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Everything posted by Kal-El814

  1. I mean. Single point of ingress, sure. Bulletproof blankets, right. Fucking get out of here with that bullshit.
  2. Shaming people for engaging in sex work or having abortions is always bad. The hypocrisy is irrelevant, no republicans care about it anyway. Focus more on, you know, the notion that the GOP writ large is working on purging trans people from seeking medical care and eventually this mortal coil.
  3. Woof. I still see coinbase, crypto.com, and cash app ads jocking crypto on every feed. Shit is fucked.
  4. Elon is so fucking brittle, it's pathetic. Again, dunking on this man is so easy.
  5. Wild to think that The Flash movie got announced the same year that The Flash TV show started airing.
  6. Yeah, you don't even need that. I did liquor delivery in an unmarked minivan wearing shorts, sandals, and a Playboy t shirt.
  7. One of the most annoying things about house hunting during an industry boom is the influx of the absolutely smoothest brains into the realtor and home inspection industries. Having people who know what they're doing is invaluable, dealing with morons can be one of the costliest mistakes you can make, and it's not reasonable to expect most people to be able to sniff out the difference.
  8. There is simply very little to nothing that can be done to secure a building like a school from someone who is willing to kill to get into it and willing to die when they've accomplished their goal. And this says nothing about the fact that, to your point, someone capable of looking and behaving like they belong for a brief period of time will almost always just be let in. I think I've said this before but when I was in college a buddy of mine was a theater kid. Bill Clinton was on campus one night to give a speech / presentation on some topic or another and they used one of the on campus theaters for it. My buddy forgot or didn't realize that the event was happening that night and went to the theater to do some of his assignments, as theater kids do. The side door was unlocked as usual and he literally bumped into Bill Clinton backstage while he was on his way out to give his talk. I dunno if he was still under Secret Service protection at the time or if it was private security or whatever, but it's not really relevant. They wanded everyone on their way into the theater, they thought they closed all the other entrances, etc. If theater kids can bump into former Presidents inside a relatively small building that has ostensibly been secured, big school campuses have no chance. Get rid of guns. The end.
  9. I really wish the game industry could come to a decision about what to call remasters, remakes, etc.
  10. It's been a while since I've watched Season 1, so I could just be remembering things wrong. But it felt to me like they softened Dr. Brenner quite a bit in this season? Obviously he's still having psychic kids Professor X Mortal Kombatting one another, but he seemed to have more genuine affection for 11 and the kiddos in this season than I remember him having.
  11. More companies invested in space exploration != more companies like SpaceX. All of Elon's companies rim shit caked ass simply because Elon is involved.
  12. You know how in Elder Scrolls games, vampirism has stages? My skin reacts to the sun like I have Skyrim stage 2 vampirism, if I'm out and it's bright, and I don't have some potent SPFs I look like god decided to give me two black eyes from the inside, it's fucking pathetic.
  13. Why give a fuck about the environment on a planet you’re hot to leave? Strap Elon to one of those things then shut it down.
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