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Everything posted by Moa

  1. I was trying out the meepo preconstructed deck and was getting bashed all around by a mono-green deck. I had lost one lane, had a few creeps in another lane, and had a single hero in an empty lane. I got to redeploy 2 heroes and a fistful of meepos and committed to the first lane putting only one meepo in the second lane. My opponent committed hard to the second lane with a lot of buff cleaving heroes. I used time of triumph to buff my 3 heroes + 3 meepos, proofed my meepos to the second lane, took the first tower, and despite losing all my units in the second lane I pushed exactly lethal damage to the tower for the win. Felt good to steal a game that I spent the majority of the time wondering how to concede.
  2. It may be a little different from some of the other suggestions, but the biography of T.E. Lawrence, Lawrence in Arabia, is one of the most compelling stories I've ever read, and the audiobook is fantastic.
  3. My God I think it's Forza Horizon 4. Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic game, but usually I go for the soulful indie titles that actually try to push storytelling in games forward, and I feel like none of those types of games came out this year. Anyone have any recommendations?
  4. Celeste was too hard for my filthy casual hands. The self-hatred that game cultivated inside me was wonderfully exorcised during the story moments. I love-hate that game but certainly think it is great. Unrelated to Celeste, I also don't think that 1/5th of a game should be eligible for awards, regardless of how much I personally enjoyed it.
  5. I want a game where the twist is that the robots aren't really sentient. Was Detroit bad or just obvious?
  6. I haven't played Detroit, but just look at the competition. Any game with a story at all seems to have been nominated.
  7. Also, at least to me, there is a critical difference between depicting romance and sexuality in underage characters and randomly getting a 15-year-old character nude, presumably for the benefit of the audience. It isn't a big deal, but it still felt weird.
  8. Yeah, I was definitely taken aback by the light nudity in the first episode. It seemed like a gratuitous way to treat a 15 year old character, especially given that the context didn't really necessitate nudity.
  9. This show is woke AF. I'm only through one episode and I'm digging the warm cozy vibe. It had been so long since I'd thought about anything Sabrina that I had forgotten all of the non-Sabrina characters, so when Salem showed up my nostalgia receptors fired on all cylinders. Also, this witch teacher is literally the least subtle character I've ever seen and I love it.
  10. This game makes me want to get a PS4 more than RDR 2 does.
  11. If even your perception is that they are working for the wrong studio because they are women, then I suspect that the gender discrimination case is very valid.
  12. I did some reading. This is the stupidest thing I've seen gamers get mad about in recent memory. They link to an article titled, Diablo Immortal, or How to Read a Room, which I hoped would be a little enlightening since I agree Blizzard read the room badly. In the first two paragraphs (as far as I made it) the author obliquely calls Wyatt Chung, the presenter, a Nazi, and directly calls Chinese citizens a "slave population." Ironically, there is a post slightly above it on the subreddit calling Blizzard racist. Yikes.
  13. I don't think the argument that the people who attended Blizzcon deserved better holds much water. There have been plenty of other Blizzcons that have gone by without a major new project being announced, and I don't think it is reasonable for people to assume that something earthshattering will be announced. I also don't think the majority of people going to Blizzcon go for the primary purpose of being present while projects are announced; my impression is that Blizzcon is much more of a social event for superfans. I can understand booing in the heat and disappointment of the moment, but it also isn't exactly a sign of maturity. To me, this whole thing is one of the strangest recent gaming PR disasters, because I don't think Blizzard did anything wrong. I'm not excited by a mobile game, but there is nothing wrong with it conceptually. The "don't you all have phones" soundbite is kind of missing the point, but when faced with a surprisingly hostile crowd there are many worse things he could have said. Somewhere along the way Blizzard mismanaged people's expectations, but that is a minor sin compared to the anti-consumer stuff EA and Microsoft have done in recent years. This will blow over pretty quickly.
  14. Yeah, that video is hyperbolic as hell. It is disappointing that Blizzard didn't have anything to announce at Blizzcon, but to say that Diablo mobile is worse than the Battlefront 2 debacle is ludicrous. The reactionary in me is excited to see how many people play Diablo mobile and enjoy it anyway. I also enjoy that the people tripping over themselves to be angry cite the fact that Diablo mobile is heavily outsourced as a bad thing, as though they want Blizzard to be using more in-house resources on a game they don't want.
  15. I really would have liked to see a full game announcement rather than a holding pattern from Blizzard. I was hoping that with the completion of the SC2 trilogy they would have a new RTS to show.
  16. This is one of those games that is going to be hard to judge before it comes out and we can see how much content there is, what the end game looks like, and if there is some nefarious monetization. From the video posted in this thread, the game looks pretty damn interesting. There is more depth to the gameplay systems than I expected, like managing your heat level while flying by skimming water and stuff. It's these little moments of interactivity and management that are going to make the game engaging to play over hundreds of hours. I do hope that the game has some sustaining mystery to it. Considering the verticality of the world, I would love to see exploration be greatly rewarded.
  17. The real ghosts were the collective traumas we suffered along the way, oh and the literal ghosts.
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