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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. You know how in Elder Scrolls games, vampirism has stages? My skin reacts to the sun like I have Skyrim stage 2 vampirism, if I'm out and it's bright, and I don't have some potent SPFs I look like god decided to give me two black eyes from the inside, it's fucking pathetic.
  2. Why give a fuck about the environment on a planet you’re hot to leave? Strap Elon to one of those things then shut it down.
  3. Yea true. Unless his superpower is resurrection that’s a bunch of time spent to establish… literally nothing new about any of the characters that were a part of that plot.
  4. You're more charitable than I am; I immediately assumed that the footage showed the cops shooting children.
  5. If recommended to, required to, or at a place where employees are masked, I mask.
  6. This is all subject to change depending on lots of things such as where the science actually goes, reimbursement, risk, etc. But there is talk about blood tests as part of standard care / physicals that would look for things like circulating tumor DNA that could, in theory, catch stuff like this before people are symptomatic or it randomly gets spotted during imaging for something else. Who knows if we’ll end up there, but it’s possible.
  7. My brother in Christ if you’ve ever looked at the average office worker’s desktop and C drive you’d know that getting people to interact with an AI the right way is fucking hopeless.
  8. I think it’s less the engine and more the fact that they clearly do this by design. It’s been this way for 20 years and their games have only gotten more popular. Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76 are all in the top 100 Steam games with concurrent players right now. Why would they change?
  9. I’ve never consumed anything remotely close to a sufficient amount of intoxicants to accomplish that.
  10. They tried this in Man of Steel when Clark smooched Lois in a crater while people died in fires, it sucked.
  11. LeBron is a time traveler in his commercial, he has already killed all his critics in the past.
  12. I have an Amex Gold for points, a Capital One Visa for the off place that doesn’t take Amex, an Apple Card for Apple purchases, and a Target card.
  13. So sorry I cannot be here to talk about the time I did a treason, I had sex 9 months ago you see. What a flex.
  14. I do have sympathy for people who get rooked into scams, but anyone that reads about Luna or it’s community and decided/s to put serious money into it is potentially behind help.
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