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Everything posted by TheRealSmallville

  1. So it sounds like if I just wanted to join the service for single player offline stuff, then I don't need PS Plus (I don't do a lot of online mp these days). You both answered my question, thank you!
  2. Does PS Now also require a PS Plus sub? My PS4 has been collecting dust for a long time, so I'm not up to date on things.
  3. Rosenbaum declined, citing "no script" and "basically no pay" 😐 https://www.thewrap.com/michael-rosenbaum-turned-down-crisis-on-infinite-earths/
  4. Ready or Not: 8.5/10 Funny, silly, bucketfuls of blood...this film was a damn fun time! I can't wait to see it again. If you've ever suffered in-laws, this film will click with you lol
  5. After finishing the season, I love this show and it inspired me to pick up the comics (13 issues in, and it's also very good, though very different). Homelander, for all his douchiness, is the fucking bomb on this show. And Bradley Cooper, er, uh, I mean, this actor who totally looks related to Bradley Cooper does an outstanding job in the role in being both terrifying and gross. "I can do whatever the fuck I want." And he does lol The Seven are so damn interesting here that I kinda want a prequel show just all about them, no 'Boys'. I want to see these assholes sitting around chatting, posing for social media pictures, and begrudgingly saving the day at the behest of . Each character is done that well. In season 2, I'd like to see more of Queen Mauve(sp?), she just kinda disappears for most of the plot. I'd like to see more Black Noir as well, really get into the Superman/Wonder Woman/Batman "Trinity" aspect of the group. Restarting the season now...
  6. I grabbed a PS Classic for $20, figured there's lots to do with it for that price. At the time, Amazon said they had 8 left but I was immediately told "we'll notify you when the item ships" because apparently it was sold out. Hopefully they get more of them in stock soon. I also grabbed Black Hawk Down 4K, which looks glorious on my 4K tv. Those were the only 2 items.
  7. D'oh! Yep, I actually meant to say "I hope they got Crudup back even though this is a sequel to the comic"...I must have had a stroke or something to forget to type the rest lol But yes! I'm hoping for now that they got him in there anyway...I know Doc is CG mo-cap, but Crudup's voice was just perfect for him. He nailed the tone perfectly. So I'm hoping against hope they got him in the studio to record some lines.
  8. I'm curious to see what they do with the current DC Universe platform. I imagine they'll fold in all of the DC U originals into Max, but something tells me the comics won't come with it. Maybe they'll keep DC Universe as a comics subscription platform ala Marvel Unlimited and change the price to $5 a month. I initially didn't care about the comics they had, as I use comixology. But a month or 2 back they added like a trillion books (ok, ok, more like 21,000) and it's almost overwhelming content-wise. I'd hate to lose access to that. I probably have enough to read for the next decade without ever buying another book if I wanted.
  9. I'm just excited to see something post-Nemesis in the timeline. I'm not a "trekkie" in the sense that I can throw out mad trivia, but I love the universe(s) and Nemesis (as far as I know) takes place the furthest in the future and we've never gone past it. Kelvin Trek is in a new timeline in the past, Enterprise & Discovery both prequels...I'm curious to see a little further ahead in the Trek timeline.
  10. Yeah, I felt the same on the CG & was genuinely surprised to see such poor work in a big "blockbuster" film. I think they blew their budget on the Baba Yaga scene, that bit was a great mix of practical & CGI work. The rest was just awful.
  11. I saw this tonight. I've never read a Hellboy comic, but I've seen the previous 2. This film has a lot of problems, most glaringly (to me) being rough CGI...but hell, I had fun. Certainly no game changer & pretty forgettable, but if you have A-List or Sinemia & want to kill a couple hours with some dumb fun, I'd say check it out (unless you haven't seen Shazam...then go see Shazam lol). I should add that I did not know the RT score before walking in, and I had read no reviews...so if you're someone who has their opinions a bit pre-painted by that stuff prior to seeing a film, then you may not even get any dumb fun out of it. I find if I walk in with no, or little, review knowledge then I'm able to better decide if I like something. So YMMV.
  12. Shazam! Tons of fun/10 I saw this Saturday night at a Fandango screening. I'm in the extreme minority on my opinion of the DCEU movies that came out before Aquaman, but for everybody who hated most of that stuff I think they have lots to look forward to. DC has now released 2 crowd-pleasing films in a row, and it would appear Walter Hamada has the universe on track after the rocky "phase one" stuff (I know they don't call Man of Steel through Justice League 'phase one', but we gotta call it something). Levi is wonderful in the role, and it's a very fun film. Not all of the special effects hit home, but you're usually too involved in the humor & the adventure to notice. It kind of had an "Ant-Man meets The Goonies" vibe, in all the right ways. Go see this movie in 2 weeks!
  13. I was hoping for Contra (NES) to make it in, but I see this is just the arcade version again. Is there a rights issue to the NES game or something? Did Konami lose the game in a dusty attic or something? C'mon man, I need my NES Contra! I suppose I could just plug in my modded NES Classic But I would like the Xbox achievements lol Also, I wouldn't mind seeing the PS2 Contra in there (I don't remember the name...Shattered Soldier maybe?).
  14. They've put out 2 of them. 2009's "Sonic Boom" and 2012's "Monster". Sonic Boom had a decent song or two, Monster was completely forgettable. I used to be a massive fan of KISS, my brother started me on them when I was around 5 They're a joke now, but they used to be pretty fun when they were about the music instead of the merchandising. I've seen them in concert twice though, in 2009 & 2011, and they put on a hell of a show. Best concerts I've ever been to in fact.
  15. Give me Booster Gold played by John Krasinski & Skeets voiced by Rainn Wilson, please.
  16. Yep. I see the argument every time a DC film doesn't break a billion. As for Justice League, I do believe it was technically profitable and not a flop. The profit might have only been enough to eat at Burger King, but it avoided the flop label Ultimately I think they just need to get the budgets down a bit & all of their films would be very profitable. Justice League sold ~$640 million worth of tickets, and would have been very profitable if they hadn't reshot half the film. $640M is still a buttload of tickets, and 90% of films out there would kill for that kind of business. I think even JL proved that there IS a market for DC stuff, and the general public does dig their output (not as much as MCU, but they still like it) , regardless of what the internet might say. They just need to up the fun factor & get people to want to come back 2/3/4 times like Aquaman did (and like how Shazam! looks).
  17. Kindred spirits, you & I. I adore Rocky IV, and I'm sure that helped my enjoyment of C2 as well. I'll fight anyone over Rocky IV.
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