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Everything posted by Xbob42

  1. Gonna rename myself to Gamestop and let one of you guys trade in like 8 consoles and 700 games to me for my used PS5.
  2. I wouldn't count on that for consoles, only Square seems to include QoL changes that dramatic. On the other hand... No MiniGames at Mass Effect 2 Nexus - Mods and community WWW.NEXUSMODS.COM Auto win mini games. Single probe planet scan
  3. My bad, I just checked and I'm actually at 30, not 36. I blew past 26 in my last two sessions, not 36, me brain smart. Still, though, oodles of yen (I basically did the entire management minigame in 2 sittings) and I can't imagine only gaining 2-4 levels in the next 5 chapters. I gained 2 levels last night just doing side crap around town and not progressing the story at all?
  4. What? I'm on Chapter 7 and I've had like 5 million yen and flew past level 36, let alone 32-34, ages ago. Have you been skipping all side content or something?
  5. I saw a Youtube thumbnail of Dreamcast guy calling this game trash, and that's all I need to know. That dude loves basically any game that has ever existed. If he hates it, it must be a true abomination. ...I will still try it because I love trying bad games.
  6. Sometimes you get games that don't suck in your monthly game lotto so having a paywall for multiplayer makes sense! That's some reasoning. And the value is always relative anyway, even at the best of times. If the game doesn't happen to suck, but you play a lot of games, there's a good chance you've already played it. I've basically played Control twice now, I have no desire for a PS5 version, for example. And Destruction All-Stars I'd almost bet money is going to be a shitshow. Concrete Genie is a legit one though if you didn't play it well over a year ago.
  7. I was doing a polygon count of his haircut, got to like 4 and realized he was a real person.
  8. Also, my game crashed right when it was finally getting into what I assume was the meat of it. Let's see if it's got a good autosave system! Fuckin' Bloober, man. EDIT: Alright, only lost like 30 seconds worth of progress. Also forgot to download the game-ready driver. Let's see if it's a driver that makes everything better or one that makes it all worse! With nvidia you can never tell. Game seems pretty stuttery right now, and seems to bog down the rest of my system. It looks good, but not that good. Hm.
  9. I was more talking about the reaction from actual gamers rather than review outlets. Going by the word around here you'd think Horizon was the greatest, most beautiful game of all time and that Ghosts did thing no open world game could ever conceive of. Did you know the WIND tells you where your next objective is?
  10. I do believe we see some weird inflating of Sony game scores when titles like Horizon Zero Dawn or Ghosts of Tsushima are barely-a-step-up (and a step down in my opinion compared to recent entries) Ubisoft open world games. I always have to be extra skeptical of Sony exclusives because people overhype the fuck out of them. I still can't believe one of the counters to Horizon's bad combat was that I should enjoy setting it up so I can watch the AI fight each other, like a fuckin' video game bum fight or something. Good lord, just make the combat fun! Anyway, Bloober team makes good stuff, but not great stuff, so the reviews based on their history seem to be about what would be expected. Gonna dig into this game thanks to Game Pass, still not sure what to think of the solo split-screen stuff I saw in the Digital Foundry video (seems like a tech gimmick more than something important to the game, which is especially not something you want in a horror-themed title) but let's give it a shot and find out.
  11. Souls games are a great example of the two concepts of autosaving and punishment for death not just being mutually exclusive, but where one actually makes the other more impactful. Killed an NPC? Fuck you, they're dead. Don't hit them next time, dumbass. Course, not all games can work like that, so I'd like to see something more universally applicable.
  12. Well yeah if it takes half an hour to aim your gun then you definitely need a quick save button.
  13. I'm torn. We need the ability to put down a game any time and resume, worry-free. But to me, that's a separate issue from making death in games matter. I think games are way less fun and interesting and rewarding when you can just die 8,000 times and you only lose the minute or so you spent in the fight. It's smoother and more convenient, but then I just kind of don't give a shit about actually winning. Same when games are just too easy. It turns the concept of conflict into a chore rather than a struggle and a test of what you've learned. Ironically, it makes EVERY encounter feel like something I've done a thousand times because with no challenge or fear or failure, it's barely different than running up to a terminal and holding X to hack it. Menial, repetitive. Of course, I also hate losing progress because I hate redoing anything twice most of the time, I rarely even watch movies twice and wonder how anyone can watch the same film dozens or hundreds of times without going insane. So I guess what I'm saying is I want a system that has meaningful consequences for failure, but not the soul killing tedium of repetition that is save point hostage situations.
  14. This is how most Switch ports of AAA titles look so you should be used to it!
  15. Damn, for some reason I had this coming out in months in my mind. Can't wait! Love the 30 FPS preset chart, whoever made it clearly knows exactly the info PC users wanna see: How can I get 30 FPS?
  16. It's coming to last-gen platforms (exclusively?) despite coming out mid-2021... so probably not. Also their official tweet couldn't even muster up the energy to put an exclamation mark on the release date everyone's been waiting for for like 2 years. Were they forced to put that release date? Conspiracy theories abound in my head!
  17. Yup, got both of those, Ys VIII has the best "start of an adventure" music ever. I'm glad, was not looking forward to explaining that one of the characters is technically 10,000 years old so masturbating to her really isn't a big deal.
  18. Ehhh, I wouldn't really classic this series like that, it's more like a way-too-fucking-long series of novels in JRPG form. There's your typical amount of skimpy anime girls here and there but by and large it's basically political drama and war.
  19. In a thread where someone claims RDR2 is the best game of the generation, you're gonna ask what's wrong with me?
  20. Hmm. I did get around to a lot of FFXIV, but mostly I caught up on the Legend of Heroes series. I beat the first game a couple years ago, but stopped at the beginning of the second, so in 2020 I beat... The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky 2 The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky 3 The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 1 The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 2 The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 3 And I'm working on Cold Steel 4 now, taking it pretty slow as I got a bit burnt out playing all these games so close together. Also waiting patiently for Trails to Azure, which is the sequel to Trails from Zero, both of which were fan-translated as they never got official U.S. releases. The fan translations are amazing, though. Same high quality writing and re-work of a lot of textures into English on top of huge performance fixes that make it run properly, as the PC versions of the two games (originally PSP titles) ran like dog shit. So they go from like janky ass window mode 15 FPS trash to 60+ FPS 4k glory. Once I beat these two, I'm all caught up with the entire series in English! Not too shabby considering they're each like 80-100 hours long. Can't wait for them to change the formula up a bit though. It was really novel and enjoyable the first several games, but at some point even mega fans can get sick of how similar each one is laid out, especially Cold Steel. Aside from that, I've been hitting up my backlog quite a bit, but not diving too deep into any one game, so I don't know if any of them defined my pandemic. Nothing outside of the Trails games has really hooked me like I was hoping. I'm having a lot of trouble just picking a game to start up recently. I really enjoy things like the game version of Book Clubs where everyone plays the same game and there's a big thread about it, helps keep me focused on a single title.
  21. Then again, if you're even halfway decent at shooters you get called a cheater, so I can see how some... lesser players might think games are riddled with cheaters when it doesn't take other players 2-3 seconds to acquire a target.
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