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Everything posted by Paperclyp

  1. Thanks. I might actually get that for my phones and for travel. My switch rarely goes anywhere I can’t have the charger, but I imagine for commuters who play it on the bus every day and stuff the switch’s battery life is kind of a downer.
  2. That’s shitty that all happened to you. I cant fault you for your reaction, but it is a bit extreme lol.
  3. I don’t see people talk about it much, but the switch battery power is kinda garbage...
  4. These are vague statements that don’t really address the criticism. Nothing about allowing pro controllers to work takes away from the vision. And this game basucally markets itself as a game for everyone. That’s the whole point.
  5. Requiring a specific controller type when you offer several and they’re all expensive as hell? Yeah, it’s a bad thing. It’s great the game is trying some unique stuff, but they can easily detect controller types and cut out any games that would be incompatible. It’s not like they require two switches to play the game simply because there are mini games that can use them. This is bad and stupid, hands down. Game went from “maybe I’ll buy this because my wife and I could play it together” to “nope.”
  6. Lol fucking Nintendo. Can’t get out of its own way.
  7. I can’t wait until they move away from Destiny. I want them to go back to making good competitive multiplayer experiences. But I’d also take a good coop story/campaign in the spirit of Halo.
  8. Every time any new piece of Destiny is released, I see articles and posts that are like "Destiny is finally good now." Every time I buy a piece of Destiny content, it pretty much feels like the same grind to me. Is this new stuff actually good, or is it just more of the same stuff re-jiggered to get you playing a little longer?
  9. The building is a huge detractor for me in playing the game, regardless of platform. That and the shooting. Fortnite is going to be the leader in this genre for a long time, but man I think it’s not very good. I’d say wait for COD.
  10. They need a union. I know they’ll just hire the next vulnerable young adult who is willing to put up with this shit, but I think these programmers and employees of these game companies need to just stop putting up with this stuff. I couldn’t put up with that daily stress and grind. They just need a union I guess though.
  11. I like how discovering a path to do it means they’re flipping a switch and allowing it to happen.
  12. Most used game mom and pop shops I’ve been to have always been very nice and honest about their old stuff. They’ll usually have a pretty upfront policy. They make a range of tech to converting the SNES video output to modern TVs, but I personally think the easiest way is to just have a CRT TV on hand.
  13. I think I said something like this earlier in this thread, but people didn’t jump to conclusions. Their own site used to straight up say the save would be lost immediately when your subscription lapsed. They either changed (by changed it I mean it originally was going to be lost and someone pointed out to them how stupid it was) it or they they completely messed up the messaging, but there wasn’t any filling in the gaps by under-informed people lol.
  14. I’m doing the 7 day free trial and that’s about as much as I’ll ever need to play this particular selection of NES games.
  15. I would’ve had a tough choice deciding between switch and PS4 had it been a simultaneous launch.
  16. I was surprised too. I just assumed they had a lot of people buying their games since they had every franchise on the planet.
  17. Also, if you’re worried about “risking” losing your fanbase by changing too much, you better have a fanbase to begin with.
  18. Getting an engine that runs your very simple game well would be a start. Like evolution for me would have been making characters that don’t look unnatural and made of clay and don’t run with all the herk and jerk that all those games come with. That alone probably would have been enough for me to buy Game of Thrones and Batman, at least. But to suggest that they can’t evolve beyond that is kind of odd to me. You can borrow any number of ideas from story driven games to make these a lot more interactive and enjoyable. Life is Strange and Gone Home come to mind of great examples of purely story driven games that are actually enjoyable to explore the world around you. Or invent new ways. I’m guessing the people fired had a lot of good ideas that they could never actually implement because of their insane deadlines and crunch.
  19. I think people were generally fine with the games, but other than the story they have nothing to offer, and I haven’t seen anyone praise the story of one of these in a long ass time. And obviously people weren’t buying them. But basically my point is “these games all played the same and they should have evolved the formula over time” is hardly a hot take lol.
  20. Unpopular? I would say almost everyone is on board with that lol. We we can talk about how bad the games were, but typically these stories are more about hey here’s a lot of people who are now unemployed through little to no fault of their own.
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