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Trump 2024 beats Biden 2024 in election poll

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You know Trump’s gonna run, too. He’s too narcissistic not to.  And now he’s got voter suppression on his side.


2024 polls mean nothing right now, of course, just felt like giving you a shot of abject terror.


But I do think polls like this suggest the Dems could be in for a drubbing in the midterms.  Republicans are going to be amped, the job market is not recovering as we’d hoped, and every marginal Democratic voter will probably be ‘meh’ on the enthusiasm scale without some major positive development.

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29 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

2024 polls mean nothing right now, of course, just felt like giving you a shot of abject terror.



I'm pretty sure that most of us on this board have already acknowledged that probability to the point where we consider it to be a "given", so we're more "resigned to it" than "terrified by it" :p


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I'll wait to get doom pilled based on the governor and senate races in WI, MI, PA, AZ, and GA. The house majority may survive due to gerrymanders in NY and IL (and a few other states).


But Biden's approval you can pin on covid case numbers and deaths. Getting kids vaccinated and chuds gathering enough "naturally derived immunity" even in the face of death and I estimate it will not be as big an issue in 2024 and maybe even next year. May also be worth considering how many chuds are disproportionately dieing because they're not getting vaccinated


In short,

1 minute ago, SaysWho? said:

It's September of g'damn 2021.


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I think a lot of people still formulate their opinion of the President based on the general vibes of national media coverage, and I'd say there's a good chance that the Afghanistan withdrawal as hostile as the national media is going to get towards Biden. We'll see if the economic recovery falters (possible!), but if it doesn't I would expect Biden's numbers to improve as Afghanistan falls out of headlines.

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53 minutes ago, Ricofoley said:

I think a lot of people still formulate their opinion of the President based on the general vibes of national media coverage, and I'd say there's a good chance that the Afghanistan withdrawal as hostile as the national media is going to get towards Biden. We'll see if the economic recovery falters (possible!), but if it doesn't I would expect Biden's numbers to improve as Afghanistan falls out of headlines.

Honestly I think the respondents to a poll like this in 2021 are probably just treating it more like a generic partisan approval survey, rather than a true evaluation of a possible Trump candidacy.  And the job market worries me more than Afghanistan.


Still…*the horror*


4 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I'll wait to get doom pilled based on the governor and senate races in WI, MI, PA, AZ, and GA. The house majority may survive due to gerrymanders in NY and IL (and a few other states).


But Biden's approval you can pin on covid case numbers and deaths. Getting kids vaccinated and chuds gathering enough "naturally derived immunity" even in the face of death and I estimate it will not be as big an issue in 2024 and maybe even next year. May also be worth considering how many chuds are disproportionately dieing because they're not getting vaccinated


In short,


I also wouldn’t rule out Republicans rallying around a Trump-esque fascist who is actually smart by 2024, and then giving Trump the whole “I never supported that guy!” treatment they gave George W.

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I was just in UP Michigan on a trip and, conservatively, about one in every three houses up there is flying some sort of a Trump flag in the front yard. I really don't think it's possible that he's going to be forgotten about in one election cycle. GWB was persona non grata pretty much immediately after he left office, as I recall.

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4 hours ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

Honestly I think the respondents to a poll like this in 2021 are probably just treating it more like a generic partisan approval survey, rather than a true evaluation of a possible Trump candidacy.  And the job market worries me more than Afghanistan.


Still…*the horror*


I also wouldn’t rule out Republicans rallying around a Trump-esque fascist who is actually smart by 2024, and then giving Trump the whole “I never supported that guy!” treatment they gave George W.

Actually smart fascist (misnomer that it is) wouldn't get the nom 

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