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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. I feel like a few weeks ago I was seeing headlines about how this coronavirus lock down could mean bankruptcy for AMC movie theaters. Now they want to cut out a company as big as Universal? Good luck....
  2. I had a pretty sensitive nose as a kid, where I would get frequent bloody noses every couple days sometimes. Not anymore, but seeing that test done makes me feel like I'd start gushing blood all over the place.
  3. I almost bought one a month or two ago. You're right, they are like double the price now
  4. You may have seen it already but this story was on kotaku a few days ago. How scalpers are using bots to buy up the Switch online the second they are available. Hate shit like this. https://www.google.com/amp/s/kotaku.com/nintendo-switch-shortage-can-partially-be-blamed-on-res-1842934148/amp
  5. Is this done on a hacked ps4? Like this isn't something you will get to freely download and try out right?
  6. https://www.theverge.com/2020/4/24/21234205/nintendo-account-hack-nnid-breach-security-hacking-attempt Some users have even reported fraudulent charges. They want you to set up 2-Step verification asap if you haven't already. This was the first time I ran into a process that requires you to have the Google Authenticator downloaded. It felt like I was locking my Nintendo account to my phone which felt weird. A big warning at the end that said if you ever lose access to your phone you better save all these one time use codes or you will permanently lose access to your Nintendo account. I did it but made sure to save a screenshot of the codes to the cloud. Link to set up 2-step: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27496/~/how-to-set-up-2-step-verification-for-a-nintendo-account
  7. The time has come to add my son to my PS4. I have so many games tied to my account that my goal is for him to still have access to them. We were thinking about getting him his own ps4 eventually. I've never dealt with multiple users before. He is excited to create a psn/gamer tag. Can I create a child user on my account and have us both logged in playing games at the same time on 2 different ps4's? I imagine playing the same game at the same time wouldn't work? If I put his real age in (he is under 10) will I be able to control what games he can play? Like if a T rated game came along can I set it to allow him to play it if I choose? I don't want a scenario where he is permanently locked out of something because of an age gate. Will he have his own friend list?
  8. https://www.pennlive.com/news/8d1601-protest-of-gov-wolf-s-coronavirus-shutdown-at-capitol-live-updates.html Not a lot of social distancing going on at the protest in Harrisburg, PA. edit: stream might have ended shortly after i linked it.
  9. It hopefully won't be a big deal in my area since the roads should be more empty than usual. In Harrisburg, the Capitol building is less than a mile from the major hospital. The hospital is also right off the highway. An article I read said, "Monday at noon thousands of citizens plan to attend"... So if the plan is to just circle the area in their vehicles, its going to quickly be gridlock around the hospital. Especially with traffic from the highway on the front and back side of the hospital. (Hospital is the red dot, Capitol grey)
  10. "At noon on Monday, an array of groups who are bashing Gov. Tom Wolf’s COVID-19 quarantine and business closure orders as overreaching, unnecessarily broad and harmful to a tottering economy are vowing to rally outside the now-empty Capitol complex. They say they will be driving around, honking their horns to show their displeasure. It is a sound and a message that has been echoing around the country with increasing volume of late." https://www.pennlive.com/news/2020/04/an-act-of-survival-calls-to-reopen-pennsylvania-from-coronavirus-lockdown-are-steadily-getting-louder.html Protests are scheduled for Monday in my area Bunch of people driving around an empty Capitol building.... I'm sure they will actually be elbow to elbow.
  11. I didn't plan on it, but I ended up playing for 3 hours last night. It is a lot of fun and I feel like I got even better at blocking.
  12. Im fine with it in normal RL. In heatseeker if both teams are evenly matched and the match isn't progressing I'm still fine with it. The problem is about every 3-4 games of heatseeker I run into people that will camp inside the opposing teams goal, just constantly bumping/trying to demo. Which leads to teammates raging and quitting, then the match doesn't replace the player with ai so suddenly its 2vs3. It's a hot topic on the RL reddit right now haha.
  13. Started yesterday. Putting a few games in tonight and it's a lot of fun. Every car has unlimited boost all the time. When one team hits the ball it automatically seeks the opposing teams goal. The ball continues to get faster with each hit. First to 7 wins. Had a game go into overtime where the ball was glowing a blue/purple color flying around over 100mph. Very intense. The only negative to the mode is people from the other team can freely come to your goal and try to demo you non stop. When you get 2 respectful teams playing though it's a blast. I could see this becoming a new permanent mode.
  14. I don't know why this tweet sticks out to me right now. It's a very simple Trump tweet, nothing major. It's just seeing the POTUS refer to people as Crazy Nancy and Cryin Chuck still makes my head spin. Like I said, it's so simple and shouldn't be surprising. My brain just can't handle the time line we've slipped into.
  15. Wow. I know things have been rocky at Kotaku for a while. Some comments would get thrown around during some Splitscreen podcasts where they assured everyone they would continue to podcast if/when the day came.
  16. @marioandsonic I never looked until now, apparently it's super easy to make one haha
  17. You definitely don't have to have an N95 mask or anything. I feel like if you are wearing anything that covers your nose and mouth hands free nobody is going to say anything. I've seen people wearing big scarfs, bandanas, and paper thin doctor looking masks at the grocery store.
  18. Didn't take long. The small business loan program is set to exhaust its funds by early Thursday morning. https://www.wsj.com/articles/small-business-aid-program-set-to-run-out-of-money-later-today-11586971294?mod=flipboard
  19. Starting April 19th at 8 pm shoppers across Pennsylvania are going to be required to wear masks when entering any store. They can call the police to have you removed if you refuse. https://www.pennlive.com/coronavirus/2020/04/dont-want-to-wear-a-mask-some-grocery-stores-say-customers-will-be-asked-to-leave.html Two weeks ago I was one of the few wearing one at the grocery store. The week after there were a few more. Yesterday well over half of shoppers had some sort of a mask on. This whole situation has been..... something to see play out. In hindsight, if all of these rules and limits were put in place weeks ago maybe the infection numbers would be much different. Probably would have created a mass panic though. Just for grocery shopping sake though....face coverings, limit the number of people in store at a time, and ONE package of toilet paper per person. Would it have been that hard to have these rules 3-4 weeks ago? I hope we will have learned a hell of a lot by the time this is all over and can handle shit much better going forward.
  20. I'm still waiting for Pennsylvania to get their shit together with Unemployment Compensation. Their website still isn't set up for self employed people. We've been told not to sign up through the regular application because you will be assigned a pin, but then denied and it will delay your benefits. "The self employed form is coming" they've been saying for 2 weeks now... The only way I can pay my bills come May 1st is with the stimulus money that i'm HOPING to receive before then. February/March is the slow time in my line of work. Come April business picks up and i'm drowning in work until the next winter. I'm going to check with my bank tomorrow about the SBA Payroll Protection Program. I already signed up for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL). Took 2 weeks to finally get an email that just had some standard info about the program. It doesn't sound that great. I've been following posts on facebook from PA State Rep.Ryan Warner who is trying to keep self employed people updated. The posts are filled with comments from self employed people who have been shut down since the middle of March, receiving no assistance or income since.
  21. I think I "liked" Ryse Son of Rome at the time. I definitely played and beat it. Couldn't tell you a single thing about the game though.
  22. Look, I don't know why I bought this game on a whim last night but I did. I REALLY enjoyed what I played so far. Beat the 1st boss and finished the first reactor area. I was actually sad I couldn't keep playing. The game hadn't fully installed yet and it forced me out of the game. 86GB was taking forever to download. I'm pretty sure I read Sony was capping PSN speeds with everything going on and it definitely felt like it. The only thing that through me off was hearing the character Wedge speak. Matt Jones has such a distinct voice that I only associate him with Badger from Breaking Bad.
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