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Everything posted by johnny

  1. This was good. Punt the two episodes before this and do more episodes like this one. But also please get back to the plot next week.
  2. Black Swan A Separation Interstellar What We Do In the Shadows Mad Max Fury Road Ex Machina The Social Network Sicario Hereditary Lady Bird off the top of my head
  3. The most disappointing thing to me is how underdeveloped the whole crew is. I also think there’s a problem when your best scene is Darth Vader wrecking shit at the very end. When talking to people irl that was what they remembered and liked the most, which, probably isn’t very good for the rest of the movie lol.
  4. It’s fine if you enjoy the prequels but they are bad on virtually every level. On a technical level, the films are an absolute fucking mess. It’s honestly surprising that George Lucas was able to make competent things before the prequels. I too rewatched them recently to prepare for 9, and they are so fucking bad. Even episode 3 which I remember as being the decent one, was still shitty.
  5. Friend was like “Jesus every time baby yoda comes on screen my wife wants to adopt it. Combine a baby and a puppy and that’s her reaction to it every 3 seconds” lmao.
  6. Yeah, that trailer was pretty sweet. Def the superhero movie I’m most looking forward to in 2020.
  7. Believe it or not, opinions can also be steaming turds. You can believe what you want but that doesn’t mean it isn’t idiotic.
  8. Norman Fucking Rockwell - Lana del Rey album of the decade is My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy by Kanye West
  9. The normal mandalorian music is great. I was talking about the music they used with Amy Sedaris.
  10. I feel like it goes both ways. People are hard on it but people also buy into the nostalgia and give it a pass. This is the only episode so far I haven’t liked.
  11. The music in this episode was so horrible. Not the typical music but that music with the chick? Good god Disney. I think a lot of the dialogue was super generic this episode. Maybe it was the other episodes too and I just didn’t notice. This episode was the weakest so far. Not only did this not really advance the plot for the second week in a row, the episode felt super cookie cutter (even MORE than last week). Anything good about this episode was only because it was “oh hey Star Wars stuff!!” Like the tusken raiders. Next weeks episode needs to be a step up.
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