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Everything posted by cusideabelincoln

  1. Do a visual inspection of the motherboard, particularly around the CPU socket. Look for burn marks or a busted capacitor. Use your nose as well to smell around. Smell the PSU too, and if you can test your power supply in another PC then try that just to rule it out. Would probably be a good idea to take off the CPU heatsink while you do this, and check on the thermal paste. Perhaps it dried out if you've never replaced it, or maybe the heatsink has just come a little bit loose.
  2. 144 Hz is a huge improvement over 60 Hz as well. It would be more noticeable than the resolution increase, IMO, both if you can get a higher resolution and a higher refresh rate then you'll have the best of both worlds. The 980 Ti will struggle to run the newest games at maximum settings at 1440p above 100 fps. Games can still look good, but you'll have to tweak the settings one by one. At 1080p it's not so much of an issue. Gsync/Freesync is also great. It makes games smoother, but it doesn't entirely eliminate stuttering if other parts of your system are causing the slowdowns. Short answer: 150% yes, time to upgrade the monitor.
  3. I still need to play the second one, but KOTOR 1 was one of the first games I replayed immediately upon beating it.
  4. A 2080 Ti is twice as fast as a 1080, so simply swapping that in by itself will give you the 4k60 performance out of the games you're currently getting. As long as you have a Core i7, or 4 core/8 thread processor, or better, you shouldn't need to worry about a CPU bottleneck at 4k. If you only have an i5, or a CPU that's 4 cores/4 threads or less, only a couple of games are going to be affected at 4k, so you could still get by until you can upgrade the rest of your system.
  5. No, you will be the witch in vs mode. Imagine jumping round as Hunter
  6. Microsoft has just stated they are willing to put that work in. While they could change course, they have shown that's not the kind of approach they're going for. Their recent history has proven they will continue on this path. They have been putting the work into making "old" 360 games run flawlessly on the Xbone, on a one game at a time basis. which tells us they are supporting this idea of indistinct console generations - buy a game once and run it on multiple systems. Their games are going to support the X1S for, straight from the horses mouth, up to two years. The X1X's massive GPU upgrade compared base Xbone could potentially extend that support past the two year mark.
  7. If the Switch can get PS4/Xbone ports, there's no reason the X1X won't get down-ports of its own deep into the next gen cycle, especially from Microsoft first party games since Microsoft is the one pushing this issue. The concept of distinct "console generations" is going extinct.
  8. Eventually there will probably be minimum requirements labeled on the back of the box for these console games, which could happen with the next-gen refresh cycle comes about in 5-6 years. The Xbone S will stop being supported for the majority of games, but perhaps the X1X can handle a few more. I do like the idea of buying a game once that can run on multiple generations of consoles, and if games are developed with scaleability in mind then we could potentially find ourselves experiencing a game quite differently by simply upgrading the hardware. It's very consumer friendly to not have to re-buy the same game over and over again. Hopefully developers can handle it, and if they can't then I think a good balance would be higher priced games (by this I mean games don't go on super cheap sales as much) - or the subscription model takes off.
  9. Not that generous since I got both of my codes from the two AMD processors I bought this year, both of which were already cheap without the free goodies, LOL.
  10. Actually I might have a 3-Month Game Pass for PC that I can't use because it tells me the code is for new customers only and I've already used a different code previously. I can give you the code and if it works then enjoy, because I have no use for it now.
  11. Wii and Gamecube games look pretty good on PC with just the simple resolution increase, thanks to Nintendo's art style. I haven't tried Metroid, but Wind Waker and Mario Galaxy are spectacular showpieces.
  12. Yeah it's ridiculous from a continuity perspective considering the events of *da da da daaaa* Return of the JEDI. And then TFA/TLJ tell us Luke was training new Jedi, spreading the gospel. Sadly the "myth" angle is purely for the audience, meant to play with our nostalgia, and not so coincidentally it's another thing TFA tried to rip off from ANH. Even after the prequels came out you could question if the Jedi should be mythical in the time ANH takes place, but you can make a better argument that it works because the entire goal of the Emperor was to destroy the Jedi and its legacy. But the opposite had been happening between the events of ROTJ and TFA, and the First Order did not have as wide of a reach as the Empire to spread such propaganda - not with the Republic still in tact who owes its very existence to Luke. What's crazier than this logic is... I still choke up a little bit when Han does go, "It's true, all of it." Shit hits me right in the childhood.
  13. While I would love to see the SSD be the driver of change of open-world games, its most likely use will be as a matter of convenience: Faster loading times, and keeping several gamestates suspended at any given time allowing you to swap between games to pick up exactly where you left off.
  14. I hope Lockhart is a thing for that very reason: Being really cheap and enticing in order to get more people to cross over to the new generation. This kind of strengthens my 1080p to 4k argument, but weakens my cross-gen one. It would be really hard to develop for the base PS4 and Xbone. The X1X and Pro wouldn't be as bad, but still rough. Perhaps it's possible some "next gen" games could run on the Pro or 1X and not the base consoles. I think the only precedence for this type of thing would be with a few games that came out for the New 3DS that the old 3DS couldn't run, right?
  15. Like I said, there will be the handful of showcase titles that cannot use those convenient dials. But the vast majority will be scaleable for the simple act of supporting the previous gen consoles. When cross-gen fades out, the lower-tier next gen consoles will slot in perfectly as 1080p machines compared to the "4k" machines: Just bumping resolution alone from 1080p to 4k requires reduces performance of the same card by over 60%. Or in other words it takes about 2.5 times the raw GPU power just to push the extra pixels while maintaining the same framerate. So far Lockhart could be 4TF, while the PS5 and XSX could be 9-12 TF. 2.5 times 4TF fits just nicely in that range. Resolution is the most important context concerning GPU performance, assuming next gen is targeting 4k. And I don't see why we can't assume that when the X1X is already targeting games at 4k. (I used this source to get some average framerate performance on a per-resolution scale over a large number of games. Focusing on the midrange cards, as the very top end cards would be CPU bottlenecked in a few games at 1080p, skewing the averages)
  16. It has a little bit, but the biggest slowdown to my current buying habits is the fact I've bought so many previous games from sales and have yet to play them, let alone download or install them. Now I only plan to buy something that I want to immediately play.
  17. Resolution is the largest contributing factor to performance when there is no CPU bottleneck. The two systems are rumored to use the same or similar CPU, so draw calls and AI won't need to be downscaled. Any other bottlenecks should be easily adjustable as most PC ports offer them as options. It will be more work for developers to verify the optimal settings, but nothing most aren't used to by now who have put in the time for decent PC ports. I'm guessing the reality of the situation is the vast majority of 3rd party multi-platform games that will come out for next gen are also going to be cross-gen, especially in the first 2-3 years of the lifecycle. I suspect multiplatform games will only start becoming next-gen exclusive past the 2 year mark. Publishers will appeal to the massive player base that is already established, because that's the economy we live in now. Only the handful of showcase titles will be next-gen only. We'll probably also see heavily cut down games. Like Shadow of Mordor getting a dumbed-down Nemesis system and the Switch somehow barely running Doom and Witcher 3.
  18. That's pretty much it. He said was the movie was so unaware of how silly it was that it turned itself into a "camp masterpiece". And in the end he acknowledges it is actually a bad movie but he enjoys it none-the-less, because of that disconnect. And while I watched the before/after video of Bane's voice, I still don't find the original version threatening and it wouldn't have changed the overall tone of the movie or the character.
  19. The lesser consoles running at 1080p is the easy solution here. The base Xbone sees resolution drops below 900p now. When the new systems are targeting 4k or 1440p, 1080p will be the fallback for the slower variants.
  20. That entire opening sequence just pissed me off when I watched it in theaters. It was so obvious the dialog was written for us, the audience, that they should have had the actors stare directly into the camera while speaking. And then the rest of the movie continues pretending to be serious with its nonsense, which made this one of my most un-enjoyable theater experiences, right up there with Spider-Man 3. I'm also sure Rise of Skywalker would be number one on this hate list, but my expecations were tempered by the fact I read every spoiler leading up to it whereas I went into the other two movies completely blind and quite excited.
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