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Some tech bro dumbass: "The Jews are responsible for extermination plot via Covid vaccine"

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The chair of Entrata, a Silcon Slopes tech firm, sent an email to a number of tech CEOs and Utah business and political leaders, claiming the COVID-19 vaccine is part of a plot by


I interviewed at this company once ages and ages ago. I guess I wasn't anti-Semitic enough for them because they didn't hire me. 





"I write this email knowing that many of you will think I'm crazy after reading it. I believe there is a sadistic effort underway to euthanize the American people. It's obvious now. It's undeniable, yet no one is doing anything. Everyone is discounting their own judgment, and dismissing their intuition,"

"I believe the Jews are behind this. For 300 years the Jews have been trying to infiltrate the Catholic Church and place a Jew covertly at the top. It happened in 2013 with Pope Francis. I believe the pandemic and systematic extermination of billions of people will lead to an effort to consolidate all the countries in the world under a single flag with totalitarian rule. I know, it sounds bonkers. No one is reporting on it, but the Hasidic Jews in the US instituted a law for their people that they are not to be vaccinated for any reason," he wrote in the email.

"I pray that I'm wrong on this. Utah has got to stop the vaccination drive. Warn your employees. Warn your friends. Prepare. Stay safe."





In text messages, Bateman confirmed to FOX 13 he wrote the email.

"Yes. I sent it. I have nothing but love for the Jewish people. Some of my closest friends are Jews..."


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1 minute ago, GeneticBlueprint said:


Really goes to show that you don't need any critical thinking skills to 'rise to the top' and get a big payday. 

Having worked at an institution chalk full of "great minds" for the last 21 years, I can say that charisma often wins the day over reason, and that certainly seems to be borne out at a national level if not a global one. 

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25 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

I love antisemites so much. They respect Jewish hustle enough to think they could euthanize the population, but not enough to think they could do it well / efficiently.


SOUTHFIELD, MI—It is an hour past sunset on a brisk Thursday night, and, like their brethren around the globe, the Jews of this affluent Detroit suburb are gathered in synagogues, busily hatching plots for world domination through financial chicanery and media influence. But for Seth Nussbaum, it will be just another…


Still one of the GOAT Onion articles 

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Minus the whole Jews ruining everything with the vaccine. My old co-workers thoughts aren’t too far off from his with the whole thing being about a global takeover of one totalitarian government mind/rule. He had “many truths” he would try to drop on everyone every day and we would later talk about them and laugh behind his back too. 

Sooo. . . . .

High Quality Im Shocked GIF

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23 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

You can't have tech startups in a region that has a fatwah on coffee!


Funny thing is that a lot of these companies over the past 15 years or so have been pushing for more liberal laws around things like alcohol, discrimination, marriage and whatnot. They want to attract people from out of state. And it has worked quite well. The population here has exploded over the past ten or so years.


Also, what's weird about places with taboos like that is the counter-culture breeds creativity in those taboos. My favorite coffee place ever is in Provo, the cultural capitol of Mormonism. And I'm from the PNW which is supposed to be godly for coffee or something idk. Also, I don't drink but my friends that do say that their favorite IPAs are actually the Utah ones.


3 hours ago, CayceG said:

Yeah, this dude is 100% a Mormon.


If he were a typical Mormon he'd still be anti-Semitic but in a different way. There are many superficial ways that Mormons compare themselves to Jews that are anti-Semitic in the sense that the comparisons are ignorant and stereotypical. For example, both seem to breed wealthy people and institutions. The power they wield relative to their number of adherents is outsized. They both faced persecution. They both have dietary restrictions. They are both anal about Sabbath observance. Etc. Etc. That kind of drivel.


But, in addition to those kinds of things, Mormon doctrine is quite sympathetic to Jews in a way. Much more so than even Evangelicals who just want to watch strife with Palestine in hopes of ushering in Armageddon. And definitely more so than a lot of the more traditional Christian views on Jews. For example, while they would definitely love a Jewish person to convert to Mormonism and recognize Jesus, and they do their baptisms for the dead for dead Jewish people, they also simultaneously believe that Jews are pretty much automatically going to be placed in the highest degree of Heaven since they're God's OG people. Also, Mormons view themselves as adopted into the House of Israel if not direct descendants (old school Mormonism has a lot of weird theories about race and blood). Every Mormon receives something called a Patriarchal blessing that acts as both kind of a prophecy/guidance for their individual life and identifies to which tribe they either directly descend from (LMAO) or are being adopted into. Mine said I was adopted into Ephraim. Mormon priesthood follows a Judaic pattern in at least one area. Male descendants of Aaron are priests in Judaism, and if a Mormon could be identified as a direct descendant of Aaron he would be automatically recognized as holding the priesthood in Mormonism, something that non-descendants of Aaron (re: everybody) have to get by going through many rites and passages. This is because they view the Priesthood as having been the same since the beginning of time. So if it worked that way for people who worshipped Jesus before he was born (Jehovah) then it shouldn't be any different now (they'll just add some crazy shit onto it that they believe they're restoring that was lost over time). Joseph Smith and other early Mormon hierarchs ripped polygamy straight from the OT and justified it using said priesthood. A lot of Mormon temple practices, objects and symbolism within them, and exterior design on some of them are ripped straight from Solomon's Temple in the OT.


Blah blah blah I'm going on way too long here. All that to say: Mormons actually think that they really, really legitimately love and respect Jews. And in some ways they do. Even though you could count on one hand the number of Mormons who've met a Jewish person IRL. So, this guy isn't a mainstream Mormon if he is one (couldn't verify after one broad Google search). But his Catholic comments in the article and the second image of this tweet (from his Instagram) are giving me pause about him being Mormon.



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That was a good post. Thanks for filling in the gaps of my knowledge. 


That said, the tweet thread is INSANE. There's so many of those... And he reminds me of a guy I used to know that was into secret societies, Kaballah, Rosicrucianism, theosophy, etc. All the high points this dude was into hits the same notes as tech bro up here. The guy's deep into the conspiracy theory hole. he may not be into Q-Anon, but I bet he isn't far off.

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1 hour ago, CayceG said:

That was a good post. Thanks for filling in the gaps of my knowledge. 


That said, the tweet thread is INSANE. There's so many of those... And he reminds me of a guy I used to know that was into secret societies, Kaballah, Rosicrucianism, theosophy, etc. All the high points this dude was into hits the same notes as tech bro up here. The guy's deep into the conspiracy theory hole. he may not be into Q-Anon, but I bet he isn't far off.


Thanks. If there's one thing I know way more about than I'd like to...


And holy cow I didn't look at the additional stuff until now. Good lord... It seems like this guy might be an ex-mormon. He uses a quote on one of his stories that is frequently used by exmos. I know I've used it when debating with Mormons. The truth and harm one.

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I am maybe vindicated in my uninformed shot in the dark opinion!


The intricacies of Mormon thought aside, there seems to be a lot of overlap in culture, lifestyle, prejudices, and civic beliefs between Mormons and Evangelicals. Or at least what I know about the latter seems to pop up when I hear about the former. That's what I made my guess based on. 


This too:


<heading>Property Solutions</heading> <p> <strong>What it does:</strong> Makes web-based software that lets apartment managers accept rent payments



An off-and-on student who attends Brigham Young part-time, Bateman, 25, had already built a successful business. Serving as a Mormon missionary in Honduras from 1997 to 1999...


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44 minutes ago, CayceG said:

I am maybe vindicated in my uninformed shot in the dark opinion!


The intricacies of Mormon thought aside, there seems to be a lot of overlap in culture, lifestyle, prejudices, and civic beliefs between Mormons and Evangelicals. Or at least what I know about the latter seems to pop up when I hear about the former. That's what I made my guess based on. 


This too:


<heading>Property Solutions</heading> <p> <strong>What it does:</strong> Makes web-based software that lets apartment managers accept rent payments




This guy is definitely an exmo then.

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