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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Not in order Witcher 3 The Last of Us Uncharted 4 God of War Spider-man Mass Effect 2 Horizon: Zero Dawn Super Mario Odyssey DOOM Life is Strange
  2. Yeah I was super hyped the first couple times watching TFA and then when the nostalgia wears off it’s just like ugh
  3. If this movie isn’t at least fun I’m going to be super disappointed. I figured it would be safe and try to appease TLJ haters but if it’s not even that fun and the fan service is too much.... oy
  4. If this movie isn’t at least fun I’m going to be super disappointed. I figured it would be safe and try to appease TLJ haters but if it’s not even that fun and the fan service is too much.... oy
  5. So are we allowed to post social media impressions? They don’t spoil but if somebody wants to go in dark I’m sure they wouldn’t want to see if people like/dislike things like plot music and characters
  6. Booksmart is the best movie of 2019 Also saw High Life, Fast Color, Ready or Not, happy death day 2u, I lost my body, alita, crawl, and missing link. missing link is probably my least favorite out of those. A couple of those I heard were good like the King Arthur one. Need to check them out.
  7. the lines from the prequels are fun to quote because they suck so much. the lines from 7 and 8 are actually good.
  8. This was good. Punt the two episodes before this and do more episodes like this one. But also please get back to the plot next week.
  9. Black Swan A Separation Interstellar What We Do In the Shadows Mad Max Fury Road Ex Machina The Social Network Sicario Hereditary Lady Bird off the top of my head
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