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Everything posted by Derek

  1. I haven't watched this 'Mandolin' series, but he was truly delightful in 'Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent'.
  2. For some reason, the kids were really on a Frosty the Snowman kick today. My daughter watched the original 3 times. It was delightful, but why are the sequels so terrible? Like the complete tone is different and the animation is somehow worse. Honestly, I didn't even realize they made two 'sequels' to the original until the YouTube showed me. The third one completely disregards his wife and family from 'Frosty's Wonderland' and neither sequel included the Karen girl from the first movie, which made absolutely no sense. She was his ride or die.
  3. Oh, man. I've been waiting for a movie like this since 'The Revenant'. That bear scene left me wanting more. Actually it left me depressed and emotionally exhausted, BUT this looks to be all of the fun in that scene and none of the sadness!
  4. A Florida woman is suing Kraft for $5 million, saying Velveeta microwave mac and cheese takes longer to make than advertised | CNN Business WWW.CNN.COM The label on Velveeta's microwaveable mac and cheese says it takes three and a half minutes to prepare. But a Florida woman says this is false -- and... With a 3 and 4 years old, I make a shit ton of this Mac and Cheese. It does only need 3 and a half minutes in the microwave, but yes, the entire process takes longer than 3 and a half minutes, probably closer to 4 or 4 and a half minutes. So... legit lawsuit?
  5. I didn't know 😞, but before all of this, it wasn't Christmas Time... yet.
  6. I've never used the Twitter, so I don't know it worked versus how things are currently. Could I create an account right now, tweet out a picture of my dong with a Santa hat on it (for Christmas) and just have it up forever because there's nobody left in a position to censor it/ban me?
  7. Oh, but you are, my friend. You are. Eternal Darkness is one of the all time greats, despite being 20+ years old and released on a console that didn't get enough love. Pepperidge Farm remembers.
  8. Oh My Goodness. Thank You! I don't know what the price limit is, but all the cool kids are talking about this 'Sonic Frontier' game. Is this possible for the Nintendo Switch?
  9. Did it finally end? It felt like they've been advertising the final season for a long ass time. I haven't watched anything 'Walking Dead' related in quite awhile. Was the finale ok?
  10. I definitely used to. Especially action scenes. The Matrix, certain Martial Arts movies and I probably watched the final fight scene in Equilibrium dozens of times. It's been years since I've done that, though.
  11. I don't even watch much football anymore, but turned on this wildness. Wow.
  12. Damn. He looks like he has aged 10 to 15 years from the first picture in this thread, just over a year ago, to the one in the post above.
  13. I googled it, watched a video, probably messed up my 4 year old's YouTube algorithm.
  14. I'm 3 or 4 episodes into Season 2 and it's dragging ass. The school is such a boring setting. It almost felt like the, already low, budget got cut. The first season was mildly decent. Nothing particularly interesting, but kept my attention.
  15. Anyone watching? I'm only 3 episodes in and I really don't have an opinion yet. I'd say I'm indifferent thus far. Lotta BDSM, though!
  16. Nice. Fuller was going to make a cool show, one way or the other, so those two might as well make some money off of it. Jason has been dormant for quite a few years now.
  17. Think we'll get another Chinese restaurant scene, with the staff singing Christmas carols?
  18. Who owns the rights to the Zork series now? I think it would be fun to have a remake of Return to Zork. I remember playing it in after school 'Computer Class' before they got in trouble for putting one copy on all 20-some computers.
  19. I think he should do one more, final, Mummy movie with Brendan Fraser or a sequel to The Rundown, with him owning a restaurant and Sean William Scott as his sous chef and there's a hostage situation or some such.
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