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Everything posted by Ghost_MH

  1. That's because the cast was doing the whole media circuit boosting the show within the last ten days.
  2. That's literally all they're really good for these days. Along with the foreign-language stuff they can't cancel on a whim, they'll pump out seasons of animated shows like nobody's business and release some legitimately great animated movies. I really think series like Cowboy Bebop would have done better on a weekly release schedule. Instead, the just sxpect folks to binge the series and then cancel them when people don't do that within a few weeks.
  3. I have a hard time explaining how much she loved their rum punch, which was basically nothing more than tropical fruit punch Capri Sun with rum. All the warnings that this is not a drink for children on them it's wildly on point, though.
  4. Netflix is run by algorithms. There was a big drop from week one to week two combined with poor reviews along with the high budget, so ROI for them was awful. Internal metrics will say that this was the right call since viewership will continue to tank. Does it matter that it'll tank even more due to this public announcement? Nope.
  5. Simple tips for people visiting with no real plan in mind. Old San Juan is gorgeous, but don't miss out on Vieques even if it's a bit of a trip. Unless global warming has ruined it, you should get a lovely show on the beaches there this time of the year. If you need to chill and want to get away from the bigger crowds on some of the more popular beaches, check out the "not as nice" beaches in eastern Santurce. It's close enough to the night life of San Juan, but far enough away that's it's not normally flooded with tourists. I say that with the caveat of, I never go down to PR this time of the year so maybe it's is flooded with tourists right now. I've just never seen it. It's still a beach in PR with 80F ocean temps you just want to float away in. The food is amazing, so eat everything. Also, if you ever want to get drunk in shitty liquor, Gasolina is my wife's guilty pleasure. Think of them as adult Capri Suns, only with twice the alcohol of a beer. We haven't been in years, but our last time there she made me buy like 10 cases to bring back home since it's nearly impossible to find in the States.
  6. She's like Paul Rudd. They've both been in their thirties for the last thirty years.
  7. Is this an UE game? I swear this looks like one of those fan-made games for what an UE Sonic game would look like.
  8. I really wanted to play It Takes Two with my wife, but then she saw a particular scene online and swore it off forever.
  9. Nice looking game that I'm never going to touch. If through some wild miracle it wound up being great because Disney sent over some Star Wars folks then maybe I'll torrent it if it's not on Game Pass. Quantic Dream isn't getting any of my money.
  10. As would I have. I'm pretty much to the point where I'm likely to avoid most of they're series unless their a single season one off or they already have a few seasons under their belt. Even then, their propensity to just be fine with leaving a multi-season series on an open end doesn't help.
  11. I haven't been an artist for almost twenty years. If I was less scrupulous, maybe I could scan some of my old work and NFT them.
  12. I hate that I'm not morally corrupt enough to enjoy the crypto or MAGA grift.
  13. So like regular microtransactions, but like worse for the environment.
  14. There's this one under a bridge. I have to come flying in from the hillside, but the angle makes no sense. Tharlt final race was quite something. I needed to stretch halfway through.
  15. My math could be really wrong as it was dirty and ask that was keeping me awake while in a very boring meeting. It was based on the study I linked to previously that states gun death rates rise by 13% for every additional 10% of households that have a gun. In theory, you should be able to shrink that down to the county level.
  16. Not really. In the US, you have a 0.3% chance of being shot and killed. Look at the gun ownership rate for your state. If 50% of households in your state own a gun, then that 0.3% becomes 1.95% for anyone loving in the house.
  17. You aren't wrong, but we're likely still many decades away from repealing the second amendment. Still, it would likely be less than the current rate if everyone adopted Massachusetts-style gun laws. The reason for that is the fact that the vast majority of guns found in Massachusetts come from out of state. Everything north of Massachusetts is basically wilderness, so guns migrate down during the winter. Of course, that only helps with the 2% I mentioned earlier. The 13% increase is still household gun deaths and those include suicide. Most gun deaths in Massachusetts are from suicide.
  18. I'm not even convinced you have to go that far. If every state adopted the gun laws from here in Massachusetts, not only would this country be safer, but Mexico would also become a safer country. It's hilariously insane to me that the same politicians that cry about dangerous cartels in Mexico are the same politicians whose lax gun control is arming those same cartels.
  19. In all fairness, those numbers don't really exist since it's a topic half the people in this country have fought against looking into. The closest we can get are studies comparing gun ownership rates to gun homicide rates. Firearm Ownership and Domestic Versus Nondomestic Homicide in the U.S. - ScienceDirect WWW.SCIENCEDIRECT.COM Gun ownership is associated with firearm mortality, although this association differs across victim–offender relationships. This study examines the re… Looks like for every 10% increase in the gun ownership rate, there's a 13% increase in homicide rates for household members, but only a 2% increase in homicide rates for non-household members. This means that the large increase in gun deaths seen when you compare, say, Massachusetts with it's very low gun ownership rates versus Texas with his higher rates, can be attributed to members of households that own guns.
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