. I had a pleasant conversation with Curt Schilling.
  6. Gaming is potentially in deep trouble. If Spider-Man 2 cost almost 1/3 of a billion dollars to make and part of the plan to reduce costs is a headcount reduction of 50-75 people… what the fuck are we actually talking about? Absolutely fucking not. Spider-Man 2 is rad as hell. It’s also the buggiest, crashiest AAA title I have ever played and is dramatically worse that Spider-Man 1 and Miles Morales in that regard.
  7. Pretty sure that’s what the “when compared to all others” means; there wouldn’t be a repeat.
  8. I think I’ve said it in other threads here, but my beefs with him are about the output… from what I’ve heard about him personally he seems like a good guy. So it’s not “personal” at all. I single him out because I think he generates more chatter than the material merits and (I say this with full appreciation that the call is coming from inside the house ) the fact that the guy insists on 3 hour+ cuts for 2 hours of material all the goddamned time.
  9. FWIW I don’t hate Snyder at all. I genuinely do like his visual style when it’s applied the right way. Dawn of the Dead is good and I generally like most of the action bits in his DC movies, Justice League, Batman v Superman, and Man of Steel all included in that. 300 is a fun but fundamentally silly book and the movie is a fun adaptation of that. I just think that when it comes to the character stuff, he just misses the bullseye, the target, and possibly the very earth itself. I appreciate the criticisms of the samey-ness or “safety” or both when it comes to the MCU and I wouldn’t say Disney/Marvel’s approach to character is perfect by any means (Iron Man specifically is often just… whatever he needs to be for any specific movie or sometimes scene within the same movie), the MCU just fundamentally understands what makes their characters tick to an extent that Snyder is either incapable of, not interested in, or some combination of both. So a Justice League movie written by someone who isn’t some kinda weird ass libertarian / Randian bootlicker but directed by Snyder with his sense for visual spectacle? Yeah, absolutely.
  10. Oh yeah, I liked it as well, I just thought it was funny, too.
  11. No cut of Justice League is good, and Wonder Woman clicking heads while young girls look on in awed admiration left such a bad taste in my mouth that I just can't bring myself to care too much about the FOUR FUCKING HOURS that thing plods along. It's poorly paced, a bunch of the stuff put back into it overlaps and repeats itself, what we're told about the anti-life equation and what we see makes Darkseid's search nonsensical, etc. There's no good version of that movie full stop and if I'm going to eat shit I'd prefer it be for 2 hours and not 4, the turd being marginally less rank doesn't change the fact that I'm eating shit regardless. I can't recall if I've ever seen a non-director's cut of DotD since I never caught it in theaters... probably not?
  12. This was a fun "episode." I don't know that the show needed an ending beyond what we got in the S14 finale, though I appreciate them acknowledging threads like Archer's dad, AJ, and Mallory here. S14 and this are probably the most interesting and funny the show's been since they decided to backslide away from the character development that happened right before and after the thematic seasons. Lana saying she wished Archer said he'd miss hearing her thoughts on things ten years ago is perhaps a bit on the nose. I don't think the show's really had anything to say about the characters for a few years now, but they went out on a fun note and I guess they left the door open for other shenanigans if they really feel like it.
  13. The Snyder cut of Justice League is NOT better than the Whedon cut, it's just longer. Having a few better bits in there isn't a net positive when he absolutely added more turds to the punchbowl. And I know we had this chat about Watchmen... one of the cuts is better than the theatrical one (director's, I think?) but the longest one (ultimate?) is just too much.
  14. So it's Assassin's Creed. Kidding aside, it's funny to see every feature from every 3rd person action game with a stealth system from the last 10 yeats just listed out in this context.
  15. Greyhound bus stops are valuable assets. Here’s who’s cashing in on them | CNN Business EDITION.CNN.COM Greyhound bus terminals are rapidly closing around the country, causing access problems for low-income riders. So in addition to the usual suspects and what you likely correctly assume are the issues surrounding this, there's another culprit afoot. Private equity is the fucking absolute worst.
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