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Everything posted by Xbob42

  1. The only time I see significant cheating on a PC game is if the game in question has no anti-cheat (which is rare and hilariously dumb) or if they use a really bad anti-cheat. I don't get why you'd think a subscription would keep people away from cheating, though. People still cheat on consoles. If money was the defining factor, then the same reasoning could be applied to PC gaming. If you get banned from a game, you have to make a new account and purchase the game again. Or do you think the PC is literally a wild west wasteland where people cheat without being banned? It's the same thing: both will cost you money in the long run. If the price doesn't deter you from cheating on one, it won't on the other. The reason console cheating is less prevalent has less to do with price and more to do with it's just a pain in the ass to run your own software on console (or pipe it in from your PC.) most of the time. It can be done, but usually when people do it, it's for homebrew shit or piracy or just fucking around, most people capable of doing it wouldn't waste their time doing banal shit like cheating and dealing with bans.
  2. Funny, because the "good guys" generally didn't get to charge full price to begin with, because they rarely make AAA games.
  3. They probably hoped dipshit gamers would just accept the price increase (and indeed defend it) like they did with Sony upping games $10. I mean, we saw plenty of that dumb bullshit on these very forums, where apparently games selling to a dramatically wider population and making more profit than ever while having 600 different ways to monetize the fuck out of you wasn't enough, so now we get all that plus we get to spend $10+tax more per purchase! Gamers are the biggest fucking suckers on the planet.
  4. The idea that we should keep our broken government the way it is forever because the dumbasses we elect might ruin the nation is uhh... probably a good reason to change it and to educate voters and to reexamine ourselves as a nation. Because that's the worst fucking logic I can possibly imagine to not do anything. Needles hurt, but that pain is no reason not to get your shots.
  5. That's not how it reads to me. It more reads like the devs of 3 got the wrong take-away from 3 ("The fans were mad about changes!" rather than the correct answer: "The fans are mad a huge chunk of the game is missing and nothing has replaced it") and were going down the least interesting path for RE4. RE2 is probably more of what Capcom wants, a big, awesome remake with new features or revamps or underutilized features. RE2 sold far better than 3, so I highly doubt Capcom wants to make a lesser RE4 because it cost them a ton of sales. I bet they want it bigger and better, and yeah, it'll probably be missing a few of the parts people liked a lot less, or maybe those will be reworked, or reimagined into entirely new areas. I certainly wouldn't mind if we got more areas like the village, which is still the strongest part of that game by far and so, so short.
  6. I don't understand this logic. It's obvious by what has been typed here that people didn't like that there was a ton of missing content, not that the content was "different." If the dev's take-away from a good chunk of the game being missing upsetting fans was "Well we have to slavishly remake RE4 as it was because fans didn't like change" then they're so fucking dumb that it's good they were removed, because clearly there's not a single functioning brain cell in their team. It's not like they replaced any of the missing content in RE3, it just wasn't there. Not a hard fucking mystery to solve, geez.
  7. He actually gutted a huge portion of what Trump did in the very first day.
  8. That doesn't stutter nearly as bad as it does when I play it, weird. Still bad, though, considering all of nothing is happening.
  9. Don't really care about the soda argument, as I rarely drink soda these days. But can I say that carbonated ("sparkling" if you're a fucking idiot) water is absolutely fucking putrid? Tastes like dish soap. No, literally. Go get some dish soap, dab a little on your tongue, and then try "sparkling" water. Same bitter nasty flavor for perverts. It's a double con, too, because some of the flavors like black cherry can SMELL absolutely delicious, then you taste it and it's like a goblin is taking a shit on your tongue. Knowing that Europeans have been having it regularly at restaurants for the past several decades now explains to me why their faces look like that. That's a man who gargles his carbonated pig shit every morning.
  10. I hope not. As I said, my main concern wasn't the drop itself so much as the fact that it drops so obviously when there's literally nothing at all happening. No NPCs, no action, no weapons, no interactable objects, not even a player character model!
  11. 5-7 fps drops? I dunno, man, it felt like the whole game started struggling. Although knowing the PS5 we could somehow be getting very different performance. I'd really like to see how it runs on a PC.
  12. The drops were huge. Impossible to miss. They didn't last terribly long as it was only when overlooking the entire room and going down the stairs, but I can't even imagine the horror show that will be the last-gen version.
  13. I was so damn giddy when I saw they brought the merchant back, of course he's a different merchant, but I love his fat ass all the same.
  14. Okay, finally watched the showcase rather than just playing the demo. Things make a lot more sense now. This was clearly some sort of quickly thrown together welfare demo for PS5 that's using basic assets from the main game. That's why it feels empty and pointless: because it is! In the showcase they talk about how "they want everyone to be able to play," but critically instead of saying "so this demo will be available on other platforms," they say "and a new, second demo will be available on all platforms in Spring." In other words, it's likely that they farted this one out quickly to appease some sort of deal with Sony, while the next demo will be an actual demo instead of a boring showcase. At least, that's what makes sense to me. If the second demo is as big of a wet fart as this I'm gonna be real concerned. But I doubt it, they go out of their way to call this both a technical demo and a visual showcase, so clearly they knew people weren't gonna be happy that it's like 3 rooms of you walking and picking up 4 items before a short cutscene plays. On the other hand, RE:Verse looks fucking horrible, but I'll try it since it's free. Killing Resistance, which was actually unique and fun and good, for what looks to be a shitfest, is a tragedy. Even the trailer on the Steam page looks like the person playing it was trying to play while watching Netflix on their phone or something, they just kind of wiggle around and aim at the floor and almost never fire their gun. That said, as a freebie, I can't get too upset, just more upset that Resistance stopped getting updates for what looks to be a big steamer.
  15. On the other hand, the new trailer seemed pretty dope! The vampire lady talking on the phone had lip syncing that put RE7 to shame, which is the kind of attention to detail I like.
  16. Okay, just played through it. Definitely a far cry from the crazy fun mystery that was the 7 demo with all its secrets, at least I assume. Guess that's why they called it a visual showcase, but just a few issues: You start out in a dank ass dungeon that's ugly as hell. And I don't just mean in terms of art style. A lot of the textures and geometry look distinctly last gen. As you move to another area, you're met with a very last-gen-and-gen-before-that fake mirror, that's extra dark, doesn't show your character (you don't appear to have a model at all so that's fine I guess?) but also the room that it reflects is like a super basic representation of the actual room. You come to a MUCH nicer looking area after that, although it still seems kind of low res? I couldn't find any weapon like in the RE7 demo. That was great for getting just a tiny taste of the combat. Movement seemed... off? It didn't seem terribly different from 7, just a little less responsive. Sound effect for picking up items is hilariously obnoxious. I hope that's a temporary thing. The writing seemed... basic? RE writing is never amazing, but this seemed like the artists making it did the writing, aside from a single note it really lacked RE's personality in terms of notes and descriptions and what little dialog there was. The FPS seemed to be around 60ish, I think, for the most part, but getting into the first large area saw significant dips on my PS5. Which is worrying, because while it's a nice looking room, it has nothing going on in it. It's just a big empty nice looking room. And we're talking big dips here, felt like it was dropping down to 30-40 from 60, will definitely be a PC game for me obviously, but hopefully this was just an unoptimized demo. I don't know if it was actually at 4k? It was HDR, and the HDR looked nice-but-not-incredible, but at the end there's a bunch of small text for legal stuff and it was blurry as hell. We looking at sub-4k here? I didn't notice it looking distinctly blurry during actual gameplay, so that's a good sign, but I do wonder if we get that small text in-game if it'll cause issues. Could've also just been a texture for all that text that they rendered at a lower res or something? I dunno. Overall the demo didn't really do much for me. I just kinda played through it and uninstalled it. It might have secrets, but I didn't see anything hinting at them and will check it out again some other time if I hear there are some. I just hope the responsiveness of the movement is cleaned up a bit to be as good as (or by all rights, better than) Resident Evil 7, and I hope the inventory and its obnoxious noises are given a pass to be better. Right now it's just kind of this ugly list in the middle of the screen, looks basic and unfinished. This definitely seems more like a tech demo than an actual demo, and they do call it a visual showcase, but that's a weird thing to call something that isn't hugely visually impressive. Outside of the dungeon, it's nice, but not mind-blowing or anything. Also seeing it chug in an empty room was concerning. Weird that they'd make this demo PS5-exclusive. Just kind of put the game in a slightly worse light for me.
  17. I feel great about it! Although I dunno if it's the "new standard," they did just put out 2 third-person games, just because they were remakes doesn't necessarily mean that only remakes will be in third-person. I bet they like the freedom to switch between perspectives and play around with what works. Although for me they play almost identically and the perspective only really has an influence on what details you're gonna be staring at. Downloading the demo now. Kinda bummed that this is a May release as I had hoped for March or April, but a little while longer than I expected is no big deal.
  18. While those particular issues haven't bothered me much (in my experience no one runs all that far during combat at all) the general issues of Japanese games and their endless fucking prompts drives me up the damn wall. It's always for the dumbest shit, too. And sometimes they'll flip the prompt around so you'll be trying to hammer through it and right at the end the yes will be on the right for some reason. And then to top it all off, Japanese games will also randomly NOT have prompts for bigger stuff. Here's a questionnaire on whether you actually want to use this super common healing item. Also, you tapped X on the control remapping screen, so we reset everything to default without popping up a confirmation window. Oh, we detected your joystick went slightly towards the "erase save" prompt, so we went ahead and took care of that for you. I've been playing a lot of Japanese games as of late, especially stuff like FFXIV, and this shit is everywhere there. Stop asking me to confirm the thing I very intentionally have to perform several actions to trigger every single time I want to do it! ESPECIALLY WHEN THERE'S NO REASON I WOULDN'T WANT TO DO IT. AHHHHHHHHHHHH.
  19. I'd argue that after seeing how insanely better Monster Hunter World sold thanks to better controls and massive quality of life improvements, the days of "old" MH are numbered.
  20. You're missing the point. The game feels old and clunky. That means it severely inhibits the amount of new players that will come to play and enjoy it. People have a trillion games they can buy these days, the answer to "well get used to these clunky shitty old controls from 16 years ago" is generally going to be "no, fuck you" followed by a refund. Capcom wants to sell the game to people, I think, not have them go on forums and be called dumbasses because they don't want to start learning a game's weird old controls right before the escort missions start, y'know? Again, the controls are fine by me, one of my favorite damn games ever, but I'd much rather recommend someone a newer version rather than trying to sit around convincing them to not give up on a game that has in some ways aged very poorly.
  21. The issue is that the Wii and indeed mouse controls on PC made the game way too easy, so to new players it's simultaneously clunky and super easy. Hence why they gotta redesign enemy AI and encounters to match a new control and movement system, like the did with RE2. I think it's totally possible to rework these systems without losing what made the game so damn good.
  22. If the government has to tell you not to be a piece of shit, then they have to tell me, too!
  23. I love me some RE4, one of the very few games I've beat over 10 times, but the controls are awkward as hell for anyone not used to them, and often even for fans of the game who haven't gone back in a while. For one, it's tank controls in third person, so instead of being able to strafe, you just slowly turn when hitting left or right. Next, the movement speed is incredibly slow. Leon acts and talks like an action hero but moves like a toddler learning how to walk. When aiming, you must plant your feet, and maybe this is different now, but I recall you also aimed with the left stick, so that was cool. Then, after planting your feet to aim, you still gotta deal with an insanely wobbly laser sight as I guess Leon gets shaky hands outside of cutscenes. To you or me, none of these are a big deal, some of it is even charming! But Google "resident evil 4 controls" and you'll see people who never played it really, REALLY dislike the controls, and generally just get called an idiot or a kid for their perfectly valid reaction of being put off by what sells itself as an action game playing almost nothing like one.
  24. I would've agreed before Resistance, but I found it really fun and unique. Mainly just stopped playing it because they didn't seem very dedicated to adding content. Every other RE online product I've ever tried has been hot trash, though. Apparently people really liked Outbreak or whatever on the PS2 but I never played it.
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