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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. Any idea what Sony might have brought to PAX? Is that the type of place they might have unveiled PS5 info? I don't remember what usually goes on at PAX. Health is obviously a concern. Just feels extra weird since they already pulled out of E3.
  2. The Shining with Jim Carrey is probably my favorite one that channel did so far.
  3. My local Domino's always has some pretty cool people working there. Great service too. I could see them having fun with this.
  4. Coronavirus and Brazil 201 slowly taking over the world. I can't handle this shit.
  5. I know the specs will be fine. At this point I just want Sony to show the damn thing so we can see what it looks like.
  6. I didn't expect the gameplay to be THAT stale and boring. Almost an insult for the title of it to say "our first glimpse of next gen".
  7. Anything can be redesigned given the time and money. My biggest question is will they relaunch it as a free to play game. They almost have to right? That seems like the only way you are going to get people in the door again.
  8. For now....... until we find out she had to go into hiding because.......uhmm let me make up some lame connection..... OK I got it. It turns out she's the adopted sister of the evil lady that Charlize Theron plays and only she knows the secret to defeating family.
  9. Damn they showed way too much in that trailer. I don't really care since it just a FF movie but still. The stuff between Vin and John Cena could have been a surprise, along with that reveal near the end of the trailer.
  10. The good thing about it being a hotel is that when it ultimately fails, some other hotel buys it up and opens up for business right away.
  11. Character posters have been released. I didn't know John Cena was going to be in this movie. Not sure how i feel about it. I don't dislike the guy for any reason, just seems kind of meh. My kids just watched Wreck it Ralph 2 the other night and with Cena's character poster, I'm picturing him as a real life Ralph https://comicbook.com/movies/2020/01/29/fast-furious-9-character-posters-vin-diesel-john-cena-new-cars/#1
  12. Stupid name aside, i did click around for a minute or two. They really pack that site to the brim with headlines, almost to the point that its overwhelming. Its like one giant page of text.
  13. It's going to take me a long time to get competitive with these back buttons. I've used them about 4 hours now between Apex and Rocket League. They are comfortable as hell and my 7 year old son was able to use them pretty easy last night. But like you said, muscle memory is a bitch. Much harder than I thought it was going to be. I think they could be pretty big game changers though with enough practice.
  14. Some people are just the worst. I read through some of the resetera thread. After @retrotranslator posted the big apology tweet you have these dipshits saying "its shitty to make an apology post and paint yourself as the victim".....Between this and the random Kobe Bryant comments on other websites, it just reinforces the fact that you should stay far far away from random strangers thoughts while browsing online. It's only going to anger and confuse you.
  15. My preorder came from Amazon today. Just got home from work and haven't had time to try it out yet. I did attach it to the controller and it feels really good and solid. I'll be trying it out tonight with Apex Legends and Rocket League. I'm looking forward to being able to jump with one of the back paddles and still be able to keep both thumbs on the sticks for Apex.
  16. "around 9:45 AM -- they flew into a mountain at 1700 feet. Flight tracker data shows they were flying at about 161 knots." According to Google 161 knots is 185mph... into a mountain.... fuck man....
  17. I bought this for my kindle a few weeks ago when it was on sale. Haven't started it yet. Did you get far into it?
  18. I was interested in knowing how long this virus can live on surfaces since the flu usually only lives 24 hours and cold viruses can be as long as7 days. They don't seem to know yet though. They are also unsure of the incubation period so they are operating under the assumption that it could take 14 days to show symptoms from the time you contracted it. Scary stuff.
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