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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. Completely unrelated. That's more caused by a simple raw material and capacity shortage. More and more silicon is getting sold every day, capacity isn't keeping up, and COVID continues to fuck with the supply chain at every level. Either way, I approve. ARM should not be owned by anyone selling their own chips.
  2. I might be biased, but the first ones that come to mind is everytime police beat or taze autistic kids. Like that time police tazed and arrested an 11yo, nonverbal, autistic girl walking along the side of a highway, naked. No video of that one, but there is video of that cop that tackled and arrested another 11yo girl because she refused his order to wait inside the school for her parents after she got in trouble for grabbing a second milk carton during lunch. That first one his really close to home. I've mentioned I have a nonverbal, autistic daughter, but that's basically her. She wouldn't understand a cop's order. In the event it was simple enough and she did, she would right piss that cop off. Autistic kids don't process things the same way we do. If I catch my daughter climbing, say, a fence. She'd understand it if I told her to get down. However, there is no implicit understanding that I don't want her climbing the fence. That means that as soon as she gets down, she gets back to climbing right away. She did the thing I asked her to do, but to her that has nothing to do with her desire to climb the fence. I can tell her to get down 20 times, and she'll get right back up 20 times. However, get down and stay down it's too complicated for her.
  3. They deserve it. Chilling Videos, Journal Found as Parents Face Scrutiny in Michigan School Shooting WWW.THEDAILYBEAST.COM Ethan Crumbley, 15, had displayed “behavior in the classroom” that school officials “felt was concerning.” Open letter to Trump thanking him for saving the second amendment. That worked out well.
  4. I doubt a woman being arrested will galvanize anyone. Just wait until we have a Republican back in the White House and they start arresting doctors for performing abortions, even in blue states.
  5. They've already given themselves an out. If Twitter decides something didn't add value to the public discourse because some random right wing ghouls are throwing a fit, then down it comes. It's not good enough to come from public figures or members of the media. This will be the same as when Twitter announced it would ban people for death threats because threats of violence is already against their ToS, but then only enforced for Trump.
  6. I didn't know it was possible to make a videogame car feel like a death trap. If anyone wants to know what that feels like, dump $100k worth of upgrades into an Isetta.
  7. Didn't they have a handful of accidental discharges on set prior to this one? I feel like I've asked that question more than once, but I'm too lazy to go back and check.
  8. Ah, yeah, I'm pretty sure you can skip going 100% on normal if you're planning to do so on hard.
  9. Should be held just as responsible. At the very least, be should be on the hook for all the medical expenses. Can't afford it? Too bad. All these other families are going to deal with huge hospital bills because this guy was cool with making the gun available to his kid.
  10. You unlock hard mode as soon as you beat the game on normal at any completion rate. Are you worried about losing gallery items if you overwrite a 100% normal file or something? I wouldn't worry. You can overwrite that save and keep all your unlockables. I don't think you'd lose them even if you straight deleted all your save files...just don't hold me to that last one.
  11. Who could have foreseen issues with linking ownership of a JPG to a token containing a URL?
  12. I consume it all. The Marvel stuff is the great equalizer at home. Everyone here likes it enough and there isn't really so much that it becomes overbearing to keep up with. I'm pretty sure there's been more Flash on TV this year than anything live action MCU. I'm only really catching the movies when they come home. It's just impossible to find babysitting these days. I'll catch Eternals next month from my couch, but maybe watch Spider-Man in theaters during winter break.
  13. This game actually works best for me from the driver's seat. I find that to be weird since I like The Crew 2 from the chase cam.
  14. This is pretty much where I am. I know I'm pretty bad at the game, but I get by. I've also raised all my cars because I know I'm going off road at some point in any race and I want to be able to not spin completely out of control.
  15. I'd love to know what actually goes into the drivatar. I have a buddy who's about the same. Plays on a higher difficulty and drives fairly clean, but everytime I face him I don't even really notice his car is there until I see him at the bottom of the results. I've been giving him a lot of shit over it, even if I know he'd destroy me in an actual head to head race.
  16. I finally had time to begin this and I'm...happy with it? If things get better as they go along, cool. I can see why so many critics that were huge fans of the anime would be unhappy with this. So far, it's not better than the anime, but it didn't really have to be. It can be its own thing, and if I judge it that way, it's a pretty good so far. We'll see as I get further along how I feel.
  17. @The def star What is up with this car? Just ran The Colossus and you were bumping me nearly the entire time.
  18. You just don't understand that the value of NFTs is the ownership claim for these items that are only recognized by members of my own community to which I don't also own the copyright.
  19. The community designs have been pretty great. My son has been choosing them for me. My street car is a wildly obnoxious Kirby 911. My off roader is a Pikachu S1. My drag car is a chandelure GT500. He's been pretty happy with them so far.
  20. That's Apple's argument for why they aren't a platform monopoly.
  21. That's exactly the argument, though I don't really believe that should work for Nintendo, even if it likely would in court. The argument "we subsidize hardware with our cut of software sales" would easily win. I'm guessing it's the biggest reason nobody is going after them. Steam gets a big target because it holds a near monopoly on a market that existed before them and that they don't control. If Valve went out of business tomorrow, PC gaming would still be a thing. If Sony noped out of console gaming, there won't be another Playstation. It makes going after console manufacturers trickier.
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