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Everything posted by dualhunter

  1. I have the Logitech G502, the non-RGB one since it was cheaper and I just wanted blue anyway. I haven't tried it so I don't know if it's any good for gaming but Logitech has a new vertical mouse. You're less likely to have wrist issues with it than with a normal mouse.
  2. I love when they advertise that it's a scam call like that. I guess the down side is that like Spork mentioned the numbers are often spoofed so I'm pretty sure that the few times when I've gotten calls from people I don't know claiming I called them when I didn't, it's because they missed a scam call that displayed my number and then called it back. I get them even less. I think the last one, my phone marked it as likely to be a scam.
  3. Watch Nintendo release an N64 Classic loaded with Mario Kart 64, Mario Party 2&3 and other multiplayer games but not produce enough controllers.
  4. I'm hoping to finish FFX-2's The Last Mission tonight.
  5. Last year my sister had some friends over and I hooked up the SNES but most of the games were having issues (either wouldn't start or would lock up, probably from spending years in a box and naturally my cleaning cartridge from the early 90s was useless having dried out long ago). Killer Instinct was one of the games that was still working. In the end my sister and I ended up playing through SMW and DKC 1-3 on Wii U Virtual Console. We also got Mario Kart 64 (another sister has the cart so we got it on VC) because they were complaining about Mario Kart 8 and my sister and I started playing a warp-less run of SMB3 but she lost interest in World 6. N64 is great for a retro party. Besides Mario Kart 64, there are games like Star Fox 64 (make sure to unlock tanks and no vehicle), Bomberman 64, Mario Party 1-3 (though if you play the first one go easy spinning the analog stick), Diddy Kong Racing, Super Smash Bros. and Goldeneye. There are also puzzle games including 2 versions of Tetris, other shooters such as Turok and South Park, other racing games, and I recall having fun with Battletanx when I rented it.
  6. In that case get the PC version to enable turbo. I think the main things you need to enjoy FFVIII are to know how the rank system works for pay days (the max gil booster will make it so you don't even need to worry about that) and how the card game works. It also helps to play Chocobo World on the PC version, let it run until it maxes out the items and then backup your save so that you can keep importing it back into the main game so that you don't have to farm as many items (if the updated PC version has an all items booster like FFX/X-2 you can skip it). A potential downside of the PC version is a certain part where you have to input buttons according to on screen prompts if you're not using an Xbox controller. It was a pain on the old PC version where the prompts were for B1, B2, B3, etc.
  7. I think it was the DRM that limits how many times you can install it that was the issue. The Steam version of FFIX is great. The boosters make getting rare steals take less time and there's an easier way to win the jump rope minigame.
  8. Maybe they couldn't get Chocobo World to run I'm surprised Nintendo is letting them put FFX on Switch given how Lulu's Overdrive works
  9. The big question for me concerning versions of FFVII is do the vocals play for One Winged Angel? Are the PC versions the only ones that have the boosters? They really help with the more tedious aspects of these games.
  10. I didn't try it on a mouse but WD40 works for cleaning rubber and plastic that get sticky like that. Don't spray it directly on the mouse and you may wish to do it outside since you may need to use a generous amount. When I tried it, it was on black plastic and it worked well. I don't know if you'll have an issues with thin rubber or a lighter color but I would think it would be fine.
  11. Yes, but mostly in a limited sense where the games are of different types. So things like a PC/console game and a portable game or a single player game and a multiplayer game. I may also play a short game after starting a longer game especially where the longer game is better played in larger blocks of time and the shorter can be played in small blocks. Beyond that I'll generally stick to one game at a time.
  12. Maybe if you included the u in labour, Labour Day would include you
  13. Finished FFX-2 with 99% so I started a New Game + to get the last % and capture the rest of the fiends.
  14. When I tried it I was initially unimpressed but after using most of the bottle for some tasty rum and cokes I tried it on its own again and found it much better. Macallan 15 Fine Oak Auchentoshan Three Wood Flor de Cana 12 Bacardi 10 Year
  15. Different brands of lactose free milk taste different. The kind I get tastes fine. You can also get lactase tablets to break down the lactose if you want to drink regular milk but even then don't have too much.
  16. If FFX-2 hadn't been included with FFX in the remaster I wouldn't be playing it. I decide to play it again thanks to how much time the boosters saved me with optional stuff in FFX. When I played it on PS2 I got 100% in a single run and while I never considered it to be very good I don't remember it being that bad but I'm getting annoyed by it this time. I'm on the last chapter and I'm pretty sure I won't quite hit 100%. I'm sometimes tempted to just stop and watch all the endings on Youtube (since I'll be doing that anyway to see them all) but for now I'm going to endure it and finish as much as I can on this run so that the second run I'll probably need to do can be done quickly. If it weren't for the boosters I'd probably have quit already.
  17. It's hard to go back to old RTS games with the low resolution. When I first played Total Annihilation, I played the main game and expansion but didn't play Battle Tactics. Years later after playing Supreme Commander I tried going back to finish Battle Tactics but I couldn't get into it. So little screen space with no ability to zoom out and tons of units where I don't know which ones are worth using. I played the demo of 7th Legion in high school and loved it but when I attempted to play it more recently I couldn't do it. Early 3D flight/space shooters can be a pain due to the low frame rate. I finished everything except the hard route in the original Star Fox back in the day. As much as I'd like to finish it, with that frame rate the only way I can see myself trying is if there is a remake.
  18. Gear/Daydream style headset for Virtual Boy Virtual Console
  19. I was playing the tower calibration mini game in FFX-2 HD and was having trouble because of big screen + tiny button prompt icons (made worse by the whole grew up with SNES layout but prompts use Xbox layout and I'm using a DS4). While trying to find out if there was a way to make the icons bigger I saw that I could hit ESC to pause so I used that to finish off the rest of the towers but then the icons some how got bigger but it was too late cause the ESC trick was better.
  20. I used to do it all the time but these days I tend to have too many new games to play to bother replaying most games. I still replay some, most recently Final Fantasy and Mega Man games. It was much easier to do when the rate at which I acquired games was slower and games only took a few hours to finish instead of tens or even hundreds. I don't necessary replay the same way or version which can be annoying with games with New Game + features. When I replayed Xenosaga III I didn't get to carry over my old save since I first played it on PS2 and then on PCSX2. I had to play FFX HD with no Al Bhed primers even though my PS2 save had them all.
  21. I started on friends' Ataris. Then I tried the original Super Mario Bros. on NES and my father got me a used Vic 20. I had to play on other people's NESes until I finally got my own a year beforce getting a SNES.
  22. I leave it installed and it hasn't caused me any issues. It defaults to the premium trial now so if you don't opt out you'll start the trial on install or upgrade.
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