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Bad at finishing games.


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Is anyone else REALLY bad at finishing games?

Here are just some of the games I've started, but never finished:

Katamari Damacy
Mega Man 4
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Ratchet and Clank
Red Dead Redemption 2
Grand Theft Auto V
Super Mario RPG
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Super Paper Mario
Super Mario Sunshine
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3

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Generally no. I finish most of the games I start, and don’t invest too much time in games I don’t enjoy.

Enslaved is one I feel a bit bad about.  My GPU died, and I never bothered to pick it back up again.  It’d feel weird returning to it half way through, I’d probably start it over.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2 on the DS is another.  I had a whole job level schema set up, but never saw it through.  I’m a bit hesitant to get into tactics games again for that reason.


Radiant Historia, I think I somehow glitched the game out and went down a path I couldn’t continue from.  Shame, but a DS game is hard to return to today.


God of War 2018… I find it’s a hard game to pick up after I haven’t played it for a while.  I stopped when the PS5 was announced, I wanted to save it for that.


Most recently, Ghostbusters.  I’d like to finish it, but we’re well past Haloween now, and well, it’s not that good.

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I frequently don't finish games these days. Main reason for that is that I tend to get really into games I like, explore everything available, read everything etc., then burn myself out on it by the time I hit the final stretch and move on. 


Also, a lot of games are just too fucking long for my tastes now. I much prefer a 10 hour game with replay value, I just get burnt on these 50+ hour epics or whatever. I just replayed Resident Evil 1 Remake and boy, that was the perfect length right there. 

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3 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

Also, a lot of games are just too fucking long for my tastes now. I much prefer a 10 hour game with replay value, I just get burnt on these 50+ hour epics or whatever. I just replayed Resident Evil 1 Remake and boy, that was the perfect length right there. 


That's one of the biggest reasons I've enjoyed TLOU Part I as much as I have, too many icons and skill trees and all that to do these days. Just give me a damn game to play!

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36 minutes ago, Chris- said:


That's one of the biggest reasons I've enjoyed TLOU Part I as much as I have, too many icons and skill trees and all that to do these days. Just give me a damn game to play!

This is starting to become a huge pet peeve of mine. Nioh 2 just broke me despite the fun core combat. Just so much...shit to micromanage. Granted, that's an extreme scenario but just kind of exemplified everything I'm getting tired of. It keeps feeling to me like games are being packed with micromanaging and endless piecemeal "increases" to avoid actually having to make the encounters and level design more clever and engaging. 

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5 hours ago, CastletonSnob said:

Is anyone else REALLY bad at finishing games?

Here are just some of the games I've started, but never finished:

Katamari Damacy
Mega Man 4
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Ratchet and Clank
Red Dead Redemption 2
Grand Theft Auto V
Super Mario RPG
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Super Paper Mario
Super Mario Sunshine
Dark Souls 2
Dark Souls 3


With gamepass I probably have that many started and unfinished games this year.

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7 hours ago, TheLeon said:

I no longer have any guilt about leaving games unfinished. I play games to have fun, they aren’t chores that I need to cross off of a list. 


For me the issue is less often that I stop having fun and don't want to play anymore, and way more often that if I have to stop playing for a couple of weeks it can be hard to get back into it even if I'm otherwise inclined to keep playing. Forgetting where you are in the story, forgetting all the move combos that you've been building up over the course of the game (this one killed my interest in finishing the PS4 Spider-Man game for example), a lot of games are not designed to be friendly for getting back into the groove of once you get out of the groove for whatever reason. 


I don't have guilt about just not finishing because I'm not having fun, but I still think it's frustrating when I was really enjoying it but it'd be several hours of not really having fun getting back up to speed so I can get back to the having fun part and that's what puts me off ever finishing it. 

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1 hour ago, Jason said:


For me the issue is less often that I stop having fun and don't want to play anymore, and way more often that if I have to stop playing for a couple of weeks it can be hard to get back into it even if I'm otherwise inclined to keep playing. Forgetting where you are in the story, forgetting all the move combos that you've been building up over the course of the game (this one killed my interest in finishing the PS4 Spider-Man game for example), a lot of games are not designed to be friendly for getting back into the groove of once you get out of the groove for whatever reason. 


I don't have guilt about just not finishing because I'm not having fun, but I still think it's frustrating when I was really enjoying it but it'd be several hours of not really having fun getting back up to speed so I can get back to the having fun part and that's what puts me off ever finishing it. 

Oh trust me, I've been there more times than I count. But for me now it boils down to basically the same thing: I'm going to have to work to get back into this game. Maybe I'll have to start over. Is that time/effort required to get back to the point of having fun worth it? If I think it might be, I'll grit my teeth and push through. Or I'll drop it and move on. No guilt! 

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Usually if the game grabs my attention and I'm enjoying myself for the initial hours I tend to finish it.


There have been times I've dropped games like a hot potato. Too many great games out there to waste your time on average/not enjoyable titles.

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I can be bad at finishing games I really like.


I have to go back to Shin Megami Tesnei V after the game crashed on me, mid save. I recovered from a cloud save, but I lost hours. I keep saying I'll go back, but it's been like a year now, so I'd have to restart the game because I don't at all remember what was going on. Not a big deal. Shouldn't be a big deal...still haven't done it, though. Right now I'm in the middle of Pokemon and then gave to go back to Bayonetta 3 and then Plague Tale which I never played when it first came out.


I'll get to it eventually...I think.

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