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Everything posted by Chris-

  1. I’m in the process of scheduling my first tattoo; gonna get the Trystero horn from The Crying of Lot 49.
  2. My FIL got a tattoo of a forest/campsite with the quote 'Not all who wander are lost' and he insisted to my wife that it's not a Tolkien quote.
  3. Taco Bell breakfast is great too, but that doesn’t detract from McDonald’s position.
  4. Started walking last week, third follow up yesterday. Suffered something of a setback: X-ray shows one of the surgical anchors dislodged and is just floating around. The surgeon placed four and the clinical evaluation was positive, so if I’m lucky the other three healed fine and it just means more time in the boot; worst case scenario is another surgery, but I won’t know until I get an ultrasound next week. I’d be lying if I said I took the news super well.
  5. I only have it like once or twice a year but McDonald's breakfast is GOATed and it's insane to argue otherwise. It set the standard for fast food breakfast.
  6. Being an athletic trainer or EMT in the NFL must be akin to being a combat medic sometimes.
  7. PS4/XBO graphics are more than good enough; the jump to the current generation was the first jump with diminishing returns from a graphical standpoint IMO. As long as the specs don't restrict game design (and I don't see that being the case given what they were able to pull off on the Switch) this is no big deal.
  8. Wordle 818 2/6* ⬜🟨🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  9. Not much interested me in this Direct. I’ll probably get TTYD and the Peach game for my wife though.
  10. The extent to which he wanted to be Speaker only makes his misery all the more entertaining. Keep it up, Matt!
  11. I really liked them as a kid...My mom took me to Borders for the midnight release of Goblet of Fire and I read it all in a day, but I fell off after that and haven't read the rest (though I'd like to remedy that at some point- a few years ago I re-read the first two, and I intend to read the rest). I think they are great at world building and have some interesting - though not particularly deep - thoughts for literature that's written for kids/YA. Shame Rowling is a ghoul.
  12. I guarantee this pricing structure was devised by a bunch of green-eared MBAs at McKinsey or some other consulting firm of ill-repute (which is mostly all of them!)
  13. I had to buy a 13 last month because my XR finally kicked the can. Sucks to miss out on USB-C but I probably would have gotten the newly-discounted 14 anyways, so no real loss there.
  14. You know deep down that this probably saved you much more anguish in the future. You should be thankful you've been spared.
  15. I’d really be hard pressed to pick my favorite. Porco, Kiki, Mononoke, and Spirited Away are all contenders.
  16. Plenty of games have good stories; most games have bad writing. That is an important distinction that I think people don’t consider when this question is posed.
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