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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. I actually like it as well. It runs pretty great on everything I've put it on, supported and unsupported. For unsupported, it's running on my Ryzen Pro file server. As far as supported systems go, I've got it running on a couple of i7 laptops, an SQ1 Surface Pro X, and my main gaming rig with a 3900x. It's running pretty smooth on everything with no issues to complain about so far. I haven't even seen any performance hitches on the 3900x, but I did wait for those to be patched out before upgrading. I have no complaints and a real appreciation for auto-HDR and everything just feeling more unified than it did in Windows 10.
  2. I won't be around to catch this live since this weekend is Kids Con New England. I still maintain they had one of the best shows around E3, so I'm looking forward to what they have to show off this weekend. Their E3 presentation had a ton of games I actually ended up playing and enjoying.
  3. I still need to beat NEO. I'm towards the end of Week 2, but then Metroid and Guardians were shiny distractions.
  4. I have not. I was meaning to play it since it hit Game Pass, but there have been a lot of short games over the last two months that have gobbled up my attention. It is currently taking up space on my PC, so I will get to it eventually.
  5. After beating the game, it's definitely one of the best stories I've ever played through. I don't mean like good story for a videogame, I mean just a good story in general. There aren't really a great number of games that manage to elevate to that distinction. Right now, this and Metroid Dread are my games of the year.
  6. Got to love social media. I don't understand how someone telling their followers that a real person should be killed doesn't count as harassment of the type that gets that person banned.
  7. And yet we still suck at recognizing it, especially in girls. It's cool that doctors will often ignore the signs of autism is girls because being quiet or meek or shy or super into playing with dolls by yourself instead of socializing or whatever is seen as normal girl behavior, even if it means going undiagnosed becomes a much bigger problem later in life. Why Do Many Autistic Girls Go Undiagnosed? | Child Mind Institute CHILDMIND.ORG Girls with autism often go undiagnosed because they don’t fit autism stereotypes and may mask symptoms better than boys do. Many more boys than girls are diagnosed on the autism spectrum: more... It took a lot of effort to find someone that could definitively tell us if my daughter was autistic. That's in spite of her checking off nearly every autistic behavior box there is. When we finally got her in front of the right person, she scored a 41.5 on CARS. As we start getting better at diagnosing autism, especially in half the population, those numbers will continue to rise and idiots will continue to claim it's the vaccines.
  8. If you're going off medical definitions here why use an example of a vaccine that increased the chance of a short term medical problem? I mean, I guess it could become a long term problem if a parent ignores their kid's vomiting and bloody stool, but most medical issues can often become long term issues if left untreated and ignored. Like that splinter I got a few years back that got infected was totally a short term issue since I got some antibiotics for it. I guess ignoring it could have lead to long term issues, but we're not talking about those.
  9. I saw a clip of him continuing to perform while EMT are fighting their way in and trying to pull bodies out...WITH their ambulances. There's no way a performer shouldn't have some responsibility to ensure their own fans' safety when fucking ambulances are starting to drive through the crowds.
  10. Even then, it raised risks from 5/10000 to, at most, 7/10000 while also protecting from a disease that is usually easy to treat. Still not a long term effect.
  11. I really don't understand why they feel they need to code "fuck Joe Biden" in this way.
  12. I think I said this like 10 minutes into the game, earlier in this thread, but I would MUCH rather have had this game cycle your weapons Super Metroid style. Really, there are only three weapons, so just assign them to different directions on the dpad. From there, map shoot to the right trigger and use the right stick to free aim whenever you like. That would have made sitting controls so much easier. The control scheme here didn't stop me from getting used to them about l enough to be able to make my way through some bosses, hitless, but you have it right. I got used to them, they just never felt truly comfortable. I've got no problem with the jump. I totally get that most people do. They probably should change it to match more modern games, but I'm sure Sakamoto like keeping it the same it's always been since '91. Metroid Dread's creator on life among the Metroidvanias WWW.CNET.COM Yoshio Sakamoto discusses Samus, Dread and the big Switch question: TV or handheld? I'd love a Metroid movie, even though I'm not sure how you do it. It would be hard to keep the same desolate atmosphere in a film with an actual plot that needs to move forward. I feel like a movie would be more Other M, but I would be cool with a origin story. How much childhood background have we had in Samus outside of the old manga?
  13. At least Bloomberg had the decency to be forced out of the race after a scant few months. Blue Origin has been burning through cash for 21 years with jack shit to show for it.
  14. I was never asked. The only thing they wanted to know when I signed up was which vaccine I had previously and if I was feeling well or had been previously infected.
  15. It's weird how so many of these independent thinkers all have the same exact opinions as that weird aunt that spends too much time on Facebook.
  16. We might be more laxed since I live in a sanctuary city. Some folks might just not have ID. Even still, reminding people to present proof of insurance, even in a highly insured state like Massachusetts is my biggest problem here.
  17. Same here, but it seems they're a very vocal minority. The vaccine clinics prior to child eligibility were so open, they were taking walk-ins. Now they're back to appointments and some clinics are booked for weeks out. Someone is filling these appointments up with people in spite of the claims on social media that nobody is going to because it'll kill their kids.
  18. Debatable. They never asked for my ID when I got my first shot and then required me to bring my vaccination card for any second shots.
  19. Trying to schedule the shot for my son, but having trouble finding an appointment that won't mean I need to dismiss him from school. That said, the site for scheduling appointments continues to piss me off with its confusing wording... Literally didn't need anything after the word FREE.
  20. It's using NFTs to track stupid videogame collectibles like Team Fortress hats or Fortnite skins. These companies are hoping people will trade and gamble them in the background, outside if they're control, and maybe get in on that sweet money laundering game. What? That's not what they're claiming? I don't believe any of them.
  21. It was listed as creative differences, but that Nickelodeon deal is way too good to pass up. A whole studio to themselves? Avatar Studios gets to work on TV series and movies with their current project being a movie with a possible theatrical release. It also sounds like they'll have complete creative freedom here, so no more need to do stuff like talk around Korra and Asami's relationship. I wonder if they plan to animate the comic series that covers the events after the Korra series.
  22. PRRI WWW.PRRI.ORG Fifteen percent of Americans agree with the key allegation of QAnon. Always better when I make sure I'm posting the right link.
  23. My biggest concern is that the right these days is built on projection and that makes me wildly fearful McConnell sustains himself on nothing but contrarian hate and newborn blood.
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