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Everything posted by DarkStar189

  1. I'm still using my Pixel 2 XL. They discontinued updates for it though so I won't see this bad android 12. I use the calculator on it a lot though and they definitely changed the look to a more bubbly annoying look. Phone still works great though. Don't think I'll be upgrading for a while.
  2. I only ever played the demo of KoA so many years ago. I remember liking it, but I never got around to the full game. I also want to try that walking dead game but not excited about having to hook up the psvr all over again.
  3. A lot of businesses in my area have started adding the extra incentive of a sign on bonus. Warehouse jobs offering a few thousand, even the McDonald's by me is offering a couple hundred. I could easily see someone taking a job and then immediately ghosting when they see they can get a bigger bonus somewhere else instead.
  4. I stopped the trailer half way through. Looks pretty good!
  5. Mark Wahlberg looks like he should be playing Nathan Drake to me. I don't hate Tom Holland, he was pretty believable as Spiderman. But I would have been happier with just about anyone else for the role of Drake if they are going with a younger actor.
  6. @atom631 I'll definitely try out your suggestions. I thought aiming felt pretty slow but never bothered to adjust the settings. I do appreciate what the game is going for because it's definitely not another brainless shooter. The 2nd game I played, not knowing what to do, I kind of just strolled into enemy territory and thought huh I'll just crouch down here by this burning truck real quick, when suddenly a group of 4 enemies just ran by not seeing me. They all crouch down and start shooting toward my team advancing. Took all 4 of them out, then another 3 people came and I killed them too. I ran back to my teammates feeling like I just cheated somehow haha. Like you said, situational awareness is huge.
  7. I keep trying it on PS5 but in the end I'm not having much fun. I'm sure it's because of the necessary communication that you mentioned. I haven't heard anyone talking when I played. I find some of the menus to be cluttered/confusing on a controller. One time after 15 or so minutes of trying to advance into enemy territory, me and a bunch of people are crawling through an area avoiding enemy fire and suddenly a bunch of bombs went off on top of us. Was it an artillery strike or planes bombing us? I haven't played enough to know, but it felt cheap as hell after working so hard to make progress. I feel like I'd have more control with a mouse and keyboard. Sometimes you spawn and you are instantly getting shot at, and you don't have amy time to figure out where it's coming from. I'll keep dipping in, maybe check out the tutorials more, but it may be a little too hardcore of a living room/couch shooter for me.
  8. In regard to the question in the thread title, no, I don't think this was the fix we all hoped for. I'm in no way mad by the results of what the shot achieved, especially being developed and deployed so quickly. But I can put myself in other people's shoes and understand the hesitancy. The term "vaccine" in my head growing up meant you got a few shots and you didn't get the illness that it protected against. The Covid vaccine was definitely presented as "get this shot and we can all get back to normal". Did they know the efficacy would wane after a few months? That info definitely wasn't out there at the start. I mean I understand if they didn't know. This shit is all new. But now it gives that whole other crowd of people the ammo they need to feel like they don't need the shot, "since it doesn't work". Then you have the whole crowd of people who have had Covid and are unsure if they should still get the vaccine. The CDC says yes, but within a minute or two of googling I end up here: https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/blog/covid-19-vaccine-after-having-covid-19 COVID-19 vaccination may not be needed after a moderate or severe COVID-19 infection "If you’ve had a moderate or severe case of COVID-19 and are not vaccinated for COVID-19, current data tells us that you may have strong and durable enough immunity to protect you from reinfection without getting a COVID-19 vaccine." Another thing I've heard is maybe people would only need one Covid shot if they've just recovered from Covid. The natural immunity mixed with the shot immunity could be better protection. Just too many uncertainties for the millions of stubborn people out there. I got my 2nd shot in July. I'm not sure if I'm going to rush out and get a booster in a few months. Things might be more different than anyways. Just taking it one month at a time.
  9. Just finished watching it. Definitly agree with what @johnnysaid but it was still a fun ride. The end left me with a lot of questions until I looked it up and there is still a movie after this (Halloween Ends). So we'll have to wait until next year to see how it wraps up.
  10. Thanks for mentioning this! I have Peacock but haven't used it lately and had no idea.
  11. I haven't seen that movie since it came out. I've kind of wanted to go back and watch it but am unsure. I still remember coming out of the theater thinking it was pushing the limits for me. Very brutal.
  12. Can't say much that hasn't already been said. I was excited to watch but then the gay/transgender bit pretty much turned into the whole show and fell flat. Definitely not funny or creative enough to carry the show.
  13. Stories like these just boggle my mind. So much wasted time and effort. I understand some residents or the association may not want to see old crappy shoes laying out in the hall. A simple fix could be requiring the guy to pay for some sort of small metal box/cabinet that he could store his shoes in outside his door. It would be out of sight. He's got a medical excuse. They have decided its a better option to turn this situation into a years long legal battle at the cost of all of the other tenants in the building...
  14. At the Florida airport we were in, there was a police officer riding around on a Segway. He found some guy sitting with his mask around his neck and yelled out from about 50ft away "Sir! Mask up!".
  15. MicroClimate MICROCLIMATE.COM AIR™ is a new wearable that creates a safe, healthy, and comfortable environment for the individual. The device also protects surrounding bystanders from the person wearing... Air2 for max protection. Plus you can pretend you're going for a space walk.
  16. I think I'll definitely check out the first 3 soon. The wife and I are finishing up all the Nightmare on Elm St movies right now (man did those take a dive after the first 3 ). I noticed the 8th movie- Hellraiser: Hellworld stars renowned gamer Henry Cavill. Description sounds pretty garbage. "Gamers who participate in an online role-playing game (MMORPG) are invited to a rave whose host plans to show them all the truth behind the Cenobite mythos." Maybe watch the first 3 and then throw that in for a laugh.
  17. I noticed a lot of signs are disappearing in my area from store fronts about wearing masks. The only signs I do still see say "masks recommended" or "masks required for any unvaccinated person". But otherwise the grocery stores are filled with mask-less people. I didn't know if any rules changed or if businesses are just tired of trying to enforce it. About a month and a half ago we visited my wife's cousin in Boca Raton, FL for a week. We went to a lot of places and did a lot of activities wearing masks indoors. Her cousin said people laugh about masks in Florida and nobody wears them. We survived 4 flights total, along with a 4 hour layover. Ate at a shitty airport restaurant. Nobody got sick. I will say, when you spend over 4 hours in an airport you realize how fucking gross people are. My son was nervous about flying so we made multiple extra bathroom trips. Visited the restroom 6 times because of his uncertainty in that 4 hour period. I feel like I saw at least half of the people who came in not wash their hands afterwards. People leaving stalls and heading right out of the door. Or the people coughing all over the place or blowing their nose in front of the mirror. No hand washing afterwards. Thought for sure I was going to get sick after vacation but nobody even had a sniffle.
  18. Are the Hellraiser movies worth watching now? Never saw any of them. Before googling, I would have said there were 3 Hellraiser movies. Little did I know there were 10
  19. Things you take for granted when everything is working normal. Years ago I used to love tinkering with everything. Now I dread most of it. Just don't have the time. Like your situation, it ends up becoming half a day project.
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