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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. I started playing it again a couple months ago and got into chapter 6. I need to get back in and finish it. I told myself I was going to go for the 100%, but that probably isn't going to happen.
  2. In another rut and not sure what I feel like playing. Got on a Dark Souls kick but as always I start like 5 builds and then get bored.
  3. Nope got those suckers out when I was a kid and it's been great. My gf still has hers and they get infected all the time.
  4. That was even more underwhelming than the PS5 show. Good to see a teaser for Avowed and Fable but other than, every time I see something from MS I'm underwhelmed. It's almost like they use Games Pass for a bunch of "indie" games you wouldn't normally play but play because it's "free" on Games Pass.
  5. You all really need to stop being surprised that people that are incredibly wealthy really vote for the people that will keep them that way.
  6. Maybe I'm being irrational but I'm starting to get less and less excited for the Series X with how much they say they want to continue to support the old consoles and presumably offer a lower cost lower powered alternative. I don't think treating console gamers as PC gamers is really the way to be going. In a way I appreciate what Sony is doing, you want to play a PS5 game? Buy a fucking PS5 because we're not making a shit version to still run on PSpoor's even though there are a 100+ million of them out there.
  7. Been sleeping naked for a few months now and it’s been great.
  8. I’ve been meaning to play Civ 6 but never see it go on a good discount. You fuckers are going to make me cave and get it.
  9. Having skirt steak for dinner tonight, asked the gf how much it was and she said $38 for a couple pounds. That's definitely a ripoff.
  10. I'm getting a feeling that at some point you play as Anton, although Far Cry isn't known as a series to have multiple protagonists, unless the game really starts like 10 years later after we're seeing or something.
  11. Sounds like some Joe Rando freedom fighter who turns out to be the brother of someone the bad guy killed or something.
  12. Honestly I payed the $20 to play the NES and SNES games and I regret nothing.
  13. 2000 had Diablo 2 Final Fantasy 9 Deus Ex Tony Hawk 2 Baldurs Gate 2 Perfect Dark Majoras Mask Counterstrike and some others. Not bad. My personal list would be FF9 THPS2 Deus Ex
  14. People need to understand this works in reverse too, so when company comes out with a "woke" "progressive" ad campaign, people should remember they are still some shitty mega corp that would slit your throat for a nickle that any liberal worth a salt should still want the CEO brought to the Central Park Guillotine. Like when Gillette had that commercial that everyone praised and forgot that their parent company is almost literally Umbrella Corp in how unscrupulously evil they are.
  15. Fun fact: Arizona is the 6th largest US state by land mass, just looked it up and damn Florida is 22. Seems like it would be at least top 20.
  16. I haven't finished New Dawn, but that's it. I liked the villain in 4 even more than Jason Vaas. 5 has the best overall gameplay but the story does get infamously kind of stupid.
  17. The sneaky don't get caught jerk when you got other people in the house isn't anywhere as good as the nobody home jerk.
  18. Looks like some of you think @jose looks like this guy
  19. Yeah that was a little more info than I wanted to give but now I got two years.
  20. Trying to get 2 years for basically the price of one and cd keys is doing all this verification shit. Maybe because I used my gfs card because it was saved on my iPad for some reason. This is getting annoying just to get a discount code.
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