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Everything posted by TheRealSmallville

  1. My avatar is totally my face! Which means I have boobs on my face! I remember when a few posters used to think I was an alt, because I was a lurker who didn't post much. I decided I was going to post more to really prove I was me. So anyway, I showed them! Which is obvious because everyone here will instantly remember me due to all of my posting 😎
  2. Where I live (middle of nowhere Washington State), Centurylink is my only option & the fastest they have here is 15mbps. We get 8-10 most days if we're lucky. Yep, you read that right lol $55/month, and it takes 10-18hrs to download a big game on a good day.
  3. It's been 20 years or so, I just remember the guild master guy saying it over and over any time you needed health lol
  4. Merry Christmas & Happiest of Holidays to all! If you celebrate, I hope you had an awesome time! If you don't celebrate, I hope you had a great, relaxing weekend!
  5. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles is the Turkey-Day tradition in my house. Growing up we watched football, but I don't like the Cowboys or the Lions so unless San Fran happens to be playing (rare) I skip the games on Thanksgiving as an adult.
  6. D1P, still the most generous place on the interwebs I hope everyone had a good Turkey Day & a bountiful Black Friday.
  7. Bruce will 100% be a member of the Court of Owls somehow, through mind control or amnesia or something. Probably the final boss, too. No way Bruce/Batman isn't in this game.
  8. Yeah, I had the same issue. Finished ME2 with about 4.5 hours playtime lol ME3, on the other hand...finished it with about 115 hours of playtime! I left the game in idle mode or whatever it's called & didn't get back to it for a few days. It included all of those hours as playtime lol
  9. Yep, the Arabic pronunciation is "Rawz", but the reason O'Neil pronounced it incorrectly is because (if I recall) when he was first creating the character, he reached out to a University Professor and the professor wrongly told him it was pronounced "Raysh". The confusion came in part because "Ra's" is similar to a Hebrew word that sounds like "Raysh", so perhaps the professor thought O'Neil meant the Hebrew version instead of the Arabic. Unfortunately, Batman: The Animated Series ran with "Raysh" and Kevin Conroy to this day pronounces it as "Raysh" in every animated production, so a legion of Batfans grew up believing the incorrect one. Although, I guess even if it's actually incorrect, if the creator of the character says it is "Raysh" then I suppose that is also correct on a technical level...I prefer "Rawz", though.
  10. Just think of the legacy it would leave, and how it would add to the tapestry of historic Presidential quotes... "Four Score and seven years ago"...."ask not what your country can do for you"....."I am not a crook"....."Tear down this wall!"...."read my lips, no new taxes"...."I did not have sexual relations with that woman"...."mission accomplished"....."our time has come"....."fuck each and every one of you"
  11. What's the over/under on Trump being the first President to say "go fuck yourselves!" on national television on his way out? Because I really want to see that, it'd be amazing!
  12. Somebody obviously didn't collect all of the letters!
  13. I didn't see anything that made me want to rush out and get one on launch day...to be honest, some of the stuff Sony showed at E3 2 years ago looked more impressive to me (thinking of that one Japanese game with the windy fields and sword fights at dawn). To be fair, MS hasn't shown me a reason to get the Sexbox either, but the fact that I'm an Xbox guy already with a few hundred games that are playable the day I decide to upgrade certainly leans me in their direction. At the beginning of this stream, they proclaimed the PS5 as the largest generational leap yet, and it very well might be, but if you're going to say that then you should probably back it up. For me, they didn't do that.
  14. Ah, perfect. That's what I was hoping. Thank you sir, I appreciate the info and the help!
  15. If my 1S is set as my "home" box in the kids' room and I'm signed into the 1X, won't I get signed out of my account once they turn the system on? Or would that only happen if my account on the 1S was actively signed in?
  16. I basically live in the sticks, town of about 1,000...internet goes out occasionally But, I do appreciate the confirmation of keeping the 1S as my "home", thank you.
  17. Ok, so maybe a dumb question but MS hasn't made this an easy process to set up. So basically, I'm trying to figure out the best way to set my kids up with some games. For the last few years we've been sharing an Xbox One S, my account has the Gold (and Gamepass) sub, and all the games are purchased through me. They then play their games on their own accounts on the box, like the little leeches they are I finally picked up an X1X and will be moving the 1S to their bedroom...how do I set this up so they can still play the games and use Gold? Do I leave the 1S as my "home" Xbox? I believe doing so would mean I'd lose access on the X1X if the internet went out, right? Because it wouldn't be "home"? If I leave their box as my "home", can my wife still use her own account on the 1X and have access to our stuff? aaaaagh I hate having multiple consoles lol Thanks for your help, I hope I was clear enough.
  18. I wonder if Gunn's 'The Suicide Squad' will be taking The Batman's June 2021 date. I believe Suicide Squad was set for October '21, and according to Gunn they are actually ahead of schedule on post production. Maybe WB swapped the 2 films.
  19. The Witcher Ozark (season 3 just got added last week) BIG MOUTH (prepare to laugh your ass off...) The Bundy Tapes (I think that's what it's called...4 part documentary using Ted Bundy's actual interview tapes) Love & Robots Black Mirror (especially the "USS Callister" episode) Non Netflix originals: Breaking Bad Better Call Saul The West Wing The Tudors
  20. His reaction didn't really scream "accident" to me. Possibly done on purpose?
  21. I typically don't buy very many games each year, but 2019 has to be a new low for me. Since Gamepass launched, I only bought 1 game for myself (Madden, don't judge me ) and I maybe purchased 2 prior to that. My backlog has been gigantic for a few years, so even a lot of the older stuff on Gamepass was new to me. Especially since I didn't have to pay individually for them. Currently going through The Outer Worlds and having a blast with it. Might hit up Gears 5 next, haven't played Gears since #2. A sub like gamepass feels custom made for me.
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