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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. What's worse is that first tar diaper. How does someone force their wife to get up, just hours after giving birth, to change that first bloody, tar diaper? I don't think my wife changed a single diaper while we were in the hospital the few days after birth on all three of our kids. I don't even understand how is something to be proud of. Like @Anathema- said, that's bonding time. The aren't that many other times when a baby's awake those first few weeks, so changing time it is. I left there and went to work for a French company and they gave me two months paid. Everyone parent deserves that time.
  2. Every subsequent wave from the time the vaccines were available going into the future is going to have more and more of a partisan split. That's going to be even more so the case with children 5 and up getting vaccinated and boosters going to all.
  3. When I had my first kid, I worked for a crazy racist dude. The company was amazing. The team I put together was great. Everyone else at the company I loved. My direct VP was a monster. I bring this up because when my first kid was born, parental leave was a whole TWO weeks for non-birthing parents. That's it. I worked right up until my wife was off to the hospital because she had contractions five minutes apart. She was in labor for an entire week. When she finally did give birth, I had only a week left and I fought to be able to work from home for a week just to give her a chance to fully recuperate. My boss shot it down because "What can a dad even do other than bring your wife some food? Not like you're feeding the baby or changing diapers." If I could, I would have thrown a soiled diaper across the Internet and into his face. Dude had two kids and was somehow proud he never helped change a diaper in his life. I did not last long at that company after that.
  4. There's some stuff that I think would work amazingly well going from anime to live action. Unfortunately, it's not really the stuff studios may be interested in adapting. Inuyashiki would make for a phenomenal live action film. I can even think of a few older actors that could really pull off the role, too. I know studios have been eyeing My Hero Academia for live action adaptation, but I think My Hero Vigilantes would make for a better. I think Berserk could be done really well as a live action series. Just keep it TV-MA on HBO. What's most popular may not always be the best choice. I think Leiji Matsumoto's entire catalog would be amazing as a live action. Just give it all to me. Galaxy Express 999, Captain Harlock, Queen Emerlandas, Battleship Yamato. I'm going to stop now because I know that last one will never happen and that makes me sad.
  5. That's what I don't get. The ratio use only available to you after you've already chosen to play a video. Also, I can't imagine there are that many people that do pay attention to the ratio but also don't use ad block or subscribe you YouTube Red. Videos with a poor ratio are already going to be deprioritized in your search. Unless you're playing the "I wonder what's on page two of my Google search results" game, I don't see how it would ever really come into play. I think MKBHD is a little out of touch on this one. He's big enough that he doesn't have to worry about dying as a creator because trolls are ratio-ing his videos to page three of the search results. Also, yes, I know YouTube does infinite scrolling, but you all know what I mean.
  6. He also waited so long there won't be enough time to undo some of the damage done in time for the USPS's busiest time of the year.
  7. Oh noes! The NFT Bay is the galaxy's most resilient NFT BitTorrent site! THENFTBAY.ORG You wouldn't steal a JPEG (or would you...)
  8. Then here's the big question. Is it possible to completely divorce yourself from knowledge of the originals series. If so...how is it with that in mind? My wife has always had zero interest in Cowboy Bebop. Odd, because she loves other Watanabe anime like Kids on the Slope, but Cowboy Bebop was always a shrug from her. She's enjoyed the trailers and we were planning to catch an episode of two tonight after the kids went to bed. It's she in for a bad time?
  9. Pretty sure I recall Trump choosing to go raw on his colonoscopy specifically to keep this from Pence.
  10. This is correct. I'm pretty sure I said earlier in this thread that while I do love him on the field, I could very much do without him off it.
  11. He's been on the grift for months. Autograph is his company and he's looped in all the greatest athletes out there plus Derek Jeter. Autograph: The new era of collecting AUTOGRAPH.IO Autograph is an NFT platform that brings together the most iconic brands and legendary names in sports, entertainment and culture to create unique digital collections and experiences.
  12. Weren't there rumors of Dane DeHaan returning? Ok, there were; though he he did deny them...
  13. No, I get that part. That's why it's a terrible way to share anything more than a few words. For instance, we still use SMS for sharing passwords or 2FA codes, but not for anything larger than that. Municipalities really should just jump on the cloud bandwagon and adopt any file sharing tool on the FedRAMP list. Just let the Feds do the work of weeding out the shitty file sharing apps. My point was only to point out why I'm not surprised someone was using SMS/MMS for sharing evidence.
  14. SMS and MMS is considered a secure messaging platform by federal standards, so I'm not surprised that would be the case in some districts that cheaped out and didn't have their own gov account on like Box or the like.
  15. Same here, but this still looks pretty cool. I hope they add additional non-fighter characters from the Dragon Ball universe. Maybe Puar or Dende or Lunch or even Satan.
  16. Sony needs to stop being cowards and just go with Ghost-Spider. There are so many Spider-People that's it's crazy to me that Sony and Marvel are only dancing around Peter.
  17. Possibly, but I'd love to see him introduced with Peter first and then have to face Miles later. I'm running under the assumption that Miles doesn't show up until Tom Holland's tenure as Spider-Man comes to an end. He's still a college student in the movies, so it doesn't quite feel right to retire his Peter just yet.
  18. I didn't see anyone else post this yet, but it looks hilarious. Asymmetrical multiplayer with one player taking the role of Cell, Frieza, or Buu while the others just try to survive while playing as Oolong, Bulma, and other non-fighting Dragon Ball characters. New Horror Dragon Ball Game Looks Like Anime Dead By Daylight KOTAKU.COM Dragon Ball: The Breakers challenges seven players to survive Cell, Buu, or Frieza
  19. The first movie also teased Prowler and I'd imagine Donald Glover is certainly a big enough name.
  20. If we look at the original six, aside from Kraven, we have Vulture and Mysterio to choose from. If these are supposed to be villains that die to Spider-Man, it would make more thematic sense for the sixth here to be Mysterio.
  21. Another pretty great casting choice with Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Iroh... Netflix's The Last Airbender series casts fan-favorite Uncle Iroh WWW.AVCLUB.COM Netflix also announced that production on the series has commenced
  22. Got my 5yo chipped at his school. He had no response to it other than a slightly sore arm, but that could also have been him just complaining because he had a bandaid on his arm. He wasn't even tired. I'm jealous.
  23. This reminds me of something I was reading a while back and I wish I could find the link. Basically, as long as whatever nonsense these right wing ghouls are feeding them doesn't step into their area of expertise, the veil remains. Once they do step into that area of personal knowledge, it'll often shatter the entire conspiracy web. Unfortunately, these conspiracies rarely jump into very many topics, but I have seen some tech bros kind of break when it got into things like how servers worked in regards to whatever random Q conspiracy there was around the Dominion stuff.
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