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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I have never seen Wicked, but I know its rep among musical theater heads is that it falters in the second act. Kinda funny that they're splitting it into two movies with that in mind.
  2. BALLS thank you. NINERS ALL IN BABY, LET'S END BROKE AS HELL Niners safety, we're going balls deep with this! Eleven KC Niners 10 / 20 / 27 / 34
  3. The notion Swift has sold out is strange to me. Country music is wildly lucrative for top performers so I don't think there's any logic behind that position beyond circular. Besides, I don't think "conservatives" are anti-Swift broadly, it's just a vocal group of chucklefucks. You just can't get to her level of popularity while alienating people who vote Republican, people who touch grass simply do not give a shit about most of the Fox Cinematic Universe alleged culture war. Lamentably, this is likely true for Elon as well; Teslas are generally popular, people think Space X is cool, etc. However and fortunately for those of us with discriminating taste, Elon has perhaps never touched grass in his miserable fucking life and he very obviously cares deeply about what the chronically online feel about him.
  4. Some of them assume she's a gold digger for going after an NFL player which is hilarious. She endorsed Biden in 2020, she "sold out" by not staying exclusively country, she's spoken out against laws that target the LGBT+ community, etc. It's people who claim to hate identity politics shitting on her for not matching up with what they believe her political identity should be.
  5. Even if someone isn't ever going to vote for a Democrat, Trump has literally nothing going for him beyond vibes. That's it. His big campaign promises were building a wall along the entire southern border that Mexico would pay for (OLO), repealing Obamacare with something better (OLO), resolving the Israel / Palestine conflict (OLO), and a tax cut for the wealthy. That's a bad batting average, and the tax shit is you know... also bad. Unless you've got a hard on for policies that specifically favor the wealthy, what does Trump bring to the table beyond the mere vibes of owning the libs? And if that's what gets you to the polls, just fucking own it, who cares. But get the fuck out of here with this concern about Biden's cognitive decline as if Trump's brain worms haven't been running the show since he was on The Apprentice, please.
  6. The entire game of pro football at this point is designed around maximizing the potential for advertising and letting fans eat nachos, the notion that < 2 minutes of gazing at the majesty that is Taylor Swift is somehow ruining football is incredible. God willing there will be a SwiftZone channel.
  7. I think it would have been really easy to have Kamala and Carol be frenemies or rivals or set up some "never meet your heroes" kind of scenario. Not that there's anything wrong with those per se, but it's surprisingly uncommon to just let female characters be friends.
  8. I dunno that this franchise needed an origin story, but that looks good enough.
  9. As I said on the entertainment board, I highly encourage people to read the full filing. It’s hilarious, and a full 50% of it is screenshots of people being mean to her on twitter. Carano v. Disney WWW.SCRIBD.COM complaint
  10. I fully encourage everyone to read the entire court filing. Carano v. Disney WWW.SCRIBD.COM complaint You may think to yourself, WHOA TEHRE KAL, I’M NOT PART OF THE D1P LEGAL TEAM, CALM DOWN, I’M NOT READING 60 PAGES. To that I say… the first two are mainly Star Wars references and at least 50% of it is screenshots of people being mean to Carano on twitter. It’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
  11. Step 1: SCOTUS determines POTUS has absolute immunity Step 2: Biden orders drone strike on SCOTUS, Mar a Lago Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit
  12. The extent to which Microsoft’s communication and marketing around the Xbox platform has been absolutely dogshit since they started hawking the One is remarkable. It’s close to half the amount of time the Xbox brand has existed. It’s unbelievable.
  13. Reading about what this game is and its story... it's very much not my speed from a gameplay or narrative POV. But it's cool to see DC lean into this stuff in their Rocksteadyverse, or whatever the hell it's called, for people who are into it.
  14. I really don't even know what could be done about this short of some kind of diet Dune scenario where email is banned. Having thousands of staff members be one errant click away from completely fucking over the entity they work for is just not sustainable. I "fell" for one of the phishing scam tests at my job when my mouse battery was dead; when I went to mouse over a URL in the email to see where it was going to take me, my trackpad registered moving my mouse as a click. Harmless in my case but if it'd been a real phish? Cooked. And if Jim Browning can be scammed into temporarily losing his YouTube channel, nobody's safe. This says nothing of situations where things like Strava revealing the location of military bases and routes. Something's going to have to give and I don't know what it'll be or what it's going to take.
  15. All finished up! What a satisfying game. I dunno what the OG ending was before patches, but I think the ending I got was reasonably well fleshed out as well as a pretty true to the character relationships I built up throughout the game. There are a couple of pretty funny choices, like being able to end your romance at literally the last second for... god only knows what fucking reason... but I guess you could role play that away or just lean into psychosis or something. Spoiler free thoughts... Some of the "big" fights are really a testament to how well you know and can work the game mechanics. For the last bit of combat I was pretty well stocked up on certain scrolls and items and at first glance it seemed really daunting... but it ended up being fairly trivial. Normally that kind of thing would be disappointing, but here I think it works. In something like a BGS game you can end up "abusing" mechanics by taking advantage of the fact that everyone has the short term memory of someone who just got hit in the head with a frying pan or other behavioral oddities. Here's it's not abuse but being able to use the game mechanics to your advantage. It makes you feel like you solved a puzzle as opposed to taking advantage of exploits. There are a couple battles where I think the terrain itself could be better considered; a couple encounters specifically come to mind where if you position yourself in a certain way or stumble into a fight from a specific angle, the AI just isn't in a position to recover and the enemies act super dumb. But this happened maybe 3 times in 90 hours, so whatever. It's notable when something hyped up ends up kinda petering out. The characters really shine. All of the people who can join your party are pretty well fleshed out and interesting, and most of their quests have interesting resolutions or solutions. Again i think there's a pretty good balance between letting you earn things and then giving the NPCs themselves a chance to make their own choices, while also giving you the chance to tip the scales if things seem like they're not going the way you'd like. It's really well done. I'd say the only very tiny downside is that there's so much content in this game that if you decide to do most of it in one run (like I did by the end) you'll probably run out of juice for your favorite characters long before the plot ends... but this is a real high class issue. And again, for me it ended on a really high note. Lots of closure, lots of resolutions, all in all... pretty great. Some spoilery thoughts from someone who played and liked BG1 and 2. Spoilery thoughts about how I approached the endgame. Anyway, what a ride. Here's hoping there's DLC or a full sequel sometime.
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