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Everything posted by Moa

  1. At the very least everyone survived the end of the world and now we can get back to the shit that made GoT good.
  2. Did anyone count how many times a major character was pinned by the zombies only to be rescued at the last moments by someone offscreen?
  3. I'm kind of upset that every dead character earned their death heroically. I was hoping that death would come abruptly and brutally. Specifically, I thought the moment where all the Dothraki flames are snuffed out would've been a great way for Jorah to go.
  4. That trailer looks much better than I expected. The future part seemed like a shark-jumping moment but maybe the show will stay great.
  5. If by hipsterism you mean people ironically liking Nicholas Cage movies thinking it's an interesting personality trait, I'm with you, but I think Mandy was good despite Cage's distracting history.
  6. Mandy This is probably the most inexplicable movie I've ever seen. The cinematography, direction, and what I would broadly call the tone of the movie is creeping dread and cosmic horror complete with murky night skies, long silences, reverb, and brilliant double exposures, but the actual plot content seems like something ripped from Slayer lyrics. The movie constantly subverts and undermines its beauty with sequences where it appears to turn and smile at the camera, a la Blue Velvet, and much of it strains already strained credulity. It seemed to be in constant conflict with itself, but somehow instead of becoming a schizoid mess, it ultimately coheres in a way that doesn't really make sense to me. 4/4 two sign of the horns way up It also got me listening to King Crimson again. Russian Doll Natasha Lyonne carried the show. It was competent as hell, and I'm always down for more Groundhog Day, but like my high-school essays, it never went above and beyond and went somewhere truly new. 3/4
  7. The white walkers made every decision binary which removes what made the early seasons of the show so compelling. The character interactions have been fun, but the show has gotten very Marvel.
  8. The chaos system kind of turns me off these games. If I'm playing a first person action game I want to RIP and TEAR not think about the consequences of my actions. I only played dishonored 1, but I felt like it encouraged me to play it in the least fun way.
  9. On a related note, EA access is the easiest to cancel service I've ever used. This sounds a lot like a potshot, and it totally is, but I was surprised that it was like three total clicks and wasn't hidden away.
  10. It's almost as if society has different standards for acceptable portrayal of violence and sex. You're not being oppressed because a fortune 500 company doesn't want to associate with molestation minigames.
  11. The downside is that if they don't die then they will unite against her, and if they do die then sending Bronn was unnecessary.
  12. This was such a weird direction. They can't possibly expect the audience to believe that Cersei thinks Bronn would kill Jaime or Tyrion. It has to be a ploy, but even then, it's a pretty shit ploy. Also, as far as crazy fan theories go, if the night king isn't Bran I'll admit I was wrong. They look soooooooo much alike.
  13. Rome wasn't built in a day. Apex is doing fine. It was never going to dominate twitch forever because so many games have much more established fanbases.
  14. If there is one thing more obnoxious than I presume the kids who pwn me at fortnite are, it's the mature gamers who bitch and moan about a game they don't know the first thing about.
  15. Jason Schreier does good work but also is totally incapable of looking in the mirror or handling criticism. Their response is basically saying, we know Anthem has problems but please don't dismiss the people and effort that went into making it, and he calls them defensive and later cowards without an ounce of irony. It seems like he is incapable of handling any response to his work other than you're so smart and right and we're all going to buy your book.
  16. I haven't played DMC 5 but from all the coverage I've seen of this game, I just can't see how it deserves such universal praise. Some of the cutscenes look cool and the 'tude is kind of funny, but the game just looks so sterile.
  17. I played through Bastion 1.5 times the day it came out. I haven't played their other games since Transistor looked lifeless to me and Pyre was its whole other thing.
  18. These games definitely need something to help new players. The problem is that these games kind of break if everyone in a match is highly-skilled and "playing to win." Fortnite specifically becomes a huge clusterfuck when played competitively and leads to a lot of situations with like 20 people are turtling in the same megastructure. That said, I am exactly the person who has been pushed away from Fortnite because even though I've been playing since season 2 I just can't keep up with the 12-year-olds anymore, so I'd like to see Epic at least try to implement a system to keep those monsters away from me.
  19. It's hard and you're a smart and valuable person even if you struggle.
  20. I agree with this sentiment. It was very crisp and smooth and they had some cool mechanics in some of the levels but I was often left wanting more as it felt like just as I was starting to get used to some of the more unique mechanics the level ended and it was all jerked away. I feel like I wanted a lot of the levels to be 30% longer and require greater mastery of whatever was going on in the level.
  21. DS 1 never beat DS 2 never beat I honestly don't think these games are for me. I'm fine with a challenge but I always feel so powerless in souls games.
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