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Everything posted by Moa

  1. Who has a better story than this lifeless husk who has forgotten what it feels like to be human.
  2. 3.5 hours of swearing and the words POLICE STATE in coins.
  3. I'm excited for this game, but I'm more excited for the Giant Bomb content to come from this.
  4. Are any of the Quantic Dream games worthwhile? I read some shit about Detroit that turned me off it but I do love me some story driven games. Speaking of which, I almost feel bad taking advantage of the sale and preordering Afterparty for 50% off when I fully intended to buy the game full-price at launch.
  5. I love how Dany burning King's Landing to the ground seemed inevitable not because of her prior actions but by the insistence, apropos of nothing, of everyone around her that she not do it.
  6. Young Sheldon doesn't turn years worth of investment into disappointment. The show had been going downhill for a while, but this last episode was orders of magnitude worse than any of the previous stuff. I do have two positive things to say about the episode though. The first is that I liked that the battle was a complete and total rout, and the second was that Clegainebowl happened.
  7. That was one of the worst episodes of TV I have ever seen.
  8. I think asymmetric multiplayer is one of the most underexplored genres in gaming, and I'd love to see a game get it really right.
  9. What is the prevailing opinion on Chuck's finale? I remember liking it at the time but in retrospect it seems like kind of a copout. Also, while I have my suspicions about how well it holds up, I feel like that show was really emblematic of it's time and place in recession and late war-on-terror America. Obligatory Twin Peaks The Return nailed it.
  10. Knowing Valve's hardware history I'll get this next year on a sale for 95% off bundled with Skyrim Portal 3.
  11. She was literally a plot device the whole time, so naturally once her plot is resolved she resolves herself.
  12. At the very least everyone survived the end of the world and now we can get back to the shit that made GoT good.
  13. Did anyone count how many times a major character was pinned by the zombies only to be rescued at the last moments by someone offscreen?
  14. I'm kind of upset that every dead character earned their death heroically. I was hoping that death would come abruptly and brutally. Specifically, I thought the moment where all the Dothraki flames are snuffed out would've been a great way for Jorah to go.
  15. That trailer looks much better than I expected. The future part seemed like a shark-jumping moment but maybe the show will stay great.
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