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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. We're you taking supplements of any kind before you got it? I gave myself a strict regiment to follow since this all started just to try and keep my immune system as good as I can. Also I hope you get well soon!
  2. I know i'm beating a dead horse here but fuck the PS5 and its dinky ass storage. I had 80GB of free space but couldn't download the Apex Legends update. I delete an 11GB game. The Apex update started and its a tiny 180MB which then took 15 more minutes to "copy" and install. Now I have 91GB of free space. The PS5 has 667GB of usable free space but you're pretty much forced to keep another 100GB open so you can install updates. Fuck this.
  3. -4k Netflix plan -Amazon Prime (Yearly) -HBO -Disney -Paramount -Giantbomb (I pay the $4.99 a month plan because I appreciate their stuff). -Tried out Hulu for 2 months but this just reminded me I need to cancel it. -Just paid around $48 for a year of Shudder(probably won't re subscribe afterwards but it's alright). -I was going to subscribe to a commercial free audio service but I can always find something to listen to on Amazon Music so I just use that since it's included with Prime. Total cost: $ I don't know because I'm to lazy to do the math and I probably don't want to actually know. Probably going to get rid of HBO for a while after Mortal Kombat.
  4. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-the-anwars-find-peace At least the family will be set for a while. Currently over $700,000. Read an article that said these girls pleaded "not involved" which is the juvenile equivalent of "not guilty". Good luck with that.
  5. I wouldn't even know this game exists if it weren't for all the attention it's been getting in gaming news. My hope is that when it does come out, its some mediocre half assed shooter. And any attention they are receiving quickly dies off within a week. They chose a very controversial topic to base the game around and are now loving all the attention.
  6. I didn't watch Justice League for the first time until about 3 months ago on HBO Max. I finally decided to give it a go late one night, knowing I would fall asleep but whatever. I remember watching the beginning scene with Batman on a rooftop chasing a guy and thinking how much CGI there was, and also how bad it looked. I thought I was watching some Justice League rip off movie. I'm used to the Marvel movies looking at least decent. So then I fell asleep. Missed the entire movie and woke up during the final bad guy showdown fight. In my tired state, I'm looking at the tv and I go into this confused fog. I start thinking "how did my PS5 turn on and how is Mortal Kombat 11 playing by itself". Then I see Aquaman and my brain starts coming back in to focus. That last fight scene looked ATROCIOUS to me. The cgi was so extreme I thought I was watching a videogame. Like human people flying and flailing about around a green screen. A day or so later I watched the movie and thought it was alright. A fun ride but not something I'm going to rush and rewatch anytime soon. All this hype of the Snyder Cut was lost on me. Is this movie worth my time? Does the cgi look any better? Maybe it's my TV or the HBO Max streaming quality, but I barely noticed Henry Cavill's mustache compared to the crazy cgi environments.
  7. Just think, this is also after Microsoft just spent $7.5 billion on Bethesda. Crazy amounts of money. Microsoft is cementing their position into the gaming world with money lol.
  8. Here's a dumb question that popped into my head after watching KOTM last week. The last 1/4 of the movie really emphasized Godzilla and radiation. Like his underwater/ground temple is so deadly to humans. Then they powered him up more with a nuke. The final battle he goes full nuclear and even melts buildings around him. Are these places uninhabitable for years after Godzilla passes through? There's gotta be a ton of radiation fallout after he goes around spewing his nuclear breath everywhere.
  9. But to @Fizzzzlepoint, i don't know if it's happening more but people are definitely talking about it more. Hard to come up with a percentage. I can think of multiple people, at least 5 that were taken advantage of by someone much older.
  10. That's what I was thinking. I would consider a pedophile someone actively seeking out younger kids and teens. The examples of a senior in high school dating a freshman aren't on the same level for me. There is a 3-4 age difference there. Any other time in life that would be totally acceptable.
  11. I need to rewatch the last 10-20min of the episode because it was late and I fell asleep and missed like 5 min somewhere in there. The only thing I really laughed at so far was the old people. Real life is crazy enough that most of what South Park is trying to poke fun at in this special just doesn't do anything for me.
  12. I've been reading a lot about NFT lately but my brain can not comprehend it....Seriously starts to feel like I'm on another planet.
  13. I just watched that episode the other night love it so much. Blockbuster was such a big part of my childhood between movies and games. The Shining twist just topped it off.
  14. I've been watching a lot of older South Parks lately on HBO Max. I think the series peaked for me around season 7 through 10. Those seasons I can watch almost every episode and find them hilarious. After that there are good ones sprinkled about. I lost total interest in the show the last couple of seasons though. The continuing story episode to episode doesn't do it for me. I'll have to check this out tonight.
  15. I always heard getting your appendix removed is easy as far as surgeries go. The only time I heard otherwise was the Giantbomb podcast where Dan Ryckert was interviewing his father after appendix surgery. His either burst before surgery or got infected afterwards because the healing process was much longer, more involved, and gross sounding. I think it involved packing gauze into the inscision every day. Anybody here ever pack gauze into an opening in your body? I had the pleasure of getting a cyst and having it swell up inside my arm pit. Dr said it was probably there a long time but I never knew till it went nuclear. Getting it removed was simple until I found out I had to pack gauze into this now giant hole in my arm pit. Like at least 4 inches deep right after surgery. I had to stand in front of the mirror, one arm straight up, and use a long q tip to slowly jam gauze down in there. For a week and a half. Literally looked like a vagina in my arm pit until it closed up.
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