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Everything posted by gamer.tv

  1. Well, I predict the same thing for this based on my own, very anecdotal evidence.
  2. I’d be more for a plug and play pc than a handheld if I’m honest.
  3. Speaking from England - the weather is nicer, the people are nicer, the accent is 90% sillier and everything costs more than it should.
  4. I feel like there’s scope for a sister thread for this one asking how many times have you masturbated since this thread was originally made
  5. FF7:R - up to Chapter 13. I’m enjoying that game, though it won’t be my GOAT or anything.
  6. From the outside, they all seem to be doing well.
  7. I thought I’d just pop this in here. Does anyone find it stupid that you can’t download the original RE1, 2 and 3 on the Switch so they could just release a mega bundle. This was a gamer.tv post.
  8. I felt lucky that the UK has schools ‘open’ across all the UL lockdowns and as a teacher, I was in school for the majority (and when I wasn’t we had to deliver videos and content of learning - not remote face to face) which was more sustainable. Now everything is back to normal and it continues to be a great job.
  9. I mean, I’ve heard of cheesing but this is next level
  10. I can’t speak for the US, but in the UK you only need to have two days off within 14 days and shifts have to be more than 11 hours apart.
  11. Everything Nintendo has teased but not shown. As always as well, a new F Zero, Excitebike, 1080 Snowboarding, Eternal Darkness...
  12. I actually have a spare bible I like to finish on. To answer your question, probably, if not definitely, you’re now hellbound, so you might as well buy your own wanking bible and join my revolution.
  13. I really enjoyed (of that’s the right word) playing The Last of Us: Part 2, but I have no interest in playing it again. Kind of how I feel about The Revenant. One and done.
  14. Still reading War and Peace. 200 pages or so in (but with the thin paper, tiny writing and minuscule margins makes it feel like I’ve read 400 pages). So far, it’s really good and a fantastic historical fiction, though unlike all other ‘similar’ books - avoids any grim description of the nastiness of war - at least so far.
  15. Will test with mine tomorrow.
  16. That definitely tracks with my iPhone ownership for the last few years and lack of Android knowledge.
  17. gamer.tv


    Mine hasn’t been calculated yet (the government website says between June and October). The waiting continues.
  18. Enjoyed a nice 4.2 mile run home. One killer hill near the start and a nice finish through a local park. I’ve decided I do want a gym membership to build up my strength so I’ll be sorting that on pay day. I’m hoping to literally go for a weight session before work (and the baby wakes up) for literally 30 minutes and add in runs home if I’m on public transport. See if I can manage that.
  19. I like (not love) Metroid, but the content of this thread has angered me.
  20. I’ll begin this by saying that I appreciate that Nintendo (and affiliates) make a stupid amount of money from the physical game. It does seem though a basic game, limited cards and a stupid amount of items to pay for would be a match made in heaven. This has all come around in my head as I have started to get a bit obsessed with the idea of playing some kind of card game and also D&D (sparked by listening to Dungeons & Daddies).
  21. I’m trying to think of there’s any decent frozen pizzas in the UK. I tend to get the ‘fresh’ ones and even then, it’s only the fancy shops that make a good show of it.
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