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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Yeah I’m not blowing $70 on this
  2. My dad got drunk and bought me a treadmill. You know you’re fat when your parents tell you look like you’ve put on some weight.
  3. I ain’t even gonna lie if the PS5 launches with Demons Souls Remake and a Bloodborne remaster they will be shutting up and taking my money day 1. There will be no disappointment from me.
  4. I’m on vacation this week, the same week Arizona has a statewide 8pm curfew. While it’s been nice to not look at a single claim this week for work my week has basically been wake up around 11 am play video games for a couple hours then nap then play video games most the rest of the night, rinse and repeat. Worst of all up until right now the only game I’ve actually played is rdr2 because apparently I hate myself. ive learned during lockdown time that I completely fall apart without structure. If you let me just do whatever I want sleep and play video games will be what I do. Oh with added boredom eating, just what my fat ass needed. I really need to turn this around and start losing some weight.
  5. With Wade being a fascist I always figured he would like Trump. Like a “game recognize game” kind of thing.
  6. I’m going to go ahead and pass on that
  7. Just need a cougar pelt to get the legend of the East satchel but getting a perfect pelt is annoying
  8. Delayed attacks are always my bane, I'm old and slow now.
  9. BSB and Amelia stopped being a problem for me once I found out the cleaver plus fire paper melt them like butter
  10. I struggled with Manus too, Kalameet isn't so bad if you aren't going for the tail cut. Capra is only difficult because you walk into a mess of shit and need to stabilize quickly or you'll be dead. Once you do, he doesn't have much HP. I used to struggle with Lorian but the last few times have been a breeze. Every now and then Nito ends up being a dick even though he isn't considered hard.
  11. I love the series. I hope the Demons Souls remake rumors are true because I played that game like a bitch and want to go back and play it right. Playing Dark Souls for the first time is still my favorite moment in gaming. Also would love to go through Bloodborne again, hopefully it gets a PS5 update because that on a SSD and improved FPS would be magic. I'm not that great at video games and even I can beat all the souls games. Well except the 3 hard DS3 DLC bosses. I haven't beaten Friede, Midir, or Gael Solo. I can beat Nameless King solo, but it usually takes me a few tries. Most every other boss I can cake walk though.
  12. So we're just excusing looting now as long as you have a good reason?
  13. When I was 14 I was jacking off to AOL dial up porn. Shit when I was like 12 I found a single page of penthouse that had a naked lady on one side and a forum letter on the other and that got me through like a month. Kids these days don't know the struggle.
  14. Gen X fucked up generation naming, Really, the next two gens are Y and Z? Are we going to get lazy and call the gen after Z Gen A? What year were you born, because I always associated the end of Gen X with 1979, though I have seen some shit saying Millennials start at 1985, which then make me a Gen Xer too, but I'[m not buying that.
  15. I haven't filed in 2019 yet because at least according to Turbo Tax it said both me and the gf owe money and I think I owed like 2 grand so while I would have qualified for the whole $1200 based on 2019 I would have lost money overall. I need to stop being lazy and see an accountant and see what they can do but the downfall to having no kids is my only deduction is now my house, and I bought that last May so I don't even have a full year of interest to deduct so I might finally be out of refund luck.
  16. I've been working from home with no pay increase. I got a partial stimulus of about $750 because in 2018 I got a large relocation bonus that was added to my W2. I definitely think those that were forced to expose themselves to the virus by dealing with the general public should have gotten a pay increase to compensate for that risk. My gf ended up losing her job as they closed her office and another office in the area as well and let a few other employees go. She got the full $1200 and is getting the extra $600 a week. I have no dogs and no kids, so other than my cat jumping on my desk and trying to take a nap on my keyboard working from home has been mostly fine, other than going stir crazy because apparently I do miss the office.
  17. Assassin's Creed Origins the last couple days as I kind of rotate between that and Far Cry 3 Classic and RDR2. Want to get Origins done before I start Odyssey and then Valhalla later this year.
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