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Everything posted by TheRealSmallville

  1. I agree with all this, especially the bolded. I know time passes between them, but there was no explanation for why Mystique, disguised as Stryker, took Logan at the end of DoFP, what she did with him, and how he still ended up at Alkali Lake with the real Stryker to undergo the Weapon X project. I know the X-films aren't known for their concern with continuity, but that one kinda bugged me and I'm usually pretty chill about stuff like that.
  2. Is LeBron 60? There were totally black superheroes when he was a kid, they just weren't making movies about them
  3. True enough, I suppose. I guess I'm just tired of Marvel's overuse of fakeouts...Loki, Coulson, Pepper, Groot (to a degree), Bucky, everyone involved in the ending of IW... Granted, you could say "in the comics, characters are thought dead all the time!" or "everyone knew Bucky was coming back as Winter Soldier because of the comics." To which I say: 1. These aren't the comics, so using the comic fakeout doesn't translate as well to movies and takes the tension out of every death, and 2. I've never read a Marvel comic in my life (I'm a DC guy), so Bucky was a complete surprise to me until I saw the WS trailer and I could tell it was the same guy wearing the mask This quibble of mine is minor, sure, and depending on how Wonder Woman 1984 turns out I may well have a quibble there too, so it's obviously not exclusive to the MCU. But, they do use the fakeout deaths pretty often and I was hoping IW would be the end of that.
  4. The Loki one has to be a prequel, right? Without getting too spoilery for the 1 guy who didn't see Infinity War, I imagine everyone involved with the ending will be back but I was assuming (hoping) that those involved with certain events prior to the snap would stick. If Loki is post Avengers 4, I might not be interested. That would make IW the 3rd fakeout for him in particular.
  5. THIS. I came in to post this exact thing. Drives me batty every time to see my character do something cool in a cutscene that I can't do in game...sometimes it's even something stupid, like jumping...but it always leaves me with a feeling of "why can't I do that?". Another offender with cutscenes is when they one-shot kill a character "for the story" after you've personally seen that character be a bullet/sword/weapon sponge during game play but all of a sudden they are susceptible to a headshot
  6. There was also an old Superboy comic where he moved from Smallville to Metropolis, and while he was standing on a rooftop he mentions how normal Gotham looks across the bay (hinting that from a distance, it looks like any other city). I brought this up in a lot of places prior to BvS coming out & everyone kept telling me how wrong I was and that Mama said Snyder's da Devil
  7. I re-watched 'Dinner Party' last night...still so good. I love the bit during the tour, when Pam is all "oh...you have an office AND a workspace...?"
  8. I think I'd have preferred a recast for Leia. No matter what though, that was a tough corner for them to get out of.
  9. So who do you all think will play Harvey in the inevitable movie? I don't think he'd do it, but I kinda think Affleck would be great. At one time Travolta would have been perfect.
  10. I've been looking forward to checking it out ever since it was first talked about way back in the day (feels like it's been 10 years or so). But then they cast Melissa McCarthy and I have 0 interest now. I utterly despise her lol
  11. If that dude was a superfan, then it's safe to assume he stayed for the after credit scene... ...which ends with a distress call (beeper) from Fury to Captain Marvel. And he still didn't think there was more to come until after he walked out?
  12. I think everyone who was dusted will return. However, the deaths prior to that, will stick. Sort of.
  13. I've been holding out hope that Henry Cavill gets bond. After watching him in Man From U.N.C.L.E., I think he'd be amazing. He's got the physicality, and he has charm for days. I certainly wouldn't lose sleep if Elba got it though. He's a badass in everything he appears in (he even made me enjoy The Dark Tower).
  14. I enjoyed having 3 distinct comic book movie universes (MCU, DCEU, and X-men/Deadpool). It provided variety, and even though X-Men doesn't always stick the landing, they swing for the fences every time and when they connect, they connect. X2, First Class, Days of Future Past, Logan, Deadpool...these are all fantastic films with a distinctly different flavor from MCU or DC. Now we will have 2 corporations deciding our content instead of 3. I know the MCU will do a great job with X-Men & FF, but it will still be more of the same (a great "same", but still more of it). Fox was doing the more R-Rated or close to it stuff, DC has been doing the darker toned stuff, MCU does the more standard hero stuff. And we just lost a third of that. So I'm kinda disappointed, in that regard. Competition is good, and the competition just got lighter for everyone.
  15. Yeah, I considered that too. But after the last few #OscarsTooWhite or whatever it was, I don't see a scenario where this won't be a token category to award a film that is pretty anti-white (as in, made with non white actors and non-white director). Note: I'm not knocking the movie or ANYTHING like that. Just saying the Academy has a history of over-correcting, and I could totally see a room of stuffy white dudes saying "hey, the Black community was really down on us the last few years...lets give that mostly Black superhero movie an award! That'll shut 'em up!" I mean, just imagine if it did go to Infinity War...there'd be a big backlash and people would just accuse them again of awarding the "white movie" from the "white directors".
  16. It's soooooo awkward when Jan puts on the music & starts dancing to it...I've known people who do that kind of thing, the reactions from the Jim & Pam & the rest were PERFECT.
  17. They should have called the award "Best Picture To Have the Words 'Black' & 'Panther' In the Title". And after everybody hates on it this year, the Academy will axe it next year (kind of how The Dark Knight forced the Academy to expand Best Picture nominees to potentially 10, but they really don't use that many). It won't matter however, and Disney will have that long awaited comic book Oscar that is a "higher award" than what DC got for Suicide Squad. Sounds dumb, but yes fans do argue about this shit.
  18. Odessa Washington would welcome you, as long as you enjoy overpriced grocery stores, nosey neighbors, and the sound of trains moving through at all hours
  19. I had a hard time typing that, actually lol I enjoy Boise quite a bit, it's a nice little area. Much bigger population than the 900 people we live around currently, though. Wanted to make it easy on them with new schools and all that.
  20. X But seriously, this is AWESOME! I did not know these existed...hell yeah. Thank you!
  21. Oh, I gotcha. I was thinking soft for screen scratches. I guess if they are wrapped well then they should be ok.
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