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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. Side sleeper here. I could never be a stomach sleeper. Feels like im suffocating if I try it.
  2. I'm only on the 2nd or 3rd level ( i lose track because the levels are so long and i'm playing other games) but I got through a somewhat frustrating encounter and the game immediately blue screen errored on the ps4. Just shut the game off after that. Some areas seem hard at first but I'm finding if you just run, jump, and zig zag a lot you will survive a lot more. Run and jump around, kill some enemies, run and jump around, rinse repeat. Playing on ultra violence and it hasn't been that bad as long as you just keep moving. I will say the Amazon Prime Unicorn skin for the Doom guy looks ridiculous during cutscenes haha
  3. Has there been official word when we will start getting the stimulus money(the $1,200 per person thing)?
  4. A month ago I had 3 people on my Facebook post a pill bottle that said like "coronavirus vaccine for cows" or something like that. With comments like there's already been a vaccine for a long time!
  5. Watch out, that crazy lady says she goes to the stores EVERYDAY. lol people are fucking nuts.
  6. Now that you mention it, my trash was also way down this week. We usually have 4-5 bags in our can. This week we only had 2.
  7. Maybe I'm not taking the groceries as seriously as I should. I put gloves on entering the store and throw them out when leaving. I usually pick items off the shelf that are as far back as possible. Haven't sprayed/wiped any food down after arriving home though.
  8. I feel like people in my area have been really good staying home. The roads are freaking empty around me.
  9. I figured it was something like that. I'll have to check other stores.
  10. "This strategy is called "de-densifying" and the company hopes will turn its fortunes around." Guess they finally realized they have way too many Gamestops in some areas. I have 7 Gamestops within 8 miles of my house.
  11. My grocery store fucking tripled the price of eggs from this time last week. For months it was $0.99 for a dozen eggs. Now it's $2.99.
  12. Income is going to become a concern for me by the end of April so today I've just been stressing about everything. A few weeks ago ago I thought we would be through a lot of this but it seems it's really only beginning. Seriously, at the rate things are slowly getting worse I don't feel like people will be back to work until May/June if we're lucky.
  13. I know i'm going to be hurting on money by the end of April. My wife had her last day at the preschool. They are run by a church so may not qualify for unemployment. They are looking into the small business loan/grant thing that's been in the news so they might be able to continue to pay employees. I'm self employed so i might have to look into that too.
  14. So my dad just heard from a customer of ours. This customer has a neighbor. The neighbor got back from a New Orleans vacation a few weeks ago. She just tested positive for coronavirus. She had been working her day job at a pharmacy inside a grocery store the last 2 weeks...
  15. Reading about the ventilators was scary. How they might have to turn them up so high just to keep you alive that the ventilator can cause permanent damage to the lungs.
  16. The Giantbomb video for this game wasn't the greatest. But I got a lot of enjoyment out of watching Jeff carry around a rat.
  17. The cemetery by my house has a new sign along the road. "30% off select plots". I thought what great timing!
  18. That sounds rough man, sorry to hear that. I'm just drawing a total blank on everything going on right now. I've always been good at estimating things in my head, like how long things last or what could happen. This is moving so quick day to day I can't keep up. A week or two ago the big news was "Do you think E3 is going to happen??".
  19. The local hobby store around the corner from me was boarding up their store tonight. Just bought my son a sweet r/c truck there about 3 weeks ago.
  20. Shit I didn't even think of that. They could ignite this thing even more in 2 weeks when symptoms have kicked in.
  21. I could imagine city areas being slammed right now. Parents working and kids gaming and streaming non stop.
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