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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. Went to local pizza place for takeout tonight around 5:30pm and the guy said they have been much slower the past 2 days. I walked in and instead of seeing a bunch of boxes/orders waiting to be picked up, it was just mine. Felt bad.
  2. Probably for the best. Things could get bad financially for people and their health, so I'm fine with anything being delayed. This could be as close as we get to the apocalypse scenario we all joke about, where our huge backlogs keep us busy for plenty of time.
  3. He will still make the bare minimum appearances while sick. A fresh spray tan and a shot of adrenaline should pump him up for about 15 minutes.
  4. I never knew until I had kids, that to deal with fevers better you can take a Tylenol first, then 2 hours later you can take an ibuprofen, then continue both on their regular dosage schedule. That sucks if ibuprofen is bad in this case.
  5. Anybody seen Contaigon lately? I remember seeing it in theaters back at release and it freaked me out a bit.
  6. Since closing schools down for 2 weeks or more seems to be the trending thing, whats going to happen in 2 weeks if the infected rates continue to rise regardless? A lot of teens aren't just going to be sitting in their house for the next 2 weeks. They will be out at malls, movies, restaurants, etc. Do you think they will continue to keep schools closed afterwards? I'm interested to know what's the tipping point for when things are "normal" again. My local township just left a message saying they are closing their office for the next 2 weeks as well.
  7. I live in central PA and at least 2 school districts are closing their schools from March 16th -30th now.
  8. Maybe that's why Trump has looked especially orange lately. Gotta hide the sick paleness.
  9. My wife works at a really big preschool and their local supplier that delivers bulk toilet paper, tissues, etc. for the classrooms was only able to deliver maybe half of their usual amount. They sent some employees out to local stores to trying to find enough toilet paper to get them through the next 2 weeks. Stock was either very low or sold out of most stores.
  10. She's filing a lawsuit. https://www.yahoo.com/news/olive-garden-employee-16-file-140419991.html
  11. "A spokesman for the USCIS told the Post that they began offering Braille tests in November, months after Mr Delgado sat for his exam. A lawyer for Mr Delgado said the USCIS had contacted him since his story was first reported last week to offer him another appointment later this month." Sad a big story has to break to get anything done. Another website also said the Braille test just wasn't available to give him. Seems like a weird oversight but doesn't surprise me. The "system" rarely accounts for special cases and if it does, it makes things twice as hard.
  12. I think it was the Kotaku Splitscreen podcast I listened to this week, where Jason talked about playing different parts of the game at a press event. I believe he mentioned being disappointed that some dialog later on in the game is still the same broken English as the original release. I'm sure the game isn't filled with bad translation, but they didn't even go back to make sure it was all perfect.
  13. I thought his apology video seemed pretty sincere and believable. Punishment fits the crime though. No company wants to be associated with someone getting drunk on stream accidently shooting a gun.
  14. In a perfect world, I hope the manager would have immediately confronted the customer and told the person to leave. But I wonder if the manager feared corporate would fire them for kicking somebody out.
  15. That would be pretty cool. Did you see this article a few weeks ago on Kotaku? kotaku.com/top-streamers-are-leaving-twitch-amidst-big-money-and-s-1841338875/amp About half way through the article it mentions a streamer named Siefe Awade and a streamer named Renee. Both noticed a big change when Ninja was signed on. It's like Mixer got some big names and moved on from the little guys. You're idea would have been great starting out. Bring in the big streamer and giant following, and those followers get exposed to the Mixer crowd.
  16. I might have to watch the last season again. I barely remember anything that happened.
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