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LTTP: Recore


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Image result for recore definitive edition


So I remember this gaming getting reviews that suggested it was lop side and ultimately more frustrating that good. Apparently, at some point, the developers agreed and made some major changes and added  a bunch of content. I'm not sure how this version plays compared to the original release, but damn its a lot of fun! Its also charming and reminds me of some of the better efforts from the 360/PS3 era of gaming. Its fast, smooth and satisfying! If you haven't played it or considered it but passed it up, I highly recommend you give it a try! At its current price of $19.99, its an absolute treasure of a game! PC folks, its available on Steam so you don't even need to use the dreaded windows store to enjoy this game! :sun:

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My biggest issue with the game is that after the first two hours or so the story just stops and becomes a grindfest to get enough pieces (can’t remember what they were called) to continue on. 


The gameplay itself was alright, some decent action, good controls, nothing to really complain about. Nothing to really excite me either. 


I haven’t played it since it launched though, I haven’t played the definitive edition or whatever it’s called.

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